Laboratory Assessment of Nutritional Status: Bridging Theory & Practice

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= Urine

      Adapted from Fischbach,F A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins

      Laboratory Assessment of Nutritional Status: Bridging Theory & Practice uses a variety of standard abbreviations and units of measurement listed in Table 3. Many organizations are moving away from the use of lower case Greek letters such as μ for micro to avoid miscommunication. Please note that your institutional policy on standard abbreviations and units of measurement may vary.

      Table 3. Abbreviations & Units of Measurement

Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition
< Less than kg H2O Kilogram of water
< Less than or equal to L Liter
> Greater than m Meter
> Greater than or equal to m2 Square meter
AU Arbitrary units m3 Cubic meter
C Celsius mcg Microgram
cc Cubic centimeter μmol Micromole
cg Centigram mEq Milliequivalent
cm Centimeter mEq/L Milliequivalent per liter
cm H2O Centimeter of water mg Milligram
cu Cubic min Minute
dL Deciliter (100 mL) mL Milliliter
fl Femtoliter mm Millimeter
fmol Femtomole mm3 Cubic millimeter
g or gm Gram mM Millimole
h Hour mm Hg Millimeter of mercury
IU International Unit mm H2O Millimeter of water
ImU International milliunit mol Mole
ImcU International microunit mmol Millimole
IU International Unit mOsm Milliosmole
K Kilo Millimicron
kat Katal mU Milliunit
kg Kilogram Millimicron

      Table 3. Abbreviations & Units of Measurement

Abbreviation Definition Abbreviation Definition
μ3 Cubic micron ng Nanogram
μKat Microkatal nm Nanometer
μg Microgram nmol Nanomole
μL Microliter Pa Pascal
μm Micrometer pg Picogram
μm3 Cubic Micrometer pL Picoliter
μIU Microinternational unit pmol Picomole
μmol Micromole sec Second
μU Microunit SI Units International System of Units
mV Millivolt U Unit

      Implications for Practice

      Laboratory Assessment of Nutritional Status: Bridging Theory & Practice was designed to be used by RDs, RNs, case managers, DTRs, CDMs and healthcare science students as a reference tool. It includes over 90 laboratory tests with a nutritional significance. Laboratory tests include normal values, critical values, nutritional significance, disease states that increase or decrease results and medications which may increase or decrease results. All laboratory values are listed in alphabetical order for easy reference. An index is provided for cross reference.