Press, 1963.
NICHOLSON, Murray. Woodside and the Victorian Family of John King. Hull: Minister of Supply and Services Canada, 1984.
NOLAN, Brian. King’s War. Toronto: Random House, 1988.
PICKERSGILL, J.W. and D.F. Forester. The Mackenzie King Record. Vol. I-IV. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1960-70.
ROAZEN, Paul. Canada’s King. Oakville: Mosaic Press, 1998.
STACEY, CP. A Very Double Life: The Private World of Mackenzie King. Toronto: Macmillan, 1977 edition.
TEETER, William. Mackenzie King: Man of Mission. Don Mills: Nelson, 1979.
THOMSON, Dale C. Louis St. Laurent: Canadian. Toronto: Macmillan, 1967.
VON BAYER, Edwina. Garden of Dreams: Kingsmere and Mackenzie King. Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1990.
WHALEN, Dwight. Mackenzie King’s Christmas Letter to a Little Girl. Niagara Falls: Horseshoe Press, 1992.
Web sites and Film
Mackenzie King and the Conscription Crisis. National Film Board of Canada, 1991.
Laurier House National Historic Site of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Mackenzie King Estate, Kingsmere, Quebec.
Parliament Buildings, Ottawa.
Woodside National Historic Site of Canada, Kitchener, Ontario.
Printed in April 2003 at Marc Veilleux imprimeur, Boucherville (Québec).
"The page numbers in this index refer to the print edition of this book."
Page numbers in italics refer to photographs.
Aberdeen, Earl of. See Governor General
Aberdeen, Lady Ishbel (spiritualist),137, 149, 160; death, 162; 16.5
Act to Prohibit the Manufacture, Importation and Sale of White Phosphorus Matches, 51 , 1.54
Addams, Jane (founder of HullHouse), 26, 31, 32, 148
Alberta coal miners' strike (190619(7),43
Aldershot, England, III
“Arc de Triomphe” (part of Kingsmere ruins), 96, 97 161
Athlone, Earl of. See Governor General
baby bonus (Family Allowance Act, 194.5), 131 164
Balfour Report, 80, 158, 160
Baltimore, Maryland, 102
Barrie, Ontario, 35
Battle of Nonnandy (Second 'World War), 164
Battle of the Windmill, 8, 145
Beauharnois scandal, 93, 160
Belgium, 130
Bennett, R.B., 86, 88, 89, 95, 96,1.59, 160
Berlin, Gennany, 97-99, 161
Berlin, Ontario, ii, 3, 10-1.5, 4,5, 88,
99, 144, 147, 1.55. See also Kitchener, Ontario
Berliner (newspaper), 3
Bill (horse) , 4
Blake, Edward, 95
Bleaney, Mrs. (fortuneteller), 86,160
Borden, Robert (Liberal leader) ,63,89,154,155,157
Bowlby, Dr., 6
Breithaupt, Louis, 21, 129
Britain (or England), 36, 44, 68,
70-72, 7.5, 79, 100-102, 106, 112,
118, 124, 130-134, 139, 147,
151 , 15.5, 1.59, 160, 162, 164
British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, 106, 162
British government, 5
Brockville, Ontario, 90
Byng, Lord, and Lady Byng. See Governor General
Cameron, Nina, 27,28
Canadian Citizenship Act (1947),131,16.5
Canadian Corps, 112 , 163
Canadian Expeditionary Force, 118
Canadian Liberal, 56
Canadian Press Association, 13
Cardin, P.J.A., 120
Carillon (Peace Tower, Ottawa),81, 159
Carruthers, Mrs. James. See Markham, Violet
Chamberlain, Sir Neville, 98
Chanak crisis (Dardanelles), 70
Chicago, Illinois, 30-32, 148, 1.50
Chinese immigration to Canada, 44 , 1.50, 152
Churchill, Sir Winston, 112, 133, 147, 162-164
Colorado, .53-58, 69
Colorado Fuel and Iron Company,57,1.54
Commonwealth (British), 80, 101,106 ,13.5, 160,162
conscription, 1, 63, 67, 104-108,112-115, 118-126, 156, 162-164
Conservative Party of Canada, 63,73, 76, 79, 86-88, 1.54, 1.57-160;
joins with Progressives, 163
Conservative Party of Ontario, 107
Co-operative COInmonwealth Federation (CCF Party), 96,160 , 161
Cross, Charlie, 30
Cummins, Geraldine (spiritualist,
London, England), 136-138, 16.5
Customs scandal (192.5), 76