John Millen

Japanese Kanji Power

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break; an intermission年中無休nenjū mukyūopen throughout the year夏休みnatsu-yasumia summer holiday昼休みhiru-yasumia lunch break



      to go; a row; to carry out

      コウ KŌ ギョウ GYO い • く i(ku) ゆ • く yu(ku) おこな • うokona(u)

      The character 行 originated from a pictograph of an intersection +, a point of stopping and going.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. この道は一方通行だ。

      Kono michi wa ippō tsūkō da.

      This is a one-way street.

      2. 映画館の前に長い行列があった。

      Eigakan no mae ni nagai gyōretsu ga atta.

      There was a long line in front of the movie theater.

      3. 今日は学校へ行かなくてよい。

      Kyō wa gakkō e ikanakute yoi.

      I don't have to go to school today.

      4. 東京行きの電車に乗って下さい。

      Tōkyō-yuki no densha ni notte kudasai.

      Please take the train bound for Tokyo.

      5. 明日は試験が行われる。

      Ashita wa shiken ga okonawareru.

      There will be an examination tomorrow.

Common Compounds and Phrases
通行tsūkōpassing; traffic
銀行ginkōa bank
旅行ryokōtravel; a trip
急行kyūkōan express train
行列gyōretsua line; a queue; a parade
行事gyōjian event; a function

      EXERCISE 5 (49 – 60)

      A. Write the readings for the following in hiragana or rōmaji.

       1. 休む

       2. 行く

       3. 母と父

       4. 気をつける

       5. 半分

       6. 会います

       7. 大きい目

       8. 日本

       9. 安い

      10. 立っている

      B. Match the following with their correct readings.

1. 安上がり ( ) a. hokujō
2. 天気 ( ) b. nakaba
3. 北上 ( ) c. futsukame
4. 本日 ( ) d. hakujin
5. 半ば ( ) e. furuhon
6. クラス会 ( ) f. okāsan
7. 二日目 ( ) g. honjitsu
8. 古本 ( ) h. yasuagari
9. 白人 ( ) i. kurasu-kai
10. お母さん ( ) j. tenki

      C. Write in kanji and kana.

      1. Let’s go!

      2. a tournament

      3. a northern exit

      4. Mother’s Day

      5. was cheap

      6. to carry out

      7. Ms. Yamamoto

      8. a feeling, mood

      9. an eye

      10. a day off, holiday



      a thread

      シ SHI いと to

      Originally written as 絲, this character represents a double-stranded thread.

      GR1 N2

      Example Sentences

      1. 針と糸、持ってない?

      Hari to ito, motte nai?

      Do you have a needle and thread?

      2. 彼女は白い毛糸のセーターを着ていた。

      Kanojo wa shiroi keito no sētā o kite ita.

      She wore a white, woolen sweater.

      3. 赤ちゃんの髪は絹糸のようだ。

      Akachan no kami wa kinu-ito no yō da.

      The baby's hair is like silken thread.

      4. 彼は裏で糸を引いているらしい。

      Kare wa ura de ito o hiite iru rashii.

      He seems to be manipulating things behind the scenes.

      5. 問題解決の糸口を探る。

      Mondai kaiketsu no itoguchi o saguru.

      We will search for clues to settle the question.

Common Compounds and Phrases
綿糸menshicotton thread
毛糸keitowool; woolen yarn
糸を引くito o hikuto have sticky threads to pull strings
絹糸kinu-ito, kenshisilk thread
糸口itoguchia beginning; a clue
生糸kiitoraw silk
糸偏itohenthe ito radical of a Chinese charactr




      ジ JI みみ mimi

      The character 耳 depicts the shape of an ear.

      GR1 N5

      Example Sentences

      1. 耳鼻科の先生に喉を診てもらった。

      Jibika no sensei ni nodo o mite moratta.