□ Everybody’s opinion counts. 每个人的意见都很重要。Měige rén de yìjiàn dōu hěn zhòngyào.
to count on 指望 zhǐwàng, 依靠 yīkào
to count out 不包括 bù bāokuò II n 1 总数 zǒngshù
to keep count 记录 jìlù, 记录数字 jìlù shùzì
to lose count 记不清数字 jìbuqīng shùzì 2 计量 jìliàng 3 罪状 zuìzhuàng
countable adj 可数的 kěshù de
countdown n 倒计时 dǎojìshí
countenance n 面容 miànróng, 面部表情 miànbù biǎoqíng
counter I n 1 [商店+] 柜台 [shāngdiàn+] guìtái 2 [厨房+] 操作台 [chúfáng+] cāozuò tái
under the counter 暗地里 àndìli II v 反驳 fǎnbó III adv 相反 xiāngfǎn
counteract v 抵消 dǐxiāo
counterattack v, n 反击 fǎnjī, 反攻 fǎngōng
counterbalance I v 抵消 dǐxiāo II n 抵消 dǐxiāo
counterclockwise I adj 反时针方向的 fǎn shízhēn fāngxiàng de II adv 反时针方向 fǎn shízhēn fāngxiàng
counterfeit I adj 伪造的 wěizào de
a counterfeit bill 一张假钞票 yìzhāng jiǎ chāopiào, 一张假币 yìzhāng jiǎbì II v 伪造 wěizào
counterpart n 地位相当的人(或物)dìwèi xiāngdāng de rén (huò wù)
counterproductive adj 起反作用的 qǐ fǎnzuòyòng de, 效果适得其反的 xiàoguǒ shìdé qífǎn de
countersign v 联署 liánshǔ
countless adj 无数的 wúshù de
country n 1 国家 guójiā □ The U.S.A., U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand are all English-speaking countries. 美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰都是说英语的国家。Měiguó、Yīngguó、Jiānádà、Àodàlìyà hé Xīnxīlán dōu shì shuō Yīngyǔ de guójiā. 2 乡下 xiāngxia □ They prefer to live out in the country. 他们喜欢住在乡下。Tāmen xǐhuan zhù zài xiāngxia.
country and western 乡间音乐与西部音乐 xiāngjiān yīnyuè yǔ xībù yīnyuè
country club 乡村俱乐部 xiāngcūn jùlèbù
countryman n 同胞 tóngbāo
countryside n 乡下 xiāngxia, 农村 nóngcūn
county n 县 xiàn
county fair 农村集市 nóngcūn jíshì
coup n 1(军事)政变 (jūnshì) zhèngbiàn 2 成功的行动 chénggōng de xíngdòng
couple I n 1 一对夫妻 yíduì fūqī, 一对情人 yíduì qíngrén □ After the wedding the couple had their honeymoon overseas. 新婚以后,夫妻在海外度蜜月。Xīnhūn yǐhòu, fūqī zài hǎiwài dù mìyuè. 2 两个 liǎng ge, 两三个 liǎng sān ge □ A couple of national newspapers covered this event. 两三家全国性报纸报道了这项活动。Liǎng sān jiā quánguóxìng bàozhǐ bàodàole zhè xiàng huódòng. II v 结合 jiéhé, 连接 liánjiē
coupon n 优惠券 yōuhuìquàn [m. wd 张 zhāng], 礼券 lǐquàn [m. wd 张 zhāng]
courage n 勇气 yǒngqì, 勇敢 yǒnggǎn □ She did not have the courage to admit her deception. 她没有勇气承认自己的欺骗行为。Tā méiyǒu yǒngqì chéngrèn zìjǐ de qīpiàn xíngwéi.
courageous adj 勇敢的 yǒnggǎn de, 有勇气的 yǒu yǒngqì de
courier n 信使 xìnshǐ [m. wd 名 míng]
course I n 1 路程 lùchéng, 过程 guòchéng □ We should avoid changing the course of action. 我们应该避免改变行动 方向。Wǒmen yīnggāi bìmiǎn gǎibiàn xíngdòng fāngxiàng. 2 课程 kèchéng □ This course will take two years to complete. 这个课程要两年的时间完成。Zhè ge kèchéng yào liǎng nián de shíjiān wánchéng. 3 道(菜)dào (cài) □ Now we’re having our last course of the dinner—fruit. 我们正在吃晚餐最后的一道—水果。Wǒmen zhèngzài chī wǎncān zuìhòu de yí dào—shuǐguǒ.
of course 当然 dāngrán II v 流 liú, 流动 liúdòng
court I n 1 法庭 fǎtíng □ Two men will appear in court tomorrow to be charged with drug trafficking. 明天有两个人因被控贩毒而上法庭。Míngtiān yǒu liǎng ge rén yīn bèikòng fàndú ér shàng fǎtíng. 2 球场 qiú chǎng
tennis court 网球场 wǎngqiú chǎng
basketball court 篮球场 lánqiúchǎng 3 宫廷 gōngtíng, 王室 wángshì II v 讨好 tǎohǎo, 追求 zhuīqiú
courteous adj 有礼貌的 yǒulǐmào de, 彬彬有礼 bīnbīn yǒulǐ
courtesy n 礼貌 lǐmào, 好意 hǎoyì
courtesy of 承蒙⋯的好意 chéngméng...de hǎoyì
courtesy bus 免费巴士 miǎnfèi bāshì
courtesy call 礼节性拜访 lǐjiéxìng bàifǎng
courthouse n 法院 fǎyuàn
courtmartial n 1 军事法庭 jūnshì fǎtíng 2 军法审判 jūnfǎ shěnpàn
courtroom n 法庭 fǎtíng
courtship n 恋爱 liàn’ài, 恋爱期 liàn’àiqī
courtyard n 院子 yuànzi
cousin n 堂哥 táng gē (paternal uncle’s son, older than yourself), 堂弟 tángdì (paternal uncle’s son, younger than yourself), 堂姐 tángjiě (paternal uncle’s daughter, older than yourself), 堂妹 tángmèi (paternal uncle’s daughter, younger than yourself), 表哥 biǎogē (maternal uncle or aunt’s son, paternal aunt’s son, older than yourself), 表弟 biǎo dì (maternal uncle or aunt’s son, paternal aunt’s son, younger than yourself), 表姐 biǎo jiě (maternal uncle or aunt’s daughter, paternal aunt’s daughter, older than yourself), 表妹 biǎomèi (maternal uncle or aunt’s daughter, paternal aunt’s daughter, younger than yourself)
cove n 小海湾 xiǎo hǎiwān
covenant n 契约 qìyuē
cover I v 1 盖 gài, 覆盖 fùgài □ She covered the baby with a blanket. 她用毛毯盖住婴儿。Tā yòng máotǎn gàizhu yīng’ér.
to cover up 掩盖 yǎngài □ The company spokesperson tried to cover up the scandal. 公司发言人试图掩盖这件丑闻。Gōngsī fāyánrén shìtú yǎngài zhè jiàn chǒuwén. 2 涉及 shèjí, 包括 bāokuò □ His talk