[U.S.]; tieåu ñoaøn battalion; trung ñoaøn regiment; quaân ñoaøn army corps
ñoaøn keát v., n. to unite; unity, union
ñoaøn theå n. group, organization, body, community
ñoaøn tuï v. to be together, to reunite
ñoaûn adj. R to be short, brief (= ngaén) [opp. tröôøng]
ñoaûn meänh adj., n. to be short-lived; short life
ñoaûn soá adj., n. to be short-lived; short life
ñoaûn thieân tieåu thuyeát n. short story, novelette
ñoaïn 1 n. section, part, passage, paragraph: ñoaïn ñaàu the opening paragraph; tam ñoaïn luaän syllogism 2 adv. R finished; then (= roài): noùi ñoaïn so saying; giaùn ñoaïn to interrupt
ñoaïn ñaàu ñaøi n. guillotine, scaffold
ñoaïn haäu v. to cut off the retreat
ñoaïn maïi n. definitive sale
ñoaïn tröôøng adj., n. painful; pains, misfortunes
ñoaïn tuyeät v. to break off
ñoaûn adj. short
ñoaønh intj. Bang!
ñoaït v. to seize, to grab [power, money], to win [prize, title]
ñoïc v. to pronounce, to read [silently or aloud]: baïn ñoïc reader; ñoïc kinh to say a prayer
ñoùi v. to be hungry: ñoùi buïng, ñoùi loøng to be hungry [opp. no]; ñoùi keùm famine
ñoùi khoå adj. starving and poor, miserable
ñoùi raùch adj. poor
ñoøi 1 v. to demand [food, money, payment], to claim [damage, one’s rights, etc.], to summon 2 n. maid, servant
ñoøi hoûi v. to request, to ask
ñom ñoùm n. firefly, glow worm
ñoùm n. bamboo fragment, spill
ñoûm adj. spruced, neatly dressed
ñon ñaû v. to show willingness to help
ñoùn v. (= röôùc) to go to greet or to meet, to welcome, to receive: ñoùn tieáp ai to receive someone
ñoøn 1 n. lever; carrying pole: ñoøn gaùnh carrying pole, shoulder pole 2 n. whipping, thrashing: phaûi ñoøn to be slapped
ñoøn dong n. ridge-pole, ridge-beam
ñoøn baåy n. motive force, leverage
ñoøn xoùc n. sharp-ended carrying pole
ñong v. to measure [capacity], to buy [cereals]: ñong gaïo naáu aên to measure rice for cooking
ñoùng 1 v. to close, to shut: ñoùng saùch laïi to close the book 2 v. to drive in, to nail 3 v. to make, to build: ñoùng giaày to make shoes 4 v. to pay; to contribute: ñoùng thueá to pay taxes
ñoùng boä adj. dressed up
ñoùng chai v. to bottle
ñoùng daáu v. to stamp, to put the seal on: ñaõ kyù teân vaø ñoùng daáu signed and sealed
ñoùng ñai v. to girdle
ñoùng goùp v. to contribute
ñoùng khung v. to frame; to dress up
ñoùng kòch v. to play a role, to act a part
ñoùng tro v. to act
ñoùng vai v. to play a part
ñoùng vaåy v. to heal, to skin over
ñoïng v. to accumulate, [of water] to stagnate, to be in abeyance
ñoït n. browse, sprout: ñoït caây the sprout shoots of a plant
ñoâ n. R metropolis, capital city: thuû ñoâ capital; coá ñoâ ancient capital; ñeá ñoâ imperial city
ñoâ ñoác n. commander-in-chief, admiral: phoù ñoâ ñoác vice-admiral
ñoâ hoä v. to dominate, to have domination over
ñoâ hoäi n. big metropolis, business city: phoàn hoa ñoâ hoäi big city, flesh pots and hubs of business
ñoâ la n. dollar: ñoàng ñoâ la Myõ U.S. dollar
ñoâ saûnh n. city hall
ñoâ thaønh n. city
ñoâ thò n. city, urban center
ñoâ vaät n. wrestler
ñoá v. to dare, to defy, to challenge: thaùch ñoá to challenge
ñoá kî adj., v. jealous, to envy
ñoà 1 n. thing, object, baggage, material, furniture, utensil, tool; sort of, son of: ñoà aên food; ñoà duøng tool; ñoà ñaïc furniture; ñoà uoáng drink, beverage; ñoà coå antiques; ñoà ngu a stupid person 2 n. scholar, student in Sino-Vietnamese: moân ñoà disciple 3 v. to trace, to calk: ñoà hình veõ to trace a picture
ñoà aùn n. plan, design
ñoà baûn n. map, drawing
ñoà bieåu n. diagram
ñoà ñeä n. disciple, student
ñoà hình n. solitary confinement
ñoà leã n. offerings
ñoà maõ n. brightly-colored joss papers [used to represent fake money, etc. to be burnt during Asian funerals or the Hungry Ghost festival]; gimcrack
ñoà möøng n. presents
ñoà soä adj. imposing, impressive
ñoà teå n. butcher
ñoà thò n. graph
ñoå v. to pour, to spill; to throw away; to be poured, to be spilled, to fall, to topple over, to turn over, to crash, to collapse; to impute, to shift [responsibility, fault, etc.], to lay [blame]: ñoå ñi to throw away; ñoå loãi/ñoå thöøa to shift fault to someone; ñoå maùu bloodshed; ñoå ñoàng on the average; the total prize
ñoå boä v. [of troops] to land
ñoå moà hoâi v. to perspire profusely
ñoå xoâ v. to rush in
ñoã See ñaäu
ñoä n., adv. time, period; degree, measure; approximately: ñoä noï before, during that period; ñoä naøy these days, lately; trình ñoä extent, degree, level; ñieàu ñoä moderation, temperance
ñoä löôïng adj. tolerant; generous
ñoä theá v. to help mankind
ñoä trì v. to help, to assist
ñoác 1 v. to oversee, to supervise, to manage; to urge 2 n. headmaster, chief, doctor: quaûn ñoác manager; giaùm ñoác director
ñoác thuùc v. to encourage, to urge
ñoác tôø n. [Fr. docteur] medical doctor
ñoäc 1 adj. poisonous, venomous, malicious, harmful, cruel: hôi ñoäc poisonous gas; nöôùc ñoäc deadly climate [of malaria-infested areas]; noïc ñoäc venom 2 adv. only, alone
ñoäc aùc adj. cruel, wicked
ñoäc bình n. flower vase
ñoäc chaát hoïc n. toxicology
ñoäc chieác adj. single; alone
ñoäc döôïc n. poison