John Skelton

The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2)

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ofte drynkythe she

      that ye maye se

      the tears ronne downe her cheke

      then dothe she troule

      to me the bolle

      as a goode malte worme sholde

      & saye swete harte

      I have take my parte

      of joly goode ale & olde.

      backe & syde, &c.

      They that do dryncke

      tyll they nodde & wyncke

      even as good fellowes shulde do

      they shall notte mysse

      to have the blysse

      that good ale hathe browghte them to

      & all poore soules

      that skowre blacke bolles

      & them hathe lustely trowlde

      god save the lyves

      Of them & ther wyves

      wether they be yonge or olde.

      backe & syde,” &c.

      “Wylliame Caxtoun had no compatioun

      Of Virgill in that buk he preȳt in prois,

      Clepand it Virgill in Eneados,

      Quhilk that he sayis of Frensche he did translate;

      It has na thing ado therwith, God wate,

      Nor na mare like than the Deuil and sanct Austin,” &c.

      Sig. B iii. ed. 1553.

      “Of Tullis Familiars the translacyoun.”

      vol. i. 409.

      “Diodorus Siculus of my translacyon

      Out of fresshe Latine into owre Englysshe playne,

      Recountyng commoditis of many a straunge nacyon;

      Who redyth it ones wolde rede it agayne;

      Sex volumis engrosid together it doth containe.”

      vol. i. 420.

      It is preserved in MS. at Cambridge: see Appendix II. to this Memoir.

      “Nay, Skelton wore the lawrell wreath,

      And past in schoels, ye knoe.”

      see Appendix I. to this Memoir.