Timothy G. Stout

Basic Japanese Kanji Volume 1

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きょう kyō today



      Moon, month, Monday

      Four (4) strokes A crescent moon, eyes closed and smiling

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

つき tsuki moon
げつようび getsuyōbi monday
こんげつ kongetsu this month
いちがつ ichigatsu January
なんがつ nangatsu what month
いっかげつ ikkagetsu one month
せいねんがっぴ seinengappi date of birth

      * An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.

      Kōhei san wa, yonkagetsukan amerika de hōmusutei o shimashita. Soshite kongetsu fu tsuka ni nihon ni kaette kimashita. Kyō, Haruna san wa Kōhei san o yonde pātii o shimasu. Kōhei san wa Amerika no shashin o misenagara, amerika no koto o hanashite kureru sō desu.

      Questions 2-A

      1. How long was Kōhei’s homestay in America? (A. two months, B. four months, C. six months, D. eight months)

      2. When did Kōhei return to Japan? (A. today, B. this week, C. on the 2nd, D. on the 4th)

      3. When is Haruna having a party? (A. today, B. tomorrow, C. Sunday, D. Monday)

      4. What will Kōhei bring to the party? (A. souvenirs, B. candy, C. food, D. photos)


      Fire, Tuesday

      Four (4) strokes A campfire

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

hi fire, flame
はなび hanabi fireworks
かようび kayōbi tuesday
かじ kaji (destructive) fire
かざん kazan volcano



      Water, Wednesday

      Four (4) strokes A waterfall with huge drops of water splashing about

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.

みず mizu water
みずぎ mizugi swimsuit
すいようび suiyōbi Wednesday
すいぞくかん suizokukan aquarium

      * An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.

      Risa san to Yūka san wa senshū no kayōbi kara konshū no suiyōbi made hawai ryokō o shimashita. Soko de kazan ya suizokukan ni ittari, shoppingusentā de mizugi o kattari, oyoidari shimashita. Hidoi hiyake mo shimashita ga, tanoshikatta sō desu.

      Questions 2-B

      1. Risa and Yūka went to Hawaii (A. from last Wednesday to this Tuesday, B. from last Wednesday to this Wednesday, C. from last Tuesday to this Tuesday, D. from last Tuesday to this Wednesday)

      2. While in Hawaii they (A. saw a fire dancer and went to an aquarium, B. went to an aquarium and saw fireworks, C. saw fireworks and a volcano, D. saw a volcano and went to an aquarium).

      3. Risa and Yūka bought their swimsuits (A. in Hawaii, B. in Japan, C. at the Duty-Free shop, D. through a mail order catalogue)

      4. They had a fun trip, but (A. they got seasick, B. they lost a piece of luggage, C. they got sunburned, D. they got food poisoning)



      Tree, wood, Thursday

      Four (4) strokes A bonsai tree

      ■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.

      ■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.