Against Smoking
An Ottoman Manifesto
Aḥmad al-Rūmī al-Aqḥiṣārī
(d. 1041/1631 or 1043/1634)
Against Smoking
An Ottoman Manifesto
Introduction, Editio Princeps and Translation
Foreword by
Interface Publications – Kube Publishing
Front: Young smoker. Detail of a bowl, Turkey, 11th/17th c. (Brussels, Musée du Cinquantenaire).
Back: Turkish coffee-house (J. Ludwigsohn, Constantinople, c. 1900).
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ISBN: 978-1-84774-020-5 casebound
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Foreword by Mohammad Akram Nadwi
A Forgotten Puritan from Anatolia
The Complexities of a Radical Pietism
How to Turn Down an English Present
Recycling One’s Own Writings
“Cheating about the Religion of God…”
Qur’ānic Verses
Ḥadīths of the Prophet
Geographical Terms
Persons, Groups, Doctrines
Keywords and Concepts
Transcribed Words
SOME eat a sort of opium called benghilik, or henebane, which renders them more or less stupid and entertains them with the different visions that their mind, muddled by these vapours, presents to them; just as those who smoke tobacco may, in their melancholy, draw some satisfaction from the variety of clouds and figures that smoke creates in the air when it comes out of their pipes.
Albertus Bobovius (‘Alī
Ufkī Bey), Topkapi, p. 136 (c. 1665)
Ottoman basmala (13th/19th c.)
Tobacco, flower and fruit (from Larousse du XXe siècle)
A Baqtāsh darvish inhaling hashīsh (from J. P. Brown, Dervishes, p. 342)
Smokers playing chess (from C. de Bruyn, Voyages, 1732)
Ghazī Hasan Bābā (from J. P. Brown, Dervishes, p. 289)
Title pages of S. B. al-Shikārpūrī, Khazīna (Delhi, 1283[/1866] and pseudo-Shāh Walīullāh, al-Balāgh al-mubīn (India, 13th/19th c.)
First page of the Risāleh dukhāniyyeh. MSS. Harput 429, f. 194v., and Darülmesnevi 258, f. 70v.
Muezzins (Turkey, 11th/17th c.; from F. Taeschner, Volksleben)
The Death of Mustapha (from J. A. Guer, Moeurs, 1747)
Ornamental capital with smoker (from J. Morier, Adventures, p. 351)
Two smokers. Details from miniatures (Turkey, 11th/17th c.; from MS. A.365, Costumi orientali, Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell’Archiginnasio, and from F. Taeschner, Volksleben)
Tobacco plant, European smoking (from A. Chute, Tabacco, 1595)
Istanbul’s Egyptian Bazaar (from The Illustrated London News, 1853)
Exhaling through the nose and Turk smoking (from E. R. Billings, Tobacco, 1875)
Turkish Coffee-house (from The Illustrated London News, 1853)
Tobacco field in Syria and Turkish tobacco going to market (from E. R. Billings, Tobacco, 1875)
A Street in Constantinople (from Le Magasin Pittoresque, 1840)
Street tobacco seller stand and