John Skelton

The Poetical Works of John Skelton (Vol. 1&2)

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href="#ulink_64a17702-be23-5b29-8972-88d37851da9f">[106] See Notes, vol. ii. 318.

      I may notice here, that among the Harleian MSS. (2252, fols. 156, 158) are two poems on the Cardinal, which in the Catalogue of that collection Wanley has described as “Skelton’s libels;” but they are evidently not by him.

      In the Church-Wardens Accompts of St. Margaret’s, Westminster (Nichols’s Illust. of Manners and Expences, &c. 4to. p. 9), we find this entry;

£. s. d.
“1529. Item, of Mr. Skelton for viii