Timothy G. Stout

Basic Japanese Kanji Volume 1

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hitorikko only child ふたご futago twins




      Six (6) strokes Children like their mothers

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

すきな suki na like, favorable (adj.)
おこのみやき okonomiyaki savory hotcakes

      * An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.

      Naoki san wa kōkō sannensei desu. Naoki san no ie no chikaku ni petto shoppu ga arimasu. Naoki san wa mainichi petto shoppu no mae ni tachidomatte koinu tachi o mimasu. Koinu tachi o miteiru to, kodomo no toki ni katteita inu o omoidashimasu.

      Questions 3-D

      1. What grade is Naoki in? (A. 3rd grade, B. 6th grade, C. 9th grade, D. 12th grade)

      2. Where is the pet shop? (A. near Naoki’s house, B. near Naoki’s school, C. halfway between Naoki’s house and school, D. near the train station)

      3. What does Naoki do at the pet shop? (A. enters the pet shop, and looks around, B. talks to the pet shop owner about the puppies, C. talks with his friends about the puppies, D. looks at the puppies through the front window)

      4. What do the puppies in the pet shop remind Naoki of? (A. when he owned a dog, B. that he always wanted a dog C. that he was afraid of dogs, D. that he did not like dogs)



      Person (polite), this one, direction

      Four (4) strokes This is the distinguished person who ran ten thousand miles

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

このかた kono kata this person (polite)
しかた shikata how to do
ゆうがた yūgata early evening
ほうめん hōmen direction
りょうほう ryōhō both



      Noun pluralizer

      Three (3) strokes A person bent over in repetitious labor (Not technically a kanji, but used when writing kanji)

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

いちにち ichinichi one by one, separately
ひび hibi daily, day after day
つきづき tsukizuki every month
ひとびと hitobito people, each person
かたがた katagata people (honorific)

      * An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.

      Yūto san wa chūkaryōri to nihonryōri ga suki de, gyōza ya chāhan, yakisoba nado o tsukuru no ga tokui desu. Mainichi yūgata ni naru to kaimono ni itte, bangohan o tsukurimasu. Shōrai kokku ni naritai sō desu.

      Questions 3-E

      1. What kind of cooking does Yūto like? (A. Chinese and Japanese cooking, B. Japanese and Thai cooking, C. Thai and Korean cooking, D. Korean and Chinese cooking)

      2. How often does Yūto go grocery shopping? (A. every day, B. twice a week, C. every week, D. twice a month)

      3. What dishes is Yūto good at making? (A. sweet and sour, gyōza, and fried rice, B. gyōza, fried rice, and stir-fry noodles, C. fried rice, stir-fry noodles, and sweet and sour, D. stir-fry noodles, sweet and sour, and gyōza)

      4. What are Yūto’s future plans? (A. to learn to cook fried rice, B. to learn to cook Chinese food, C. to manage a restaurant, D. to become a cook)

      Lesson 3 Practice

      A. Kanji Review

      Write these words in kanji characters. The mnemonic pictures may offer some hints.

      B. Vocabulary Review

      Try writing these words with the appropriate kanji.

      1. (child)

      2. (mother)

      3. (Japanese person)

      4. (like)

      5. (boy)

      6. (man)

      7. (Father’s Day)

      8. (woman)

      9. (both)

      10. (boys’ school)