John Millen

Japanese Kanji Power

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4. 男子 ( ) d. kūsha 5. 小雨 ( ) e. daigaku 6. 国産 ( ) f. kaisha 7. 本来 ( ) g. yonsoku 8. 中学生 ( ) h. ō-otoko 9. 車社会 ( ) i. danshi 10. 大学 ( ) j. honrai 11. 大男 ( ) k. ōame 12. 大雨 ( ) l. kokusan 13. 会社 ( ) m. chūgakusei 14. 国立 ( ) n. kokuritsu 15. 空白 ( ) o. kosame




      チョウ CHŌ なが • い naga(i)

      The character 長 derived from a pictograph of a long-haired old man with a walking stick, suggesting a long passage of time.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 部長の話はいつも長い。

      Buchō no hanashi wa itsumo nagai.

      The department chief is always long-winded.

      2. 子供の成長が楽しみです。

      Kodomo no seichō ga tanoshimi desu.

      I enjoy watching the children grow up.

      3. この製品の特長は小さいことです。

      Kono seihin no tokuchō wa chiisai koto desu.

      This product's best feature is its compactness.

      4. 社長からお電話です。

      Shachō kara odenwa desu.

      The company president is on the line.

      5. 長い髪を乾かすのに時間がかかる。

      Nagai kami o kawakasu no ni jikan ga kakaru.

      It takes some time to dry my long hair.

Common Compounds and Phrases
部長buchōa department/division chief
特長tokuchōa strong point; a strength
身長shinchōone's height
店長tenchōa store manager
長年naganenmany years; a long time
長持ちnagamochiendurance; durability



      a shop; a store

      テン TEN みせ mise *たな tana

      The character 店 combines roof and arrange 占, suggesting a place where objects are arranged and sold; i.e., a shop.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 売店で新聞を買った。

      Baiten de shinbun o katta.

      I bought a newspaper at the kiosk.

      2. 閉店は七時です。

      Heiten wa shichji desu.

      The store closes at 7:00.

      3. 私は広告代理店に勤めています。

      Watashi wa kōkoku dairiten ni tsutomete imasu.

      I work for an advertising agency.

      4. この店は何時まで開いていますか。

      Kono mise wa nanji made aite imasu ka.

      What time is this store open until?

      5. 喫茶店で休んでいきませんか。

      Kissaten de yasunde ikimasen ka?

      Would you like to stop at a coffee shop for a break?

Common Compounds and Phrases
売店baitena stand; a kiosk
閉店heitenclosing a shop; shutting up shop
代理店dairitenan agency; an agent
本店hontenthe main store
喫茶店kissatena cafe; a coffee shop
店員ten'ina store employee
店じまいmise-jimaiclosing a business (a store)




      トウ TŌ ひがし higashi

      The character 東 combines tree 木 and sun 日, representing the morning sun rising in the east behind some tree branches.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 中東に長く住んでいました。

      Chūtō ni nagaku sunde imashita.

      I lived in the Middle East for a long time.

      2. 東洋といっても、様々な文化があります。

      Tōyō to itte mo samazama na bunka ga arimasu.

      The Orient actually consists of many cultures.

      3. 関東地方のニュースをお伝えします。

      Kantō chihō no nyūsu o otsutae shimasu.

      And now for the Kantō regional news.

      4. 東名高速を使うと早く着く。

      Tōmei kōsoku o tsukau to hayaku tsuku.

      Using the Tōmei (Tōkyō-Nagoya) Expressway will be quicker.

      5. シルクロードの東の果てが日本です。

      Shiruku rodo no higashi no hate ga Nihon / Nippon desu.