donk SL you should know that
dongéng N tale, story, fable
dongkrak N (car) jack, lever
dorong V to push; mendorong V to push, encourage; terdorong ADJ pushed, shoved
dosa N sin; berdosa V to sin, commit a sin
dosén N (university) lecturer
DPR ABBREV Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat People’s Representative Council
Dr Doktor PRON holder of a Ph.D.
dr dokter doctor
drastis ADJ drastic
drg dokter gigi dentist
dsb dan sebagainya and so on
dua ADJ two; ~ belas twelve; ~ kali twice; ~ puluh twenty; dua-duanya ADJ both, the two of them; berdua ADJ together, in pairs; kedua ADJ second; kedua(-dua)nya ADJ both
duda N widower; divorced man
duduk V to sit, be placed; kedudukan N position; menduduki V to sit on something; to occupy; penduduk N inhabitant, citizen, resident; pendudukan N occupation
duga, menduga V to suppose, suspect; dugaan N suspicion
duit N, SL money, cash, dirt, dosh; cari ~ earn a living
duka N sorrow; ~ cita grief, sorrow; berduka ~ (cita) to grieve, be in mourning
duku N small sweet fruit with light brown skin, clear flesh and large dark seed
dukun N traditional or spiritual healer, shaman
dukung support; dukungan N support; mendukung V to support; pendukung N supporter
dulu ADV first, former, before; duluan ADV, COLL first, before others → dahulu
dunia N world; ~ maya online, Internet
dupa N incense
duri N thorn; berduri ADJ thorny; durian N durian, spiky yellow-skinned fruit with a strong smell
dus, dos N cardboard box → kardus
duta ~ besar (dubes) N ambassador; kedutaan ~ (besar) embassy
duyung N seacow
dwi- PREF two; ~bahasa bilingual
é EJAC hey (showing recognition, disagreement)
ébi N (dried) shrimp
édisi N edition; éditor N editor
égois ADJ egoist, egotistical, selfish
éja: éjaan N spelling
éjék, mengéjék V to tease, mock, ridicule
ékonom N economist; ékonomi N economy
ékor N tail; counter for animals; berékor V to have a tail
éks- PREF ex-, former → mantan
éksékutif executive
ékskul N extra-curricular activities, classes outside school → ékstra kurikulér
ékspatriat orang ~ expatriate (esp. Caucasian)
ékspor export; mengékspor V to export
éksprés ADJ express
éléktronik ADJ electronic; éléktronika N electronics
élit, élite [élit] N elite
élpiji N liquid petroleum gas, LPG
elus stroke, caress; mengelus V to caress, stroke or pat (an animal)
émail N (tooth) enamel
emak, mak N mother
emas, mas N gold
émbér N bucket, pail
embun N dew; berembun ADJ moist, dewy
emis: mengemis V to beg; pengemis N beggar
émisi N emission
émosi, émosional ADJ emotional
empat ADJ four; ~ belas fourteen; ~ puluh forty; berempat ADJ in a group of four; keempat ADJ fourth; perempat N quarter; perempatan, prapatan N crossroads, intersection; seperempat N one quarter
emping N chips made from the melinjo bean
empuk ADJ soft, tender
emut, kemut, mengemut V to suck on (sweets etc)
énak ADJ nice, tasty, delicious; pleasant; ~nya the good thing is, ...; ~ saja, ~ aja (sarcastically) that’s nice! how dare they!; énakan ADJ, SL better, nicer, tastier; seénaknya ADV, NEG just how you like, at will
enam ADJ six; ~ belas sixteen; ~ puluh sixty; segi ~ hexagon; keenam ADJ sixth
éncér ADJ liquid, runny, watery
éncik, cik PRON form of address to Chinese woman
enggak COLL no, not → tidak
enggan ADJ reluctant, unwilling
enggang N hornbill
engkau, kau, dikau PRON you
entah who knows
entar soon → sebentar
énténg ADJ light; flippant
Éropa, Éropah N Europe; orang ~ European
érosi N erosion
érotis ADJ erotic
és N ice; ~ krim, ~ puter ice cream; ~ teler sweet dessert with ice; lemari ~ refrigerator
ésok ADV ~ hari tomorrow; keésokan ~ harinya the next day → bésok
étika N ethics, good manners
étnik, étnis N ethnic group; ADJ ethnic, non-Western
évakuasi N evacuation → ungsi
fajar N dawn, daybreak
faks N fax, facsimile; difaks V to be faxed
fakultas N faculty
fals ADJ off-key, false (of music)
falsafah → filsafat
famili ADJ related, distant family
fanatik N fan; fanatic
fasih ADJ fluent, eloquent; ~ berbahasa Indonesia to speak Indonesian fluently
fatal ADJ very bad; fatal
fatwa N fatwa, religious ruling
favorit ADJ favorite; sekolah ~ top school
Fébruari bulan ~ February
fénoména N phenomenon
féodal, féodalis ADJ feudal, feudalistic; féodalisme N feudalism
féri N ferry
fésbuk N Facebook
fiksi N fiction
Filipina N the Philippines
film N film
filsafat, falsafah N philosophy
Finlandia N Finland
firasat N presentiment, foreboding, bad feeling
fisik ADJ physical
fisika N physics
fisiotérapi N physiotherapy
fitnah N slander, libel
flék N blemish, spot (on face)
flu N flu, influenza
fokus N focus; berfokus ADJ focused; memfokuskan V to focus