Laboratory Assessment of Nutritional Status:
Bridging Theory & Practice
Copyright 2011 CASE SOFTWARE,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-8809-8951-7
Library of Congress Control Number
Mary D. Litchford, PhD, RD, LDN
Greensboro, NC 27410
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any graphic, mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of phonographic recording or otherwise copied for public or private use without written permission from the publisher.
Health care is an ever-changing field. Readers are advised to check the most current product information provided by the manufacturer to verify all reference values and medication-laboratory test interactions. Neither the publisher nor the author assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property arising from this publication.
Greensboro, NC
New technologies and innovative processes generate new information giving the practitioner a greater understanding of the cascade of events from diagnosis through treatment and outcomes. The Nutrition Care Process (NCP) is an innovative process in which nutrition care indicators are clustered together to identify nutrition diagnoses. Laboratory data remains one of the key components of the assessment section and is often incorporated into the PES statements.
Changes in laboratory values reflect changes in medical condition, but not always nutritional status. Be alert to all the factors that contribute to changes in laboratory values. Changes in nutritional status mean the plan of care is achieving the expected outcomes or it is not achieving the expected outcomes. Improving nutritional status usually means shorter hospital stays, fewer complications and speedier wound healing after surgery. Using laboratory assessment to document the positive impact of the medical nutrition therapy demonstrates the benefits of our professional expertise to the medical team.
Laboratory Assessment of Nutritional Status: Bridging Theory & Practice provides the user an essential reference for many clinically relevant laboratory tests used in nutritional assessment. One feature of this reference is its consistent and easy to use format. Each laboratory test is listed in alphabetical order to allow the user to locate tests quickly. An additional resource is the companion CE course with instructional case studies available online or on CD ROM approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration for 14 CE units at Level III. It is available from CASE Software & Books,
Other professional reference books and CPE courses available from CASE Software & Books:
The Advanced Practitioner’s Guide to Nutrition & Wounds
Common Denominators of Declining Nutritional Status
Protein Powders, Potions & Elixirs
Many new research studies and technological advances are constantly reshaping the field of medicine. We welcome comments from users of this book so that we can provide useful relevant laboratory test information to users of future editions.
Mary D. Litchford, PhD, RD, LDN
About the Author
Dr. Litchford is president of CASE Software & Books. She has authored numerous advanced level CPE courses for nutrition professionals. For product information, contact CASE Software & Books,
Introduction & Objectives
For purchasers of the self-study course, either online case studies or a CD-ROM of case studies, is included for application of concepts. Each case study provides a medical profile of the patient followed by a series of questions. Users receive specific, interactive assistance for any errors.
For the most effective use of the self-study course, users should have a clear understanding of interpreting abnormal patterns of laboratory values, medical physiology, common physiological changes that occur with injury, surgery or aging, disease processes and the relationship between changes in laboratory values and changes in general health.
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this course, the successful learner will be able to:
•Discuss the role of inflammatory biomarkers as it relates to declining nutritional status.
•Assess laboratory test results for hydration status, protein status, nutritional anemia and other nutrition related disorders.
•Describe the relationship between laboratory test results and changes in nutritional status.
•Differentiate the role of medications and disease as each affects laboratory test results.
•Apply principles of Nutrition Care Process in the laboratory assessment of nutritional status
CDR Learning Codes that can apply to this course include 2100, 3000, 3020, 3060, 5000, 5010, 5020, 5030, 5040, 5050, 5080, 5090, 5100, 5230 or other applicable codes.
Information for Self-Study Course Participants
Online Users
Your confirmation email includes the computer links to the online case studies and competency testing. These links expire in TEN DAYS! Be sure to bookmark these links for later use. If you are unable to access the URL links