John Millen

Japanese Kanji Power

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      yen; circle; round

      エン EN まる maru まる • い maru(i)

      Originally 圓, this character consisted of ロ an enclosure and representing a round vessel. From this came the meaning of a round enclosure.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. コンパスで円を描いた。

      Kompasu de en o kaita.

      I drew a circle with a compass.

      2. 百九十円の地下鉄の切符を買いなさい。

      Hyaku kyūjū-en no chikatetsu no kippu o kainasai.

      Buy a ¥190 subway ticket.

      3. 円高が長く続いた。

      Endaka ga nagaku tsuzuita.

      The value of the yen was high for a long time.

      4. 関東一円に大雨が降るでしょう。

      Kantō ichien ni ōame ga furu deshō.

      Heavy rains are expected throughout the Kanto area.

      5. 夫婦円満の秘訣はなんですか。

      Fūiu enman no hiketsu wa nan desu ka.

      What is the secret of harmony for married couples?

Common Compounds and Phrases
九十円kyūjū-enninety yen
円高endakaa strong yen (rate)
円盤enbana disc
円満enmanperfection; harmony
円心enshinthe center of a circle
楕円daenan ellipse; an oval
円周率enshūritsupi; a circle ratio





      The three horizontal lines symbolize heaven, earth and man, and the vertical line represents the person who connects them; namely a king.

      GR 1 N2

      Example Sentences

      1. 国王は王子のときイギリスに留学した。

      Kokuō wa ōji no toki Igirisu ni ryūgaku shita.

      The king went to Britain to study when he was a prince.

      2. エジソンは発明王といわれている。

      Ejison wa hatsumeiō to iwarete iru.

      Edison is said to be the 'King of Inventors.'

      3. 王手!


      Check! (in Japanese chess)

      4. イギリス王室は最も古い王族のひとつです。

      Igirisu ōshitsu wa mottomo furui ōzoku no hitotsu desu.

      The British royal family is one of the oldest royal families.

      5. 新しい国王が即位しました。

      Atarashii kokuō ga sokui shimashita.

      A new king ascended the throne.

Common Compounds and Phrases
国王kokuōa king; a monarch
王核ōsamaa king; His Majesty
王子ōjia prince
王女ōjoa princess
女王joōa queen
王族ōzokua royal family; royalty
王/坐ōzaa throne




      力 KA ひ hi *ほ ho

      The character 火 represents a blazing flame.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 火事を発見して通報した。

      Kaji o hakken shite tsūhō shita.

      He discovered a fire and reported it.

      2. 来週の月火は連休だ。

      Raishu no getsu-ka wa renkyū da.

      Next Monday and Tuesday are consecutive holidays.

      3. 火を貸してもらえますか。

      Hi o kashite moraemasu ka.

      May I have a light, please?

      4. 最終ランナーが、聖火台に点火した。

      Saishū rannā ga, seikadai ni tenka shita.

      The last runner ignited the Olympic cauldron.

      5. 花火を見に行きましょう。

      Hanabi o mi ni ikimashō.

      Let's go to see the fireworks.

Common Compounds and Phrases
火事kajia fire
火災kasaia fire; a blaze
火力karyokuheat; firepower
点火tenkaignition; lighting
防火bokafire prevention; fireproof
火花hibanaa spark

      EXERCISE 2 (13 – 24)

      A. Give the readings for the following kanji using hiragana or rōmaji.

       1. 女

       2. 川

       3. 千

       4. 上

       5. 万

       6. 火

       7. 円

       8. 土

       9. 小さな

      10. 大きい

      B. Write in kanji and kana.

       1. adult

       2. 8,000

       3. to raise

       4. ¥3,073

       5. twenty million

       6. a girl

       7. to go up

       8. Ms. Yamaguchi

       9. nine thousand people

      10. 7,020

      C. Fill in the kanji according to the meanings provided.

       1. じょし (a woman; a female)____

       2. おおきくない (isn’t big) ____きくない

       3. おがわ