N sweet Javanese drink of green rice flour, pink syrup and coconut milk
daya N power, energy
Dayak generic name for indigenous (non-Malay) inhabitants of Kalimantan and Borneo; orang ~ Dayak
dayung N oar; mendayung V to stroke (an oar), row; to pedal
debar pulse, beat; berdebar V to beat quickly
debat N debate; berdebat V to have a debate; perdebatan N debate, discussion
débet, débit N debit; mendébet V to debit
debu N dust; berdebu ADJ dusty
dedaunan N leaves, foliage → daun
deg: deg-degan ADJ anxious, worried
déh OK then, well; Ayo, ~ ! Come on, then! → sudah
dékan N (university) dean
dekat PREP close, near; berdekatan ADJ close (of two or more things); mendekati V to approach; pendekatan N approach; getting to know; terdekat ADJ closest, nearest
delapan ADJ eight; ~ belas eighteen; ~ puluh eighty
délman N two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage
demam N fever
demi CONJ for (the sake of); by
demikian ADV such, so, in this way, thus
démo, démonstrasi N demo, demonstration, protest; mendémo V to protest against
démokrasi N democracy; démokrat N democrat; démokratis ADJ democratic
démonstrasi N demo, demonstration, protest
dénah N plan, map, diagram
denda fine; kena ~ be fined; mendenda V to fine
dendam revenge; grudge
déndéng N dried meat, jerky
dengan CONJ with
dengar V to hear; kedengaran, terdengar ADJ audible; mendengar V to hear; mendengarkan V to listen; pendengar N listener; pendengaran N hearing
dengkul N knee
dengkur, mendengkur V to snore; to purr (of a cat)
denyut pulse; throb
déodoran N deodorant
depak, mendepak V to kick something, kick out
depan PREP front; di ~ front, in front of; ke ~ forward, to the front; tahun ~ next year
departemén N department, ministry
derajat N degree, rank
deras ADJ swift; heavy; hujan ~ heavy rain
dérék tow (a vehicle); mobil ~ tow truck; mendérék V to tow
dérét N row, line; dérétan N row
dering ring, chime; berdering V to ring, tinkle
derita N suffering; menderita V to suffer, endure
dermaga N pier, jetty
dermawan N donor, philanthropist; ADJ charitable
désa N village; hometown; pedésaan N country(side), rural areas
desak push; mendesak ADJ pressing, urgent; V to press, urge, push
Désémber bulan ~ December
déterjén N detergent
detik N second
déwa N, M god; déwa-déwi, déwata N, PL, M & F gods
déwan N council, board
déwasa adult; orang ~ adult, grown-up
déwata N, PL, M & F gods → déwa
déwi N, F goddess → déwa
di PREP at; on; in; ~ atas above, on top of; ~ dalam inside; ~ samping beside
dia PRON he, she, it; him, her (often replaced by –nya for possessive)
diabét, diabétés (penyakit) ~ diabetes
dialék N dialect
diam silent, not moving; diam-diam ADV secretly
diaré N diarrhea
dibikin V, COLL to be made → bikin
dibilang V to be said → bilang
didih: mendidih ADJ boiling
didik educate; mendidik V to educate, bring up, teach; pendidikan N education; berpendidikan ADJ educated; V to have an education
diét N diet; berdiét V to diet, go on a diet
difaks V to be faxed → faks
diinfus V to be put on a drip → infus
dikontrakkan ADJ for rent, lease → kontrak
dikté N dictation
dilarang V to be prohibited; ~ masuk no entry, no admittance; ~ merokok no smoking → larang
dimengerti V to be understood → erti, arti
dinas (to work at a) government office
dinding N (inner) wall
dingin N cold, cool, chilly; kedinginan N cold; feeling cold
dini ADJ very early, premature
diopname V to be admitted to hospital, be hospitalized → opname
dipél V to be mopped, cleaned → pél
dipermak V to be altered, shortened → permak
dipingpong V to be sent here and there, messed about → pingpong
diplomasi N diplomacy; diplomat N diplomat
diportal V to be blocked by a barrier, have a barrier lowered → portal
diri N self; ~ saya me, myself
diri: berdiri V to stand, get up; mendirikan V to build, establish, erect; sendiri ADV alone; PRON self; sendirian ADV alone; single-handedly; tersendiri ADJ its own; apart, separate; terdiri ~ atas, ~ dari to consist of, be based or founded on
diserut V to be sharpened → serut
disérvis V to be serviced → sérvis
diskon N discount
diskoték N disco, nightclub
diskriminasi N discrimination; mendiskriminasi(kan) V to discriminate against
distrik N district
disunat V to be circumcised → sunat
ditilang V to be fined → tilang
divonis V to be sentenced → vonis
DIY ABBREV Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Special Region of Yogyakarta
DKI ABBREV Daerah Khusus Ibukota Special Capital City Region
dll dan lain-lain et cetera
doa N prayer; berdoa V to pray, say a prayer; mendoakan V to pray for
dobel ADJ double, twice as much
dobrak, mendobrak V to break open, smash
dodol N soft, chewy sweet made from brown sugar or fruit
dok PRON Doc, Doctor (used when addressing a doctor) → dokter
dokar N (two-wheeled horse-drawn) buggy
dokter, dr N doctor, surgeon; ~ gigi (drg) dentist; kedokteran ADJ medical
dolar N dollar; ~ Amerika US dollar
domba N sheep
dompét N purse, wallet; ~ saya hilang! I’ve lost my wallet!