겁니다 chwihagetsseumnida/chwihal kkeomnida
Interrogative | I | 취해? chwihae | 취했어? chwihaesseo | 취하겠어?/취할 거야? chwihagesseo/chwihal kkeoya |
II | 취해요? chwihaeyo | 취했어요? chwihaesseoyo | 취하겠어요?/취할 거예요? chwihagesseoyo/chwihal kkeoyeyo |
III | 취하니? chwihani | 취했니? chwihaenni | 취하겠니?/취할 거니? chwihagenni/chwihal kkeoni |
IV | 취합니까? chwihamnikka | 취했습니까? chwihaetsseumnikka | 취하겠습니까?/취할 겁니까? chwihagetsseumnikka/chwihal kkeomnikka |
Propositive | I | 취해 chwihae | Conjunctive | and | 취하고, 취하며 chwihago, chwihamyeo |
II | 취해요 chwihaeyo | or | 취하거나 chwihageona |
III | 취하자 chwihaja | but | 취하지만, 취하는데 chwihajiman, chwihaneunde |
IV | 취합시다 chwihapssida | so | 취해서, 취하니까 chwihaeseo, chwihanikka |
Imperative | I | 취해 chwihae | in order to | 취하려고 chwiharyeogo |
II | 취하세요 chwihaseyo | if | 취하면 chwihamyeon |
III | 취하십시오 chwihasipssio | not | 취하지 (않다) chwihaji (anta) |
IV | 취해라 chwihaera | Nominal | 취함, 취하기 chwiham, chwihagi |
Adnominal | 취하는 chwihaneun | 취한 chwihan | 취할 chwihal |
Synonyms | — | Causative | 취하게 하다 chwihage hada |
Antonyms | 깨다 kkaeda | Honorific | 취하시다 chwihasida |
Passive | — | Humble | — |
Sentence Patterns
무엇에 취하다 mueose chwihada
Sample Sentences
■ 소주 5병에 결국 취하고 말았다. soju daseotppyeonge gyeolguk chwihago marattta Finally I felt drunk after five bottles of soju.
■ 나 안 취했어. na an chwihaesseo I’m not drunk.
chwisohada 취소하다 to cancel, to revoke
| Present | Past | Future |
Declarative | I | 취소해 chwisohae | 취소했어 chwisohaesseo | 취소하겠어/취소할 거야 chwisohagesseo/chwisohal kkeoya |
II | 취소해요 chwisohaeyo | 취소했어요 chwisohaesseoyo | 취소하겠어요/취소할 거예요 chwisohagesseoyo/chwisohal kkeoyeyo |
III | 취소한다 chwisohanda | 취소했다 chwisohaettta | 취소하겠다/취소할 거다 chwisohagettta/chwisohal kkeoda |
IV | 취소합니다 chwisohamnida | 취소했습니다 chwisohaetsseumnida | 취소하겠습니다/취소할 겁니다 chwisohagetsseumnida/chwisohal kkeomnida |
Interrogative | I | 취소해? chwisohae | 취소했어? chwisohaesseo | 취소하겠어?/취소할 거야? chwisohagesseo/chwisohal kkeoya |
II | 취소해요? chwisohaeyo | 취소했어요? chwisohaesseoyo | 취소하겠어요?/취소할 거예요? chwisohagesseoyo/chwisohal kkeoyeyo |
III | 취소하니? chwisohani | 취소했니? chwisohaenni | 취소하겠니?/취소할 거니? chwisohagenni/chwisohal kkeoni |
IV | 취소합니까? chwisohamnikka | 취소했습니까? chwisohaetsseumnikka | 취소하겠습니까?/취소할 겁니까? chwisohagetsseumnikka/chwisohal kkeomnikka |
Propositive | I | 취소해 chwisohae | Conjunctive | and | 취소하고, 취소하며 chwisohago, chwisohamyeo |
II | 취소해요 chwisohaeyo | or | 취소하거나 chwisohageona |
III | 취소하자 chwisohaja | but | 취소하지만, 취소하는데 chwisohajiman, chwisohaneunde |
IV | 취소합시다 chwisohapssida | so | 취소해서, 취소하니까 chwisohaeseo, chwisohanikka |
Imperative | I | 취소해 chwisohae | in order to | 취소하려고 chwisoharyeogo |
II | 취소하세요 chwisohaseyo | if | 취소하면 chwisohamyeon |
III | 취소하십시오 chwisohasipssio | not | 취소하지 (않다) chwisohaji (anta) |
IV | 취소해라 chwisohaera | Nominal | 취소함, 취소하기 chwisoham, chwisohagi |
Adnominal | 취소하는 chwisohaneun | 취소한 chwisohan | 취소할 chwisohal |
Synonyms | — | Causative | 취소시키다, 취소하게 하다 chwisosikida, chwisohage hada |
Antonyms | — | Honorific | 취소하시다 chwisohasida |
Passive | 취소되다 chwisodoeda | Humble | — |
Sentence Patterns
무엇을 취소하다 mueoseul chwisohada
Sample Sentences
■ 내가 한 말 취소하겠어요. naega han mal chwisohagesseoyo I will take back my words.
■ 죄송하지만 예약을 취소하고 싶어요. joesonghajiman yeyageul chwisohago sipeoyo I’m sorry but I want to cancel my reservation.
dachida 다치다 to hurt, to be wounded
| Present | Past | Future |
Declarative | I | 다쳐 dacheo | 다쳤어 dacheosseo | 다치겠어/다칠 거야 dachigesseo/dachil kkeoya |
II | 다쳐요 dacheoyo | 다쳤어요 dacheosseoyo | 다치겠어요/다칠 거예요 dachigesseoyo/dachil kkeoyeyo |
III | 다친다 dachinda | 다쳤다 dacheottta | 다치겠다/다칠 거다 dachigettta/dachil kkeoda |
IV | 다칩니다 dachimnida | 다쳤습니다 dacheotsseumnida | 다치겠습니다/다칠 겁니다 dachigetsseumnida/dachil kkeomnida |
Interrogative | I | 다쳐? dacheo | 다쳤어? dacheosseo | 다치겠어?/다칠 거야? dachigesseo/dachil kkeoya |
II | 다쳐요? dacheoyo | 다쳤어요? dacheosseoyo | 다치겠어요?/다칠 거예요? dachigesseoyo/dachil kkeoyeyo |
III | 다치니? dachini | 다쳤니? dacheonni | 다치겠니?/다칠 거니? dachigenni/dachil kkeoni |
IV | 다칩니까? dachimnikka | 다쳤습니까? dacheotsseumnikka | 다치겠습니까?/다칠 겁니까? dachigetsseumnikka/dachil kkeomnikka |
Propositive | I | 다쳐 dacheo | Conjunctive | and | 다치고, 다치며 dachigo, dachimyeo |
II | 다쳐요 dacheoyo | or | 다치거나 dachigeona |
III | 다치자 dachija | but | 다치지만, 다치는데 dachijiman, dachineunde |
IV | 다칩시다 dachipssida | so | 다쳐서, 다치니까 dacheoseo, dachinikka |
Imperative | I | 다쳐 dacheo | in order to | 다치려고 dachiryeogo |
II | 다치세요 dachiseyo | if | 다치면 dachimyeon |
III | 다치십시오