Timothy G. Stout

Basic Japanese Kanji Volume 1

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      17. (father)

      18. (Mother’s Day)

      19. (powerful person)

      20. (people, each person)

      C. Common Japanese Last Names

      Try writing these common Japanese last names with the appropriate kanji characters.

      1. はった (eight, rice paddy) ____ ____

      2. せんだ (thousand, rice paddy) ____ ____

      3. かねこ (gold, child) ____ ____

      4. みよし (three, like) ____ ____

      5. やぎ (eight, tree) ____ ____

      6. つちだ (earth, rice paddy) ____ ____

      7. みき (three, tree) ____ ____

      D. Nationalities

      To express nationality in Japanese the kanji 人 (pronounced じん) is added as a suffix to the country name. For instance, an Australian is called オーストラリア人. Try writing these nationalities.

      E. Review Questions

      Try writing these sentences in Japanese using kanji whenever appropriate. Each sentence has at least one new kanji from this lesson. Then, compare your translations with the answer key at the end of the book.

      1. How many people are in your family? __________

      2. How many boys are there? __________

      3. What is your father’s name? __________

      4. Is your father strong? __________

      5. Who is more strict, your father or mother? __________

      6. What nationality are you? __________

      7. Are there Japanese people at your school?

      8. Who is popular at your school? __________

      9. What did you give to your mother on Mother’s Day last year? __________

      10. Do you do homework every day? __________

      11. Do you have a puppy? __________

      12. Which do you prefer, cats or dogs? __________

      13. Do you like classical music or rock? __________

      14. Do you prefer Japanese food or French food? __________

      15. Do you know how to cook Japanese food? __________

      F. Interview Your Partner

      Take turns asking the above questions with your partner. Try to answer as fully and appropriately as you can. For best results, you should elaborate on your answers whenever possible.




      Three (3) strokes A stick that is broken into small pieces.

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

ちいさい chiisai small
ちいさな chiisana small (alt. spelling)
しょうがくせい shōgakusei elementary student
しょうがっこう shōgakkō elementary school




      Four (4) strokes Small (小) and cut (ノ): I got a few cuts breaking a stick.

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

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