Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary

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      bayangbayang 2 pass be tortured.

      bayar 1 intrans release from a debt, pay a debt.

      bayar 2 intrans gobble, guzzle.

      ngutah bayar vomit and have diarrhoea.

      bayem n a species of wild spinach.

      bayem kikihan, bayem luhur other kinds of wild spinach.

      bayembayem n species of sea fish.

      bayi (=bahi) n an evil spirit.

      bayod intrans stick out in a point (belly).

      bayonan (Raf) n spasm.

      bayu 1 n strength; breath, wind, storm, anger; the spiritual force of a personality.

      bayu kaketeg n the beat of the heart; the pulse felt in a vein.

      bayun the soul, life (of).

      bayunné his strength.

      tanpa bayu adj powerless, soulless, unconscious.

      bayu 2 n the name of a god.

      bayuh n part, piece (mayuh trans).

      bayuh-an n share, part.

      bayung 1 n the pole of a canoe’s outrigger; adj long and big.

      bayung 2 adj empty.

      bé 1 (=hebé) L n fish, flesh, meat (=hulam H).

      bé bawi fat pork, bacon.

      bé grang, bé kayu dried fish.

      bé hanyar fresh fish or meat.

      béhin, bénin pass have fish or meat put in it.

      bé julit eel.

      bé kayu bonito.

      bé kebo buffalo beef.

      bé mas goldfish.

      béné the fish, the meat.

      bé pasih sea fish.

      bé tampak sole.

      bé 2 n peg, pin.

      bénin pass be pegged, pinned.

      bé 3 (=béh) interj (expresses surprise, amazement).

      beb adj not thin, not slender; intrans (nga-beb trans) make (a roof) too low at the edges.

      be-bagyan n division, part, share, portion (bagi).

      bebahi n evil spirits that cause insanity.

      bebainan n insanity caused by such spirits.

      be-bangkahan n a carcass, a dead creature.

      be-bangkit n a sort of offering.

      be-baosan n conversation.

      be-barisan n the Balinese army organized by the Dutch (see baris).

      be-baru n a type of kris.

      bebas L adj (=luput) free, gratis (Mal).

      bébas K intrans (mébasang trans) be free, be relieved of restrictions; n the feast given by a newly married couple when the parents have given their consent to the wedding.

      bébasang, bébasin pass be freed from restrictions.

      bebed (Jav) n a tight band or ring round the waist; adj having a tie round it (=bedbed); born with a dark ring round the belly.

      bebedag 1 n scarecrow (set up in both wet and dry rice fields to keep off animals).

      tusing nawang bebedag ‘not recognize a scarecrow’ =know nothing.

      bebedag 2 intrans (mebedag trans) go hunting.

      bebedug n a large drum.

      bebegér n a dandy.

      bebeh intrans (mebeh trans) lie scattered, be lying spread out (=boboh).

      bebehang, bebehin pass be scattered about by someone.

      bébéhan intrans be like a fish.

      bebéhé n a ghost in the shape of a sheep.

      bebek 1 n powdered herbs or spices; powder; grit.

      bebek 2 n a kind of worm living in mud.

      bébék n a waterfowl.

      bébék dolong goose.

      bébék hangsa swan.

      bébék maneri duck.

      bebékinin pass be troubled, worried, disturbed.

      bebel n stump, shoot (of a plant); a block-head; adj dull, blunt, unintelligible.

      bebeng 1 n dam, dike, closure; intrans close, not let through (mebeng trans).

      bebengan n fish pond, enclosed space.

      mati bebeng intrans be stillborn.

      bebeng 2 intrans be quick, fast.

      bébéng n a broad piece of a hem.

      bébéngang pass be broadened.

      bébér intrans (mébér trans) spread out, unroll, put in a broad line or strip.

      bebes C n spittle (mabebes intrans).

      bebet (=blébét) adj full, stuffed full (mebet trans).

      bébét intrans (mébét trans) turn on a lathe until round; turn (ivory, etc.) decoratively.

      bebeteg n a sauce with much minced meat in it.

      bebetok n species of freshwater fish.

      bebica n small bird like a wagtail.

      bebiki (=béiki) intrans tease, annoy.

      bebinjat n a bastard.

      bebokong n the hinder parts.

      bebolong n a thing with a hole in it.

      beboso n a freshwater fish.

      bebotoh n dicer, gambler.

      bebuahan n kidney.

      bécak (=bécék) intrans be spattered with mud, be marked with spots.

      becat intrans (mecat trans) be fast, rapid.

      becatang pass be accelerated, be speeded up.

      becatin pass make faster.

      bécék 1 n mud; intrans (mabécék intrans) be muddy.

      bécékan adj wet, muddy (road).

      bécék 2 intrans be dissolved (a community) because of an epidemic; désané bécék the village was broken by an epidemic.

      becica n a species of magpie.

      becica culung n another kind of magpie.

      becik H adj (melah L) good, beautiful, nice, pleasant, well done (mecik trans).

      becik-an compar better.

      becikang imp regard (it) as good!

      becikang nyen imp be careful now!

      becikang pisan imp do (it) very well! be very nice!

      becikbecik adj very good; adv nicely.

      becikin pass be made good, be corrected, be repaired.

      becikot (=bacikot) n a species of snail.

      becing n tadpole.

      becingbecing n tadpole; n certain leaves used as medicine.

      becong adj pale, pallid.

      bed intrans (=hebed, hembed, bedbed) wind round, tie round.

      béda 1 adj different (méda trans); n difference.

      bédahang pass become different, be altered.

      béda 2 intrans (maméda trans) disturb, annoy, tease.
