Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary

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ôû v. to be a servant/maid

      ñi ra v. to go out, to discharge

      ñi thi v. to take an examination, to sit for an examination

      ñi tu v. to become a monk

      ñi vaéng adj. absent, not at home

      ñì v. to punish, to dump

      ñì ñuøng v. [of large firecrackers] to crackle

      ñó n. prostitute, harlot, whore

      ñæa n. leech CL con: dai nhö ñæa to be obstinate, persistent

      ñóa n. saucer, plate, dish: ñóa bay flying saucer; ñóa record, disc

      ñòa n. R earth, land (= ñaát); geography [abbr. of ñòa dö, ñòa lyù]: ñieàn ñòa lands, ricefields

      ñòa baï n. land register

      ñòa baøn n. compass

      ñòa caàu n. globe, earth [real size or miniature] CL quaû

      ñòa chaán n. earthquake

      ñòa chaán hoïc n. seismology

      ñòa chaán kyù n. seismograph

      ñòa chaát hoïc n. geology

      ñòa chæ n. address

      ñòa chính n. land registry

      ñòa chuû n. landowner, landlord

      ñòa danh n. place name

      ñòa dö n. geography

      ñòa ñieåm n. point, location, site, place

      ñòa ñoà n. map, plan

      ñòa haï n. underground [agent]

      ñòa haït n. district; field, domain, realm, sphere

      ñòa hình n. topography, terrain

      ñòa loâi n. underground mine

      ñòa lôïi n. geographical advantage; produce of the land

      ñòa lyù n. geography

      ñòa nguïc n. hell [opp. thieân ñöôøng/ñaøng]

      ñòa oác n. real estate

      ñòa phaän n. territory

      ñòa phuû n. hell

      ñòa phöông n. locality, local

      ñòa theá n. terrain

      ñòa toâ n. land rent

      Ñòa Trung Haûi n. the Mediterranean Sea

      ñòa vò n. [social] position

      ñích n. bull’s eye, target; goal, objective, aim, purpose

      ñích ñaùng adj. proper, appropriate, adequate

      ñích thaân adv., pron. in person, personally; oneself, myself, yourself, etc

      ñích thò adv. exactly, precisely

      ñích toân n. one’s eldest son’s eldest son

      ñích xaùc adj. to be exact, precise

      ñòch 1 n. flute CL oá ng 2 v. to compete, to be a match for, to oppose, to resist: ñoái ñòch to compete with; voâ ñòch without equal, invincible

      ñòch quaân n. enemy troops

      ñòch quoác n. enemy nation

      ñòch thuø n. enemy, foe

      ñòch thuû n. opponent, rival, competitor

      ñieác adj. deaf: vöøa caâm vöøa ñieác deaf and dumb, deaf-mute

      ñieác ñaëc adj. deaf

      ñieám n. R inn, shop; watch tower: löõ ñieám inn, hotel; töûu ñieám wine shop; gaùi ñieám prostitute

      ñieám ñaøng v. to be tricky

      ñieám nhuïc v. to smear the good name of, to defame: to shame

      ñieàm n. omen, presage

      ñieàm nhieân adj. be calm, keep calm, unruffled

      ñieàm tónh adj. be calm, unruffled

      ñieåm n. point, dot (= chaám); point [in discussion]; mark [in school]: ñieåm soá to count; kieåm ñieåm to review; nhöôïc ñieåm weakness, shortcoming; quan ñieåm viewpoint; yeáu ñieåm essential point; baûng ñieåm freezing point; ñòa ñieåm position, location; toâ ñieåm to adorn, to embellish; trang ñieåm to make up

      ñieåm binh v. to review [of troops]

      ñieåm chæ v., n. to place one’s fingerprint; informer

      ñieåm danh v. to call the roll

      ñieåm huyeät v. to hit a mortal point [Chinese boxing]; to choose a burial spot

      ñieåm soá n. mark, grade [of student]

      ñieåm taâm n. breakfast: aên ñieåm taâm to have breakfast

      ñieåm trang v. to adorn oneself, to make up

      ñieân adj. losing one’s mind; mad, crazy, insane [with hoaù or phaùt to become]: Maøy ñieân aø? Are you out of your mind?

      ñieân cuoàng adj. mad, insane

      ñieân daïi adj. foolish, stupid

      ñieân ñaûo adj. upside down; shifty

      ñieàn 1 n. R ricefield (= ruoäng): chuû ñieàn land-owner; dinh [or doanh] ñieàn land exploitation, agricultural development; tö ñieàn privately-owned ricefield 2 v. to fill out [a blank], to fill [a vacancy]: ñieàn caùc töø thích hôïp vaøo khoaûng troáng to fill blanks with appropriate words

      ñieàn chuû n. landowner

      ñieàn ñòa n. land, ricefield: caûi caùch ñieàn ñòa land reform

      ñieàn kinh n. athletics; sport track

      ñieàn saûn n. landed property

      ñieàn thoå n. land, farmland

      ñieàn vieân n. fields and gardens, country life

      ñieån n. classical book, classical example, literary allusion; statute, code, compendium: kinh ñieån the classics; töï ñieån [or töø ñieån] dictionary

      ñieån coá n. literary allusion

      ñieån tích n. literary allusion

      ñieän 1 n. palace, temple: cung ñieän imperial palace 2 n. electric(al), electricity, telegram, wire: gôûi ñieän thö to send by fax; xe ñieän streetcar, tram; ñeøn ñieän electric light; thôï ñieän electrician; baøn laø ñieän electric iron; quaït ñieän electric fan; coâng ñieän official telegram

      ñieän aûnh n. movies, cinematography

      ñieän aùp n. tension, voltage

      ñieän baùo n. telegraphy

      ñieän cöïc n. electrode

      ñieän dung n. electric capacity

      ñieän hoïc n. electricity [as a subject of study]

      ñieän khí n. electricity

      ñieän löïc n. electric power

      ñieän naêng n. electric power

      ñieän theá n. voltage

      ñieän thoaïi n., v. telephone; to telephone: goïi ñieän thoaïi cho toâi to telephone me, to ring me; phoøng ñieän thoaïi telephone booth

      ñieän tín n. telegram: ñaùnh