John Millen

Japanese Kanji Power

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gurai kuru yotei desu ka.

      About how many people are you expecting?

      4. それについてはイ可も知りません。

      Sore ni tsuite wa nani mo shirimasen.

      I know nothing about it.

      5. 遅くまで、何処へ行っていたの?

      Osoku made, doko e itte ita no?

      Where have you been until so late?

Common Compounds and Phrases
何時nanjiwhen; what time?
何人nanninHow many people?
何もnani monot anything; nothing
何曜日nanyōbiWhat day of the week?
何日nannichiHow many days; What day of the month?



      a flower

      力 KA はな hana

      The character 花 combines plants and change 化 to indicate the flowering of a plant.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 毎年、春先は花粉症になる。

      Maitoshi, harusaki wa kafunshō ni naru.

      I suffer from hay fever every year in early spring.

      2. お祝いに花を贈ったらどう?

      Oiwai ni hana o okuttara do?

      Why don't we send flowers to celebrate?

      3. 花火を見に行こう。

      Hanabi o mi ni ikō.

      Let's go watch the fireworks.

      4. 花嫁さんはきれいだなあ。

      Hanayome-san wa kirei da nā.

      The bride is so gorgeous!

      5. アメリカで生け花を教えていました。

      Amerika de ikebana o oshiete imashita.

      I've been teaching ikebana (flowor arrangement) in the U.S.

Common Compounds and Phrases
花粉症kafunshōhay fever
開花kaikablooming; to blossom
花瓶kabina (flower) vase
花嫁hanayomea bride
生け花ikebanaikebana; Japanese flower arrangement
花見hanamicherry-blossom viewing
化束hanatabaa bunch of flowers



      a seashell

      かい kai

      The character 貝 originally depicted a bivalve, although it presently looks more like an overhead view of a single shell with feelers.

      GR1 N2

      Example Sentences

      1. きれいな貝殻を拾った。

      Kirei na kaigara o hirotta.

      I picked up some beautiful shells.

      2. 貝の刺身はあまり好きじやない。

      Kai no sashimi wa amari suki ja nai.

      I don't like raw shellfish very much.

      3. その話になると彼は貝のようにかたくロを閉ざした。

      Sono hanashi ni naru to kare wa kai no yō ni kataku kuchi o tozashita.

      When the subject came up, he clammed right up.

      4. 繩文時代の貝塚が発掘された。

      Jōmon jidai no kaizuka ga hakkutsu sareta.

      They have excavated shell mounds from the Jōmon Period.

Common Compounds and Phrases
貝殻kaigaraa shell; a seashell
貝柱kaibashiraa shellfish (ligament)
巻き貝makigaia spiral shell; a conch
二枚貝nimai-gaia bivalve
赤貝akagaian ark shell
ほら貝horagaia trumpet shell
貝塚kaizukaa shell mound; a midden

      EXERCISE 6 (61 – 72)

      A. Give the readings for the following.

       1. 二百

       2. 耳

       3. 名

       4. 貝

       5. 糸

       6. 何人

       7. 多かった

       8. 西日

       9. 今年

      10. お先に

      B. Rewrite the following using kanji and kana.

       1. はな (flower)

       2. いきさき

       3. せんせい

       4. としうえ

       5. おおめ

       6. ほくせい

       7. なにも

       8. まいにち

       9. たぶん

      10. さんびゃくねん

      C. Give the English meanings for the following.

       1. 百円玉

       2. パンの耳

       3. 生け花

       4. 毎月

       5. 糸口

       6. 多少

       7. 何日

       8. 先月

       9. 二十名

      10. 八百円

      Review 2 (1 – 72)

      A. Give the readings for the following.

       1. 貝

       2. 西口

       3. 先生

       4. 千九百六十四年

       5. 生年月日

       6. 白い糸

       7. 先月

       8. 何もない

       9. 生け花

      10. 何人
