not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights. And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without paying money.” My consultant stated, “A man that does not take care of his family is worse than an infidel, an unbeliever.” That is why So you Want Seven Wives? wants to help men to accomplish their goal of having a multiple-relationship development (MRD) situation. It lay heavy on my heart to do so. Women, So you Want Seven Wives? wants to help you to learn to be selfless and understand all the blessings that are in store for you, including the best of your man.
In any relationship, who wants to be with a self-centered person? You can’t trust a selfish person; they will easily hurt someone in order to please self. And they will continue to push buttons until you crack. And at that point, they are unfortunately satisfied. Women, a multiple relationship experience isn’t as bad as it may seem. Remember most of you are living it anyway without order. At first, you may feel as though you are giving up power and the situation is an issue. But in actuality, it could be a blessing, and you can gain power if you really love this man and he really loves you. The real success of a relationship, monogamous or multiple, will come from each person loving one another as the Lord loves us. Therefore, stay close to the Creator.
Furthermore, my consultant friend shared with me that the original name, which is in Hebrew text, for Lord is Yah, for God is Elohim and for Jesus is Yeshua. And these original names carry a certain additional power and vibration with them. And for me, Yhwh and Yahoshua as well. I, along with my spiritual teachers, share this knowledge in hopes of bringing your relationship(s) to a place of balance with a solid foundation.
I ask again, “How many of us can honestly say that we are in a monogamous relationship?” Women, you know when your man is being deceitful. I send peace and love to each of you dealing with this. If I can sense the presence of another woman in my man’s soap, surely the feeling of another woman prancing through his home has swiped your spirit. Many of us choose to live in ignorance. Stop supporting it and fighting it at the same time.
Men, why keep lying? You would be surprised by how many women would accept your proposal. First, you must be a man of faith, due diligence, and truth. Multiple-relationship development is a dream for many. Allow the seed of honesty to live within you. Believe the positive and help one another.
Men, imagine peace, patience, and love with your women in order to lead you to an organized life in your relationship. Unfortunately, there will be women that won’t stay forever; however, knowing the purpose of your experience is righteous growth and full of love, will set your situation aside from others.
Women, do not feel alone. Know how your needs are met and have togetherness in your spirit while building and connecting with your higher self. In addition, get to know your inner strengths. This is the positive energy those that are interested must learn to see and embrace in multiple-relationship development also known as MRD.
Male to Female Ratio
Gender ratio is often measured in a male to female ratio:
According to the 2000 census report on male-to-female ratio black females outnumber black males by 1,727,820 with a total population of 34,658,190.
White females outnumber white males by 3,914,238 with a total population of 211,460,626.
American and Alaska-native Indians females outnumber their males by 7,992 with a total population of 2,475,956.
The Asian race of females outnumbers the Asian males by 345,516 with a total population of 10,242,998.
Moving fast forward to the 2010 Census report nearly every state in North America has a higher population of women. Additionally, according to as of 2011 there are 4,961,146 more women than men in North America.
You can see the overall ratio proves there are more women than men in America. Ladies, face it, it is what it is. Men, this is your opportunity to be honest and make your relations with multiple women right.
There are all types of people in the world, and what works for some may not work for all. Multiple-relationship development in society is between the links of a chain. We must find the missing links, strengthen the chain, and allow righteousness to help it with the growth of love. Or even yet, men, find your kingdom within and build it in a compromising state of excellence with unity, thus alleviating loneliness for your women.
Loneliness today is characterized as a health problem. It can cause the mind to be unconducive to positive or cognitive thinking. Motivation to think sits on the shelf, and life may seem painful. When loneliness is felt, it pierces the heart and strikes motivation. But don’t forget that it just may be the Lord (Yah) working within the situation. And with all resurrections, which create healing, the person will come out of it stronger than they were before. So endure, procure, and learn to connect with righteousness from a place of love.
There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely. Being alone from time to time can be healthy. Be alone and listening to music, sipping on champagne, and reading a book versus sitting at home bored to tears and sad because of previous relationships. Most importantly, studying the word of Yhwh. People with certain health conditions stand a lower chance of survival living alone. It has been said that single women with breast cancer live half as long as those in a positive relationship. When you think about it, all sorts of unhealthy conditions are associated with being alone. Negative thoughts transform into stress, and stress transforms into a diseased body. With this in mind remember, you don’t have to think about anything you don’t want to.
Also, there are children that simply pass from this life from loneliness and of those children that survive. Who are they? Where is their mind-set? Occupy the mind with good thoughts of others; it can bring an enormous amount of joy. Sunshine lifts the spirit and the wind twirls around your body until you know that the ether of God’s (Elohim) love is within reach. Remember, what you say, think and feel is what you become. You build your life through your thoughts.
Unity has created peace within the storm. It gave 9/11 victims, and many people involved in the recent disasters the ability to rebuild with hope and warmth. The comfort of sharing oneself and opening the heart to those that are like-minded, kind, and worthy will help set you free.
A simple walk along the river stream becomes the tangibility of a dream. Man and woman are meant to be together in unity. My consultant friend stated, “The Father did not create man and woman for them to be apart. And if women would put away pride and men would stop being boys, we will all be better off.”
The amazing thing about multiple-relationship development (MRD) is that the unity of it is alive even in nonsexual relationships. For instance, imagine a nonintimate scenario, whereby a man has many women working for him in an organized setting. This is truly an example of a man creating and maintaining peace with multiple women, which is the behavioral essence of MRD. It represents the balancing capabilities of the man and his ability to manage the female nature with his own manhood capabilities. “Me man, you woman!” Males in every experience can exercise this technique with women. Remember, what we all truly want are happiness and fulfillment in every moment, everything and eternally. So let this be your prayer, and everything else will fall in place for the success of your mission here on earth and beyond.
This knowledge is not only accessible for intimate relationships, but it applies across the board. A righteous place with a Holy Spirit-guided path will bring out the best in any spiritually led experience or goal. Seek within yourself, your own righteous power, and watch your greatness succeed, thus empowering you to be the best you can be. Unity. Unity. Unity.
Today’s economic experiences are simply forcing people to unify. Households are becoming more crowded, and human nature is learning to be selfless. MRD complements today’s economic situations if implemented correctly, thus allowing men to feel comfortable and become truthful in their endeavors with more than one woman. In the truth of the world’s major matters, there is more of a need for MRD today than ever.