a gentle posture.
Example Sentences
1. その人は女性ですか、男性ですか。
Sono hito wa josei desu ka, dansei desu ka.
Is that person a man or a woman?
2. 長女は九歳で。
Chōjo wa kyūsai desu.
My eldest daughter is nine years old.
3. 壁に天女の絵があった。
Kabe ni tennyo no e ga atta.
There was a drawing of a celestial nymph on the wall.
4. 店の外で女の人が待っている。
Mise no soto de onna no hito ga matte iru.
A woman is waiting outside the store.
5. すべての権利は男女平等であるべきです。
Subete no kenri wa danjo byōdō de aru beki desu.
All rights should be gender-equal.
Common Compounds and Phrases | ||
女性 | josei | a woman; femininity |
長女 | chōjo | one's eldest daughter |
彼女 | kanojo | she; her |
男女 | danjo | men and women |
天女 | tennyo | a celestial nymph |
女の人 | onna no hito | a woman; a female |
女神 | megami | a goddess |
small, little
ショウ SHŌ ちい • さい chii(sai) こ ko お o
The character 小 represents a large object being chipped away at, leaving small pieces.
Example Sentences
1. あの子は近くの小学校に通っている。
Ano ko wa chikaku no shōgakkō ni kayotte iru.
That child attends a nearby elementary school.
2. もっと小さいものがほしい。
Motto chiisai mono ga hoshii.
I'd like a smaller one.
3. 小型車は、人気がある。
Kogatasha wa, ninki ga aru.
Small cars are popular.
4. みんなで小高い丘に登った。
Minna de kodakai oka ni nobotta.
We all climbed the low hill.
5. 新幹線は小田原に止まりますか。
Shinkansen wa Odawara ni tomarimasu ka.
Does the Shinkansen stop at Odawara?
Common Compounds and Phrases | ||
小学校 | shōgakkō | an elementary (primary) school |
小型 | kogata | a small size; miniature |
小高い | kodakai | slightly elevated |
小切手 | kogitte | a check (bank) |
小山 | Koyama, Oyama | Koyama / Oyama (a name) |
*小豆 | azuki | an adzuki bean |
*小雨 | kosame | light rain; drizzle |
above; top; to rise; to climb
ジョウ JŌ *ショウ SHŌ うえ ue うわ uwa かみ kami あ • がる a(garu) め• げる a(geru) のぼ • る nobo(ru)
The character 上 was originally written ニ, indicating the area above a line. The vertical line was added later.
Example Sentences
1. 上等なカシミアのコートを買った。
Jōto na kashimia no kōto o katta.
I bought a high-quality cashmere coat.
2. その机の上にレポートを置いてください。
Sono tsukue no ue ni repōto o oite kudasai.
Please place the report on that desk.
3. 上着を着たらどうですか。
Uwagi o kitara dō desu ka.
Why don't you put on a jacket?
4. 川上さんを知っていますか。
Kawakami-san o shitte imasu ka.
Do you know Mr. (Ms.) Kawakami?
5. 急いで階段を上がった。
Isoide kaidan o agatta.
He hurried up the stairs.
Common Compounds and Phrases | ||
上等 | jōtō | first-class; superior |
向上 | kōjō | improvement |
上着 | uwagi | a coat; a jacket; a blouse |
川上 | kawakami | Kawakami (a name) upriver |
値上げ | neage | a price hike |
売り上げ | uriage | sale |
*上手 | jōzu | skillful, good at |
セン SEN ち chi
The character 千 is made up of the characters for イ person and, 一 one, which together represent thousands of people in a crowd.
Example Sentences
1. その会社の社員数は、約千人です。
Sono kaisha no shain'sū wa yaku sennin desu.
There are about one thousand employees in that company.
2. 税込み三千九十円です。
Zeikomi sanzen kyūiūen desu.
It is ¥3,090, including tax.
3. 妹は子供に千秋という名前をつけた。
Imōto wa kodomo ni Chiaki to iu namae o tsuketa.
My sister called her child Chiaki.
4. 慰霊碑に千羽づるを捧げた。
Ireihi ni senbazuru o sasageta.
The 1,000 paper cranes were dedicated to the cenotaph.
5. —万円を千円札にくずしてもらえますか。
Ichiman-en o sen'en-satsu ni kuzushite moraemasu ka.
Could you change 10,000 yen into 1,000 yen notes for me?
Common Compounds and Phrases | ||
千人 | sennin | one