Craig Kielburger

Living Me to We

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      NOTEBOOKS AND PENCIL SHARPENERS, coloured construction paper, tennis balls, soap, bandages and (unused) toothbrushes: this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to off-the-wall donations we receive at Free The Children. In the non-profit world, the big-hearted are not necessarily the big-walleted. Arts supplies are packed up into school kits and shipped overseas. Medical supplies are delivered to impoverished hospitals. Kids, adults and corporations all donate in different ways, putting to good use what they have. A corporation might donate a personal accounting session for non-profit workers or offer up old, but still usable, office equipment. Once a child outgrows her training wheels, she can donate her old bike to a child without one. You might choose to give away those old glasses taking up space in your drawer or the sneakers kicking around your closet.But keep this golden rule in mind: if you wouldn’t use that rusty old washing machine, then don’t give it away. Some things truly are meant for the trash. For instance, does anyone actually buy second-hand underwear at Goodwill? Donating goods past their prime can even cut into a charity’s cash flow, doing more harm than good. The Salvation Army, for instance, was forced to shell out $30,000 to dispose of dumped garbage and wrecked donations in Woodstock, Ontario. Next time you want to donate, get on the phone with your charity of choice and ask specifically what non-monetary donations they need. Who knows what garden, garage or home office odds and ends they could be after?

      ONE MAN’S TRASH...Ask a local school music department or a daycare if they accept instruments.If an organization can’t directly use or take a donation, sell the object at a garage sale, junk shop or online and donate the proceeds.Unused renovation materials, such as paint, windows, doors, lumber and lighting fixtures, can be donated to Habitat for Humanity’s ReStores as well as other organizations.Look into getting the cash value of your donation assessed by a third-party.Even if the hunk of junk is broken down in the driveway, you can still donate it to a charity or someone in need through programs such as CharityCars, CarHeaven and others.Old electronics (computers, printers and the like) are often in high demand by cash-strapped charities.Ask if the charity will pick up the equipment for you.Animal shelters accept unopened wet and dry food as well as toys, pillows, leashes and other pet accessories. Make sure to check with your local shelter before dropping off your contribution.


      Living Me To We | Day


      Money Matters

       12:55 a.m.


      Source: Free The Children.



       Day | Living Me To We




      Barenaked Ladies

      With songs about pining for a million dollars to splurge on tree houses and K-cars, the Barenaked Ladies have endeared themselves to millions of Canadians as down-to-earth dudes. Literally. The Ladies take their impact on the earth very seriously when they tour, always seeking out ways to recycle, reduce and reuse.

      THE MOMENT: “There are so many artists who really believe in being environmentally and socially responsible in their daily lives. Actually, many even work it into their lyrics. Then you go on tour and wonder how much of an impact you can really have. That’s what happened to us. All day, we’re driving in big buses, burning fuel all over the place, playing in these arenas with disposable everything and huge amounts of wattage being used just by the lights.”THE MISSION: “We partnered with a group called Reverb, started by a friend of ours, Adam Gardiner from the band Guster. They were essentially a bunch of socially and environmentally conscious artists working in an industry that had no conscience at all. Together, we look at ways to change how we do business: burning alternative fuels like bio-diesel on buses, using real cutlery backstage and LED lights that use 80 per cent less energy.”THE HABIT: “It’s sometimes hard touring in remote areas where it’s hard to get the right fuel or there’s no recycling facility. We’ve hauled these things around until we’ve found a depot. We also recruit fans through our Barenaked Ladies Planet Initiative. Fans come back and have a meet-and-greet with the band if they pledge to look after the recycling after the gig. It’s about getting our fan base involved and taking initiative in our business to make a difference. Traditionally there’s a lot of waste, but more and more artists are realizing how easy it is to change the way you do things.”


      Living Me To We | Day

      “Every problem looks insurmountable

      until you take action.”


       Day | Living Me To We




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      Community Ties

      1:30 p.m.

      The Power of Walking

      Create a Community Connection