Markus Rudin

Molecular Imaging

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of the coordination shell, which may include the solvent, naturally alter a, ΔF0, and the ease of intramolecular compression or stretching. In addition there are effects which were not incorporated in the theory, effects such as changes in ion pairing, selective solvation of solvent mixtures, and a change of the mechanism itself.”

       3.21.6. Effects of Electrode Material

      “A dependence of rate constant on electrode material will occur if there is any change in surface contamination [61] and possible metal–solvent binding, or if electrode charge density at a given ηa changes sufficiently to alter wr or wp. The rate constants measured for one system with several solid electrodes underwent no great variation (within a factor of 10) but were much smaller than that found for a mercury electrode [61].” [4, p. 162]

       3.21.7. The Image Force Law and Its Implications

      The effect of this image is to partially neutralize the field of the ion and to reduce, thereby, the configurational rearrangement free energy needed to satisfy the energy restriction. It is noteworthy that its calculated effect remains, even at salt concentrations sufficiently large as to make wr and wp negligible. This is because it is impossible for the ionic atmosphere in the activated complex to neutralize the ion–image interactions of the two different hypothetical charge distributions at the same time. A compromise configuration results. A similar behavior exists in the homogeneous case, where the 1/r term remains even if wr and wp are zero.

      At the point of zero electric charge [17, 21], there is a net, shielded Coulombic attraction between the ion and its image, which is quite large for very dilute solutions. According to the theory a positive ΔS* would result, since the attraction lowers the entropy of solvation.”

      See above for the increase of entropy when two ions of opposite charge approach each other.

      “A measurement of the frequency factor in this region would permit a determination of this ΔS*

      “If this prediction is verified for Class I reactants, it will be interesting to compare ΔS* with the theoretical estimates” [4, p. 162]

       3.22.Comparison of Isotopic Exchange Rate and Corresponding Electrochemical Exchange Current

      “A comparison of image and kel/104 on the basis of the existing experimental data is given in Table I.” of Ref. [6], “All rate constants are pseudo-rate constants, their use being justified under the conditions cited [6]. The qualitative trend in both kel and kex is seen to be the same, and the values. . .are relatively close to each other, considering the fact that approximations in the theory enter exponentially (a fairer comparison would be of image and image that stationary electrodes (with their absorption problems) were usually necessary, and that the work terms may not have been negligible.” [6, p. 854]

       3.23.Comparison of Chemical and Electrochemical Oxidation–Reduction Rates of a Series of Related Reactants

      “In this comparison we shall consider systems in which a constant reagent is used in the chemical system, and a constant electrode potential in the electrochemical one, to oxidize or reduce a series of related compounds. In a series of a given charge type, the work terms are either exactly or roughly constant in each of these two systems. Furthermore, if the ΔF*’s are in the region where they would depend linearly on ΔF0, then according to Eqs. (3.1, 3.78, 3.83, 3.25), the ratio:
