Gary Evans

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 11–15

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England, 79

      Lodge, Sir Oliver (spiritualist), 80

      London, England, 70, 72, 75, 79,98, 133, 136, 137, 158, 165

      Ludlow, Colorado, .56, 1.54, 1.5.5

      Macdonald, Sir John A., 11, 104,

      146, 147; death, 149; 152

      Macdougall, Dougall (great-uncle), 3,6,10,13

      Mackenzie, Willianl Lyon (maternal

      grandfather), x, .5,8-10, 13, 19,21,22,24,26,34,39,43,48, 49,54,62,68,72,73,78,86,90, 92,95,105,108,110,125,132, 138, 143, 144, 145, 1.57, 160; death, 146

      MacLeod (valet), 109, 110

      Manion, Robert (federal

      Conservative leader, 1940), 109

      Markham, Violet (Mrs. James

      Carruthers), .56, 133-136, 1.52,

      165; assists Mackenzie King

      financially, 136, 139, 154

      McNaughton, Lt.-General

      Andrew, 100, 112, 122, 162-165

      Macphail, Agnes, 76, 157, 158, 159

      Meighen, Arthur (federal

      Conservative leader), 73,77-79,157, 158

      Menden, Mrs. (fortuneteller), 30,150

      Mennonites, 3

      Military Service Act, 156

      Montreal, Quebec, 58, 101, 102

      Montreal Gazette, 40, 101, 102

      Meighen, Arthur (federal

      Conservative leader), 73,77-79,157, 158

      Menden, Mrs. (fortuneteller), 30,150

      Mennonites, 3

      Military Service Act, 156

      Montreal, Quebec, 58, 101, 102

      Montreal Gazette, 40, 101, 102

      Moss, Mab, 23

      Mother Jones, 57

      Mulock, Willianl (postmaster general),33, 34, 36, 40, 41,109,150-152

      Muskoka Lakes, Ontario, 35

      NRMA men. See National Resource Mobilization Act. See also Zombies

      National Liberation Foundation, 93, 160

      National Resources Mobilization Act (1940), 119, 122, 124, 125,162. See also Zombies

      Newfoundland, 112, 132

      New York City, 57, 58

      New York State, 9, 146

      New York Times, 126

      New Zealand, 87, 136, 160

      Nichol (valet), 126

      Nixon, Henry Corwin (Ontario

      provincial secretary), 108, 109

      North Waterloo riding, 46, 153

      North York riding, 62, 70, 73, 157

      old age pension, 76, 131

      Ontario, 82, 107-109,1.53, 1.57, 160, 162

      Ontario Liberal Party. See Liberal Party of Ontario Osgoode Hall (law school, Toronto), 25, 60, 144, 145

      Ottawa, 37-39, 42,43,54,57,62, 63,65,76,77,80,88,90,93,97, 101, 105-107, 117, 121, 122, 125, 127, 138, 146, 156, 160, 161, 164

      Pakistan, 135, 136, 165

      Pat (dogs), 11,82,84,90,95, 104,

      140; death of Pat the first, 109-11, 113, 163

      Patteson, Godfroy, 69, 84, 94

      Patteson, Joan, 68, 69, 81, 84;

      shares WLMK's spiritualist

      beliefs, 90-96, 110, Ill, 113,


      Petrie (nurse), 60, 63

      phrenology, 72, 73

      plebiscite (concerning conscription),114, 118, 119, 163

      Power, Charles Gavan (minister for air defence), 117-124

      Prince, Prince Edward Island, 157

      Prince Albert (Sask.) riding, 76, 108

      Progressive Party, 67, 73, 76, 79,

      157, 158; joins with Conservatives, 163

      Quebec, 41, 114,147, 157,158,

      161, 164; and conscription, 1, 104, 108, 115, 119, 120, 156, 163

      Quebec City, 114, 120, 1.56

      radio broadcasting in Canada, 81,116, 156, 157

      Railway Labour Disputes Act, 44

      Ralston, James Layton (minister ofdefence), 114, 117-122, 162-164

      Reform Association, Berlin,Ontario (1874), 5

      Reform movement (UpperCanada), 144

      Renfrew, Ontario, 82

      Rhode Island, 3.5, 150

      Rideau Hall, Ottawa, 133

      Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 52, 55, 58,61,86,136,154

      Rockefeller Foundation, .54, .57, 154,155

      Rogers, Norman (minister of defence), 113, 115

      Roosevelt, Franklyn D. (FOR), 105,112,133,13.5,138,160;

      death, 164

      Roosevelt, Theodore, 44, 112, 151, 153

      Rossland, B.C., 41

      Roxborough Apartments, Ottawa, 61,62,69

      ruins at Kingsmere, 96, 97

      Russia, 156. See also Soviet Union and Soviets

      San Francisco, California, 116, 126, 164

      Sandy Hill, Ottawa, 73

      Second World War, 101, 102, 104-108,111-113, 118-126, 133, 162-164

      Skelton, O.D., (undersecretary of state for external affairs), 114, 126, 158; death, 163

      Smith, Goldwin, 25, 147, 149

      Social Credit party, 96, 161

      Soviet Union and Soviets, 132, 135.

      See also Russia

      Spain, 97

      Spanish Civil War, 161, 162

      Special War Session (Parliament), 105

      Stalin, Joseph, 132

      St. Laurent, Louis (minister of justice and attorney general), 120-123, 138, 164, 165

      St. Lawrence Seaway scandal, 93

      Stuart, General (chief of general statl), 118

      Switzerland, 151

      Toronto, Ontario, .5, 103, 107, 108,

      113, 145, 147, 149, 151

      Toynbee, Arnold, 25,26, 148

      Toynbee Hall, London, England, 25,31,148


      Tweedsmuir, Lord. See Governor General

      Unemployment Insurance Act, 162

      Union Liberals, 67,73,156

      Union Nationale, 161

      United Farmers of Alberta, 79

      United Fanners of Ontario, 67, 159
