Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary

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v. to dive, to plunge, to disappear under the water

      huùt v. to suck, to inhale, to smoke, to vacuum: Caám huùt thuoác! No smoking!

      huït adj. to be lacking, short: thieáu huït in deficit; cheát huït to escape death very narrowly

      huy ñoäng v. to mobilize

      huy hoaøng adj. splendid, radiant, resplendent

      huyù n. tabooed name, forbidden name [to avoid mentioning names of elders, words similar to or homonymous with unlucky words]

      huyù nhaät n. anniversary of death

      huyû v. to destroy, to cancel: thieâu huyû to burn so as to destroy

      huyû boû v. to cancel, to abolish

      huyû hoaïi v. to destroy, to demolish

      huyùch v. to push, to shove

      huîch n. thud, whack [noise of heavy thing falling down]

      huyeân naùo adj. noisy, bustling, uproarious

      huyeân thieân v. to brag, to boast

      huyeàn 1 n. mark or symbol for low falling tone: daáu huyeàn grave accent 2 adj. jet; black: maét huyeàn black eyes 3 n. R string [of a musical instrument]: ñaøn ñoäc huyeàn monochord, Vietnamese one-stringed instrument

      huyeàn aûo adj. illusory, fanciful

      huyeàn bí adj. mysterious, occult

      huyeàn chöùc v. to suspend position [an official]

      huyeàn dieäu adj. abstruse, mysterious, marvelous, wonderful

      huyeàn hoaëc adj. fantastic, fabulous, legendary

      huyeàn vi adj. mysterious, subtle, delicate

      huyeän n. (= quaän) district

      huyeän lî n. district city, county capital

      huyeát n. blood (= maùu): hoaïi huyeát scurvy; thoå huyeát to vomit blood; nhieät huyeát enthusiasm

      huyeát aùp n. blood pressure

      huyeát caàu n. blood corpuscle, blood cell

      huyeát chieán n. bloody battle

      huyeát khí n. energy, constitution

      huyeát maïch n. pulse; vital thing

      huyeát quaûn n. blood vessel

      huyeát thanh n. serum

      huyeát thoáng n. blood, descent, parentage, kinship

      huyeät 1 n. grave; cave, hole: ñaøo huyeät to dig a grave; haï huyeät to lower a coffin into a grave 2 n. vital point in the human body [Chinese boxing and medicine]

      huynh n. elder brother (= anh): phuï huynh parents [of students]; gia huynh my elder brother

      huynh tröôûng n. eldest son

      huyùt v. to whistle: huyùt saùo to whistle

      hö adj. decayed, rotten, spoiled (= hoû ng); out of order, damaged; [of children] naughty, spoiled, unruly, ill-bred; false [opp. thöïc]

      hö danh n. vainglory, empty fame, vanity of fame

      hö hoaïi adj. spoiled, injured, damaged

      hö hoûng v., adj. to break down; to be out of order; damaged

      hö khoâng adj. vain, nil

      hö vò n. nominal position

      hö voâ adj. nothing: coõi hö voâ nothingness

      höø intj. Huh! Hum!

      höùa v. to promise, to vow: lôøi höùa promise, vow

      höùa haûo n. empty promise

      höùa heïn v. to promise

      höùa hoân v. to betroth, to engage

      höng adj. R flourishing, thriving; prosperous [opp. pheá]: phuïc höng renaissance

      höng khôûi v. to prosper, to thrive

      höng quoác v. to foster the country, to build the nation

      höng thònh n. prosperity

      höng vong n. ups and downs

      höùng 1 v. to catch [something falling] 2 n. interest, inspiration, enthusiasm: laøm vieäc tuyø höùng to work only when one has a feeling of enthusiasm

      höù ng thuù adj. interested, interesting

      höûng v. [of day] to break, [of sun] to be coming out: trôøi höûng saùng daylight breaks

      höõng hôø adj. cold and indifferent

      höông n. perfume, fragrance, incense: bình höông, lö höông incense burner

      höông aùn n. altar

      Höông Caûng n. Hong Kong

      höông hoa n. offerings [incense and flowers]

      höông hoaû n. inheritance

      höông hoàn n. soul [of dead person]

      höông khoùi n. ancestral cult, ancestor worship

      höông thí n. regional examination

      höông thoân n. village, hamlet

      höông vò n. taste, flavor

      höôùng n., v. direction; to face, to be directed: phöông höôùng directions

      höôùng daãn v. to guide, to lead

      höôùng ñaïo n. guide; boy scout

      höôùng ñaïo sinh n. boy scout

      höôøng adj. See hoàng

      höôûng v. to enjoy [a condition in life]; to receive

      höôûng thoï v. to die at the age of

      höôûng thuï v. to enjoy: höôûng thuï ñôøi soáng to enjoy life

      höôûng öùng v. to respond [to], to answer, to support

      höôu n. stag, roe deer

      höôu vöôïn n. idle talk, humbug

      höu v. R to rest, to stop working, to retire

      höu boång n. retirement pension

      höu chieán n. cessation of hostilities, truce, armistice

      höu trí v. to retire from employment

      höõu 1 v. to have, to own; R there is/are (= coù): quyeàn tö höõu private ownership; quoác höõu hoaù to nationalize 2 n. friend (= baïn): baïn höõu/baèng höõu friend 3 adj. right, right hand side (= phaûi, maët): beân höõu to the right; taû höõu left and right

      höõu cô adj. organic

      höõu danh adj. famous, well-known

      höõu duïng adj. useful

      höõu duyeân adj. lucky, compatible, favorable

      höõu haïn adj. limited

      höõu hieäu adj. efficient, effective

      höõu hình adj. visible, concrete, tangible, material

      höõu ích adj. useful

      höõu nghò adj., n. friendly; friendship: hieäp hoäi höõu nghò friendship society

      höõu saûn adj., v. wealthy; to own property

      höõu tình adj. lovely, charming

      höõu yù adj., adv. intentional; intentionally [opp. voâ tình]
