adj noisome, unpleasant in smell or taste.
banget H adj grave, hard, tight, grievous (sanget L; dahat, rahat C).
bangetang pass be made tight, hard, grievous (manget trans).
bangetin pass be made harder, worse, graver.
bangga 1 adj boastful (H proud); intrans make a display.
bangga 2 adj resistant, recalcitrant; intrans go one’s own way, refuse to be convinced.
hartta bangga n money thrown away, money lost.
banggayang (depang L) imp leave (it) alone; please don’t bother; I can manage.
banggelé n a tuber used as medicine.
banggi 1 L adj austere, stern, stubborn, offensive (jrenggi R).
banggi 2 intrans enjoy annoying, teasing people (manggi trans).
banggiyang H (=hanggayang) imp leave me alone.
banggras intrans yell, scream, use rude coarse language.
banggul n a ladder made by cutting notches in a thick bamboo pole.
bangiyang n a species of fruit.
pilihpilih bekul, bakat bwah bangiyang ‘prefer a thorn-apple, get a bangiyang’ =hope for something special and get something worthless.
bangiyang-an n the blood that comes out after a baby has been born.
bangka (a very coarse word) adj dead; intrans die, go to pot.
bangka-han n a dead thing, carcass.
bangkahang pass be killed (mangkahang trans).
bangkak intrans (mangkak trans) be superfluous, leave room for.
bangkal 1 n a big wild boar.
bangkal 2 n a species of insect.
bangkalbangkal-an n a kind of dice game, considered coarse.
bangkang-in pass be made fast to a rope or a chain (animal) (mangkangin trans).
bangkarna adj scarlet (of a rooster’s comb/ wattle).
bangké L n (watangan H, layon C) a dead body, corpse.
bangkén the corpse (of).
bangkéné the dead body.
bangkénné his corpse.
bangkes R n (kebris L) sneeze.
bangket 1 C n rice terrace, the standing rice in the field (sawah L).
bangket hidané his rice fields.
bangket 2 n the juice of a betel-quid put on a wound or a sore part by a baliyan.
bangket 3 n a mystical sign in a part of one’s body that one is saved.
bangkis (=bangkes) intrans sneeze.
bangkit 1 K adj clever, beautiful, interesting, smelling attractive.
bangkit 2 K intrans be specially fortunate in trade.
bangkit 3 (=babangkit) n a kind of offering.
bangkluk (Gyanyar) adj not valid.
bangkok 1 n a species of dragonfly.
bangkok 2 n a species of domesticated fowl.
bangkot intrans be large, be heavy, be many.
bangkot-an n heaviness, weight.
bangkrah K n corpse.
bangkruk n a kind of poison, in the form of small insects.
bangkrut (=bangkerut, bangru) adj bankrupt, lacking power (D bankroet).
bangku n bench, seat (D bank).
bangkudu n morinda (a tree).
bangkuk n a species of sea fish.
bangkung n a breeding sow, a wild boar.
bangkungbangkung n a species of grasshopper; n a species of insect; n a species of shrub.
bangkyang L (madya R) n waist, the middle of the body, loins.
bangkyangé the loins.
bangkyangin pass be fitted to the waist.
bangkyangné his waist.
bangladan n a species of sea fish.
banglah L intrans (lengar R) have a wide expanse of forehead, be bald in front.
banglé n a species of root, like ginger or turmeric.
bangli K adj fine, thin.
banglong n snare, noose; intrans lay a snare, snare.
banglor intrans snare.
banglot intrans snare.
banglotin pass have a cord put round one’s neck.
bango (=banguh) n a species of crane or heron.
bangru (=bangkrut) adj bankrupt.
bangsa (=wangsa) n nation; caste; a recognizable group of people (S vamśa-).
bangsané the nation.
bangsah 1 n the flower of palm trees.
bangsah 2 n a species of rattan.
bangsal n a hut; a barn; a lodging for strangers.
bangsat (a very coarse word) adj poor, small, needy, evil; jalma bangsat n a wretched person.
bangsel intrans be small in stature, be retarded in growth; be damp, be swollen with water; be ill with beriberi.
bangseng n air current, heat (=hangseng).
bangsing n the pendent roots of some types of tropical trees.
bangsit num two hundred (but not used alone, only in the following: nem bangsit 1,200; nem bangsit satus 1,300; pitung bangsit 1,400; pitung bangsit satus 1,500; sya bangsit 1,800; sya bangsit satus 1,900 (not 1,600 or 1,700).
bangsul n Bali; nusa bangsul the island of Bali.
bangsung n basket, esp one for carrying a pig.
bangsungin pass be put in a basket (mangsungin trans).
bangsut n a sling (for throwing); intrans throw with a sling (mangsut trans).
bangsutin pass be slung, thrown.
banguh intrans make a sound like someone about to die.
banguhbanguh (Raf) n heron.
bangul n a ladder made of a notched bamboo.
bangun intrans (tangi R, hungu C) rise, get up (from bed) (ngwangun, ngawangun trans).
bangunang imp get up! rise! (see wangun).
bangunang, bangunin pass be raised, caused to rise.
di bangunné on their rising, waking.
banyah n porch veranda (=banjah); intrans cover, shade.
banyak n a dark blue species of goose.
banyeh n pus; the liquid that runs out from a corpse.
banyol n joke, nonsense; intrans make jokes, be comical (bahud H).
banyol-an n a joke; compar adj funnier.
banyu C n water (yéh L, toya R); banyu hawang water for ceremonial purification.
banyuhawangin pass be purified with holy water.
banyu mala ‘water is-in-trouble’ =the name of a river cursed by the gods.
banyu mas ‘water (of) gold’ =yellow or gold thread used in embroidery or in weaving.
banyun cokor ‘water (of) feet’ =holy water (so called because the gods are believed to have washed their feet in it).