This is the reason why the disease is general, the therapy has been interrupted, and the creatures are perishing. Or, rather, the physicians keep themselves busy with various ways of misguiding [people]. Would to God, if only, as they do not improve matters, they were not corrupting them! If only they were keeping silent and were not talking! When they speak, in their religious exhortations, they indeed do not aim at anything else than to win the hearts of the commonalty. Now, they do not obtain access to them but by making mention of the hope [in God] and the [divine] mercy, as that is more pleasing to the ears and lighter on [human] nature. The creatures thus leave their councils of religious exhortation (majlis wa‘ẓ) with, as sole profit, an overplus of insolence in committing actions of disobedience. Now, as long the physician is like that, the sick are led to perish because of the remedy, as it is administered in the wrong manner.”1 “One ought to know that when the ulema, in the councils which they devote to knowledge, solicit something from the people, doing so is not lawful for them, as this is earning something by means of a scholarly activity and an action of obedience [to God], no matter whether they solicit [it] for themselves or for others. Among the blameworthy solicitations is the fact of offering a little in order to take a lot, as is done when one is invited to weddings or circumcisions, as well as the fact of taking care of [someone else’s] sheep with the intention of getting to keep its young, as it is said that it is about this that His words, Exalted is He, were sent down: “And show not favour, seeking wordly gain!”2
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