let out, you’re unable to speak. All your reactions slow down and it takes a little while to understand what anybody says to you. It probably takes at least a month to be able to cope again with a conversation and all the normal prison things’. Cited in AP/RN, 13 December 1984.
223.Republican News, 5 August 1978.
224.McLaughlin, Inside an English jail, p. 44.
225.See PRO Gartree in Republican News, 5 August 1978.
226.Republican News, 29 July 1978.
227.Irish Times, 7 July 1978. See also Sr. Clarke, ‘JJ Coughlan’, Clarke Papers (COFLA).
228.Times, 8 July 1978.
229.The Irish Prisoner, No. 5, June 1979, p. 3 and Sr. Clarke, ‘Albany’, Clarke Papers (COFLA).
230.Sr. Clarke, ‘Albany’, Clarke Papers (COFLA).
231.Gange to Blunt, 21 November 1978, NAE, FCO 87/ 763.
232.Republican News, 22 July 1978.
233.IRIS, 7 July 1978, p. 5. See also Times, 21 October 1978.
234.Ronnie McCartney, 12 April 2008.
235.Republican News, 22 July 1978. For Brian McLaughlin see AP/RN, 29 July 1982.
236.Ronnie McCartney, 12 April 2008.
237.Martin Brady, 10 April 2008.
238.John McCluskey, 2 August 2007. McCluskey claimed: ‘When you’re in solitary, the Screws have got total control over almost every aspect of your life, your food, books. For reading material they give you comic books. They’re supposed to give you an hour’s exercise but most times they cut it down to half an hour. You always lose weight in solitary’. Quoted in AP/RN, 13 December 1984. Gartree’s dog handlers were apparently more successful on 2 March 1978 when they apprehended a man using a grappling hook to scale the inner fence. Dick Callan, Gartree, The story of a prison (Leyhill, 2005), p. 44.
239.Ronnie McCartney, 12 April 2008.
240.Irish political prisoners, p. 92.
241.Irish political prisoners, p. 92 and Times, 8 July 1978.
242.Republican News, 5 August 1978.
243.Irish Times, 7 July 1978. Dianah Jeffrey, Stacey Charlesworth, Sandra Lester and Stephanie Pugsley were arrested. Ibid.
244.Faul and Murray, H Block, p. 114.
245.Republican News, 22 July 1978. In late 1978 Logan was National Convener of the International Tribunal on Britain’s Presence in Ireland. See Faul and Murray, H Blocks, pp. 117–18 and Irish Times, 7 December 1978. Logan delivered a minibus acquired by Luton area Sinn Féin for the use of prisoners’ families in Ireland. The vehicle had been repaired having been badly vandalized by police ‘looking for something’. Michael Holden, 23 June 2008. The history of Gartree prison recorded many minor incidents in 1978 but not the IRA protest that rated discussion in the Commons. See Callan, Gartree, pp. 44–5.
246.Irish World, 12 March 1977. See also Irish Press, 28 February 1977.
247.Times, 8 July 1978.
248.Michael Holden, 23 June 2008. See also Irish World, 24 April 1976.
249.Irish Post, 2 September 1978.
250.Republican News, 24 June 1978.
251.Republican News, 24 June 1978. Other marching delegations included Harringey Trades Council and the NUJ Book Branch. Ibid. See also Hands off Ireland!, No. 5, September 1978, p. 3.
252.FRFI, September 1982, p. 11.
253.Republican News, 22 July 1978. Kaye of the PAC, Jim Reilly of Sinn Féin spoke at Hyde Park, as did representatives of the RCG and UTOM. A message from Daithi O’Connell was read. Ibid.
254.Republican News, 30 September 1978. The issue advertised the first edition of the re-formatted PAC News. Ibid. See also PAC News, No. 1, August/ September 1978.
255.Irish World, 15 July 1978.
256.Irish Times, 10 July 1978.
257.Irish Times, 10 July 1978. Redgrave, narrator of the film ‘The Palestinian’, attended its Belfast premier in Turf Lodge on 30 July. Republican News, 29 July 1978.
258.McLaughlin, Inside an English jail, p. 45. See also IRIS, 13 July 1978, p. 6.
259.Republican News, 29 July 1978. See also FRFI, September 1982, p. 11.
260.Republican News, 22 July 1978.
261.Ronnie McCartney, 12 April 2008, Irish political prisoners, p. 92 and Martin Brady, 10 April 2008. A busload of supporters was en route to Gartree when they learned the roof protest had finished. Republican News, 29 July 1978.