Ruán O’Donnell

Special Category

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being ‘sectioned’ to ‘hospitals’ for long term and potentially even more severe maltreatment was omnipresent. PROP and other prisoner advocates alleged that ‘kicking squads’ and a psychotic element within the penal establishment abused and even staged ‘suicides’ of vulnerable and selected uncooperative prisoners. Psychotropic medicine, administered in either inappropriate dosages or forcibly by injection, was a widespread concern which went far beyond traditional jailhouse suspicions that the sedative Bromide was routinely added to liquids.74 Dr. McCleery’s admission, following relocation to southern Sudan, that ‘problems of containment of psychopaths’ led to the drugging of men showing ‘no evidence of formal illness’ on the Isle of Wight were publicised by the Sunday Times on 22 October 1978. Persistent allegations of untoward ‘staff violence’ towards prisoners and unsatisfactory inquests were not entertained by the insulated Home Office.75

      The Conservative orientated Times published an important feature by Home Affairs correspondent Peter Evans on 3 November 1978 which assessed the Home Secretary’s announcement of the independent inquiry into Gartree. Evans noted that the penal system was in dire need of reform:

      Wormwood Scrubs, 7 October 1978