115. How can you measure the performance?
<--- Score
116. Has a cost center been established?
<--- Score
117. How can you reduce costs?
<--- Score
118. Which Tracking systems impacts are significant?
<--- Score
119. What would it cost to replace your technology?
<--- Score
120. Are the units of measure consistent?
<--- Score
121. Are you aware of what could cause a problem?
<--- Score
122. At what cost?
<--- Score
123. What measurements are possible, practicable and meaningful?
<--- Score
124. What tests verify requirements?
<--- Score
125. What could cause you to change course?
<--- Score
126. How are measurements made?
<--- Score
127. How will effects be measured?
<--- Score
128. What methods are feasible and acceptable to estimate the impact of reforms?
<--- Score
129. What harm might be caused?
<--- Score
130. How do you quantify and qualify impacts?
<--- Score
131. What is the cause of any Tracking systems gaps?
<--- Score
Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section
Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section
Transfer your score to the Tracking systems Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.
INTENT: Analyze causes, assumptions and hypotheses.
In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Neutral
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Disagree
1. What other organizational variables, such as reward systems or communication systems, affect the performance of this Tracking systems process?
<--- Score
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