John Millen

Japanese Kanji Power

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      peaceful; cheap

      アン AN やす • い yasu(i)

      The character combines house and 女 woman, to suggest a woman at home, feeling at ease.

      GR3 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 今週は交通安全週間です。

      Konshū wa kōtsū anzen shūkan desu.

      This week is 'Traffic Safety Week'.

      2. 彼から電話がないのを不安に思っている。

      Kare kara denwa ga nai no o fuan ni omotte iru.

      His not having called makes me feel ill at ease.

      3. そのやり方は安易な方法でしたね。

      Sono yarikata wa an'i na hōhō deshita ne.

      That was an easy way of dealing with the matter.

      4. これとこれではどっちが安いですか。

      Kore to kore de wa dotchi ga yasui desu ka.

      Which is the cheaper of these two?

      5. この曲を聴くと心が安らぐ。

      Kono kyoku o kiku to kokoro ga yasuragu.

      Whenever I hear this song, it puts my mind at ease.

Common Compounds and Phrases
安全anzensafety; security
不安fuanuneasiness; anxiety
安易an'ieasy; careless
安心anshinpeace of mind
安定anteistability; balance
安物yasumonoa low-priced article
大安売りōyasu-uria big bargain sale
安らぐyasuraguto put someone's mind at ease; to feel at ease



      society; to meet; meeting

      カイ KAI エ E あ • う a(u)

      The character 会 combines lid and pot of rice 云, which possibly meant put together, and then come together.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 今、課長は会議中です。

      Ima, kachō wa kaigichū desu.

      The section chief is in a meeting now.

      2. 新人の歓迎会があった。

      Shinjin no kangeikai ga atta.

      There was a welcoming party for new employees.

      3. 機会があったら、また会いましょう。

      Kikai ga attara, mata aimashō.

      Let's get together again when we get the chance.

      4. 会費を忘れず支払って。

      Kaihi o wasurezu shiharatte.

      Remember to pay your membership fee.

      5. 友だちと会う約束がある。

      Tomodachi to au yakusoku ga aru.

      I'm planning to meet a friend.

Common Compounds and Phrases
会哦kaigia conference; a meeting
歓迎会kangeikaia welcome (reception)
機会kikaian opportunity; a chance
運動会undōkaia field (sports) day
会話kaiwaconversation; speaking
会費kaihia membership fee; dues
出会いdeaia meeting; an encounter



      spirit; mind; heart

      キ KI ケ KE

      The character 気 combines メ, which symbolizes rice, and 气, which represents the steam emitted when rice is cooked.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 気をつけてね。

      Ki o tsukete ne.

      Take care!

      2. 山の天気は、急に変わる事があります。

      Yama no tenki wa, kyū ni kawaru koto ga arimasu.

      The weather in the mountains can change suddenly.

      3. この高原は空気がきれいだ。

      Kono kōgen wa kūki ga kirei da.

      The air is clean up on this plateau.

      4. だんだん景気が良くなってきた。

      Dandan keiki ga yoku natte kita.

      Business has gradually picked up.

      5. 人の気配がした。

      Hito no kehai ga shita.

      I sensed someone nearby.

Common Compounds and Phrases
天気tenkithe weather; fine weather
空気kūkiair; the atmosphere
景気keikibusiness activity; the market
病気byōkisickness; to be ill
気に入りkiniiria favorite; a pet
短気tankia short temper
気配kehaian indication; a hint



      to rest; to feel at ease

      キュウ KYŪ やす • む yasu(mu) やす • める yasu(meru) やす • まる yasu(maru)

      The character 休 combines イ person and 木 tree, representing a person resting against a tree.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 休日はテニスをします。

      Kyūjitsu wa tenisu o shimasu.

      I play tennis on my days off.

      2. あの店は年中無休だ。

      Ano mise wa nenjū mukyū da.

      That store is open all year round.

      3. 昨日、風邪で学校を休んだ。

      Kinō, kaze de gakkō o yasunda.

      I was absent from school yesterday because of a cold.

      4. 体を休めたらどうですか。