Craig Kielburger

Living Me to We

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its environmental and social impact.Donate that old computer to the national Computers for Schools program, which refurbishes and then gives it to a school, library or learning centre in need.


      Living Me To We | Day


      Office Politics

       9:30 a.m.


      We love our phones

      ... and love to throw them away


      Source: Canadian Wireless Telecommunication Association.


       Day | Living Me To We



      Office Politics

       9:45 a.m.

      Me to We Workplace

      Make Little Things Count

      EVERY WEEK THE TEAM AT CLUB PENGUIN’S KELOWNA OFFICE breaks out a deck of cards and orders in pizza. On these once-a-week launch nights, the gang hangs out while uploading new videos and animation to Disney’s entertainment site for kids. It’s a tradition, even when the launch goes off without a hitch, to stay well into the night, playing cards and catching up. It’s the unspoken rites around the office that make the Club Penguin team a tight one. Like the tea club (all dudes!) that initiates new hires by sampling a variety of brews or the weekly Thursday jams at a nearby co-worker’s apartment. It’s hard to tally every act, but the team at Club Penguin knows it’s the little things that make a workplace truly special.Common knowledge dictates that a happy worker is a more productive one, while studies show happiness can boost productivity by almost 15 percent! Sure, saying hello or asking about someone’s weekend might feel like a struggle on Monday morning, but come Friday when the team needs to pull together on a project, the extra effort will pay off. These little extras cost nothing, but reap heaps of benefits in the department of mutual respect and teamwork. Cutbacks, downsizing, walk-outs and buy-outs: the new world of work can sometimes be a scary place. Never allow that malaise to set in, and we have a better chance at cheering one another on – and up.

      LOOK OUT FOR EACH OTHERUpload your co-workers’ birthdays into your calendar or smartphone. When the big day rolls around, send out an email with best wishes or stop by their desk to brighten their day.Take the extra time with someone’s going-away card to remember personal moments that made a difference. Chances are this person helped you in some way. Now is the time to thank them.Have an upcoming event or rally you’re excited to attend? Tell the whole office. Even if they’re not keen on the issue, you’ll discover new topics to talk about outside project updates.Keep a stack of blank gift cards in your desk for impromptu birthday or holiday celebrations.Office traditions make the workplace stronger. Bring back mementos from a trip to decorate the space or get the team to put together a mock newsletter of inside jokes.Create a team wall in a central space and post everyone’s picture along with off-the-cuff descriptions of team members. This is an easy way to make newcomers feel they belong.Start a book or film club with team members outside the office.


      Living Me To We | Day


      Office Politics

       9:45 a.m.



      Source: 2008 study published by Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tinbergen Institute and the CESifo Group.


       Day | Living Me To We



      Office Politics

       10:05 a.m.


      Social Responsibility 1.0

      Volunteer with Your Colleagues

      AT THE TOP OF MOUNT EVEREST François Langlois stood, surveying a view only a very few people have ever seen. Over the previous two years, he trained, sunk himself into debt (ironically enough for the Montreal financial advisor) and straggled along at the back of his climbing group up the mountain. Now that he had reached the top, he felt the urge to share the accomplishment with others. But how? A children’s charity later approached François about raising money by leading climbs to some of the top peaks in the world. It was just the cause he’d been waiting for. Soon, he pitched his mission to his employer, Manulife Securities, which financed his flight to a climb in Antarctica and sponsored a fundraiser in Canada for the same charity. François has now raised over $4 million, doing something he loves to do.Not all of us can scale mountains and raise millions, but today’s employers have our back when it comes to achieving the impossible. Some 71 percent of Canadian companies encourage workplace volunteerism, whether that’s creating volunteer time at work or supporting extracurricular activities. And it couldn’t come at a better time: Canadian volunteer rates have stagnated with less than a quarter of people doing three quarters of the volunteering in the country. By combining professional pursuits with our passion, we get the best of both worlds.In the winter of 2010, François reached his final goal: climbing all seven of the highest summits across seven continents. He didn’t do it alone. A motley crew of like-minded climbers have joined him along the way. Introducing a social conscience into the workplace doesn’t have to be a lonely pursuit for you, either. Ask around the water cooler or approach human resources with a plan to create volunteer days during or after work hours. Climb your own personal Mount Everest – who knows what’s possible when you take your cause to the top.

      TEAM EFFORTSuggest volunteer activities and meeting times that work around office hours, such as after work or during lunch.Get your boss involved! He or she may be able to help round up other interested employees or offer suggestions.Research an organization, then call up and ask how you or your team can partner on a volunteer project.Plan a group activity once a year as a group building experience.Host weekend activities and invite family and friends on board.Brainstorm specific skills you and your colleagues have to offer, such as accounting, lessons or a musical talent.


      Living Me To We | Day


      Office Politics

       10:05 a.m.


      Couple your cause

      with your workplace


      Source: Imagine Canada.



      Office Politics

       10:30 a.m.


      Social Responsibility 2.0

      Start a Responsible Work Culture

      WELCOME TO 21ST CENTURY VOLUNTEERISM where business leaders have a unique opportunity to incorporate philanthropy into the office. From Telus donating mobile phones to emergency workers after Haiti’s devastating earthquake to Walmart giving out energy-saving light bulbs to staff, there are so many ways for businesses to leverage their