Write the character, and trace the gray ones.
よん、し | yon, shi | four |
よにん | yonin | four people | |
よじ | yoji | four o’clock | |
しがつ | shigatsu | April | |
しこく | shikoku | shikoku Island |
* An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.
Boku wa Gureggu desu. Ōsaka ni iru chūgaku sannensei no Tarō kun ni ichigatsu kara mēru o okutte imasu. Tarō kun ni nihongo to eigo de mēru o kaku node, ii benkyō ni narimasu. Nihon no chūgakkō no koto ya Tarō kun no shumi ni tsuite hanashi ga dekiru node, totemo omoshiroi desu. Tarō kun wa, sangatsu ni chūgaku o sotsugyō shite, shigatsu kara kōkōsei ni naru sō desu.
Questions 1-B
1. What grade is Tarō in? (A. 3rd, b. 6th, C. 9th, D. 12th)
2. When did Greg begin writing his Japanese pen pal? (A. January, b. march, C. June, D. september)
3. What language did Greg use to write his pen pal? (A. Japanese, b. Japanese and english, C. mostly english, D. english)
4. When does the school year begin in Japan? (A. January, b. April, C. August, D. september)
Four (4) strokes To “go” down five streets
■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.
■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.
ご | go | five |
ごがつ | gogatsu | may | |
ごばんめ | gobanme | 5th | |
いつか | itsuka | 5th day of the month | |
いつつ | itsutsu | five things |
Four (4) strokes Playing “roku” and roll on your six strings
■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.
■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.
ろく | roku | six |
ろくがつ | rokugatsu | June | |
ろくばんめ | rokubanme | 6th | |
むっつ | muttsu | six things | |
むいか | muika | 6th day of the month |
* An asterisk denotes vocabulary with kanji that have not yet been introduced.
Nihon dewa gogatsu ni gōrudenwiiku ga arimasu. Gakkō mo otōsan no shigoto mo yasumi datta node, kazoku de yama ni itte pikunikku o suru koto ni shimashita. Sono asa, watashi mo otōto mo wakuwaku shite rokuji ni okimashita. Okāsan wa, omusubi o muttsu tsukutte kuremashita. Yama no ue de tabeta omusubi wa, oishikatta desu.
Questions 1-C
1. What month is Golden Week in Japan? (A. march, b. may, C. July, D. september)
2. Where did the narrator’s family go for Golden Week? (A. the mountains, b. the river, C. the beach, D. the countryside)
3. What time did the narrator wake up? (A. 4 o’clock, b. 5 o’clock, C. 6 o’clock, D. 7 o’clock)
4. How many rice balls did the narrator’s mother make? (A. four, b. five, C. six, D. seven)
Two (2) strokes A peeled ba“nana” looks like this.
■ Trace the gray lines, and then practice on your own.
■ Useful vocabulary: Write the character, and trace the gray ones.
なな、しち | nana, shichi | seven |
ななじゅう | nanajū | seven | |
ななひゃくえん | nanahyaku en | 700 yen | |
しちごさん | shichigosan | 7-5-3 Festival | |
なのか | nanoka | 7th day of the month | |
ななつ | nanatsu | seven things |