Allen OSB Ahearn

Collected Books: The Guide to Identification and Values

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Miscellaneous. London, 1853. $250.

      COLERIDGE, Samuel T. Osorio: A Tragedy. London, 1873. $250.

      COLERIDGE, Samuel T. Poems Chosen Out of the Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London: Kelmscott Press, 1896. Woodcut borders and initial letters. Vellum. One of 300 copies. $5,000. One of 8 copies on vellum. $12,500.

      COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. Remorse: A Tragedy in Five Acts. London, 1813. $850.

      COLERIDGE, Samuel T. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. London, 1876. Illustrated by Gustave Doré. $2,000. New York, 1877. $1,500. London: Vale Press, 1899. Illustrated by Charles Ricketts. Boards. One of 210 copies. $2,000. London: Essex House, 1903. Frontispiece. One of 150 copies on Japan vellum. $2,000. London (1910). Illustrated by Willy Pogany. Calf. One of 525 copies signed by Pogany. $3,500. One of 25 copies in Japan vellum. $7,500. Clothbound. $1,500. Bristol, England, 1929. 10 engravings by David Jones. Canvas. One of 60 copies with extra set of engravings, signed by the artist. $8,500. Boards and cloth. One of 400 copies signed by Jones. $1,500. London: Corvinus Press, 1944. Half buckram. One of 21 copies. $3,000.

      COLERIDGE, Samuel T. Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Poems. London, 1817. With errata leaf. $2,000.

      COLERIDGE, Samuel T. Specimens of the Table Talk of the Late Samuel Taylor Coleridge. London, 1835. Frontispiece. 2 vols. $350. New York, 1835. $250.

      COLERIDGE, Samuel T. Zapolya. London, 1817. $1,500.

      COLES, Manning. Drink to Yesterday. London (1940). (By Cyril Henry Coles and Adelaide Manning, their first book.) $1,250. New York, 1941. $250.

      COLETTE. The Vagrant. London, 1912. Author’s first book. $1,000.

      COLLECTED Catalogues of Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach, 1904-1951 (The). New York (1967). 10 vols. $700.

      COLLECTION of Book Plate Designs by Louis Rhead. Boston, 1907. Limited to 150 copies. $450.

      COLLECTION of Familiar Quotations (A). Cambridge, Mass., 1855. (By John Bartlett.) $600.

      COLLECTION of Receipts . . . (A). Philadelphia, 1958. First book of Henry Morris (Bird & Bull Press). $1,500.

      COLLES, Christopher. A Survey of the Roads of the United States of America. (New York) 1789. Engraved title and 83 map sheets in portfolio. $60,000.

      COLLIER, Jane. See Essay on the Art of Ingeniously Tormenting.

      COLLIER, John. Green Thoughts. London, 1932. One of 50 signed presentation copies. In glassine dust jacket. $500. One of 550 signed copies. With errata slip. $150.

      COLLIER, John. His Monkey Wife. London, 1930. Author’s first book. $750. New York, 1931. $500.

      COLLIER, John. Pictures in the Fire. London, 1958. $200.

      COLLIER, John. Tom’s A-Cold. London, 1933. $750.

      COLLIER, John. Witch’s Money. New York, 1948. One of 350 signed copies. In glassine dust jacket. $450.

      COLLINS, Billy. Pokerface. Kenmore Press, 1977. Author’s first book. Oblong wraps. $2,500.

      COLLINS, Charles. Collins’ History and Directory of the Black Hills. Central City, Dakota Territory, 1878. 91 pages, printed yellow wraps. $4,000.

      COLLINS, Charles (compiler). Collins’ Omaha Directory. (Omaha, 1866.) Printed boards. $1,500.

      COLLINS, David. An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales. London, 1798-1802. 2 vols. 34 maps, plans and plates. $15,000. London, 1804. $3,250.

      COLLINS, Dennis. The Indians’ Last Fight; or, the Dull Knife Raid. (Girard, Kan., about 1915.) 8 plates. Cloth. $750.

      COLLINS, John S. Across the Plains in ‘64. Omaha, 1904. Pictorial cloth. $750.

      COLLINS, Mrs. Nat. The Cattle Queen of Montana. St. James, Minn., 1894. Compiled by Charles Wallace. Illustrated. Stiff wraps. $17,500. Spokane (about 1898-1902). Second edition. Plates. Pictorial wraps with cloth spine. $4,000.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. After Dark. London, 1856. 2 vols. $3,500.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. Antonina. London, 1850. 3 vols. Author’s first novel. Cloth. $3,000. New York, 1850. $750.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. The Dead Secret. London, 1857. 2 vols. $1,000.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. The Evil Genius. London, 1886. 3 vols. First English edition. $2,500.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. The Law and the Lady. London, 1875. 3 vols. $3,500. New York, 1875. First American edition. Illustrated. Wraps. $750.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. Memoirs of the Life of William Collins, R.A. London, 1848. Author’s first book. 2 vols. $1,500.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. Mr. Wray’s Cash-Box. London, 1852. Frontispiece. $2,000.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. The Moonstone: A Romance. London, 1868. 3 vols. Purple cloth. First issue, with half titles, with misprint “treachesrouly” on page 129 of vol. 2, and with ads in vols. 2 and 3. $20,000. Rebound. $5,000. New York, 1868. $2,000. Limited Editions Club, New York, 1959. $100.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. No Name. London, 1862. 3 vols. Red cloth. $2,500. Boston, 1863. 2 vols. $1,250.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. The Queen of Hearts. London, 1859. 3 vols. $8,000. New York, 1859. $1,000.

      COLLINS, Wilkie. The Woman in White. New York, 1860. Illustrated by John McLenan. Brown cloth. First issue, with the woman on spine in white. $3,000. London, 1860. 3 vols. Cloth. First English edition (published a month after the first American edition, although has been catalog as simultaneous), first issue, with ads at end of vol. 3 dated May 1, 1860 with “The Woman in White to be published shortly” (catalogued by Heritage Bookshop). Previously it was thought that the book with ads dated August 1, 1860 was the first. $20,000. Rebound. $3,500. London, 1861. $1,250. Limited Editions Club, Woodstock, 1964. $75.

      COLLODI, Carlo. The Story of a Puppet or The Adventures of Pinocchio. London, 1892. First edition in English. $10,000. New York, 1892. Off-white cloth stamped in blue with matching endapers and edges. $10,000.

      COLMAN, George, the Younger. See Mathers, John.

      COLNETT, James. A Voyage to the South Atlantic . . . London, 1798. 9 maps and plates. $15,000.

      COLOPHON (The): A Book Collector’s Quarterly. New York, 1930-50. 48 vols. Boards, including clothbound indexes and The Annual of Bookmaking. Complete set. $1,750.

      COLT, Harry S., and ALLISON, C. H. Some Essays on Golf Course Architecture. London, 1920. $3,500. Without dust jacket. $1,750.

      COLT, Miriam Davis. Went to Kansas. Watertown, N.Y., 1862. $800.

      COLTON, Calvin. Tour of the American Lakes. London, 1833. 2 vols. Boards. $1,250.

      COLTON, J. H. (publisher). See The State of Indiana Delineated.

      COLTON, J. H. (publisher). Particulars of Routes, Distances, Fares . . . New York, 1849. 12 pages. (11 of text.) (Caption title.) With Colton’s Map of the United States . . . and a Plan of the Gold Region. Map folded into brown cloth covers, with printed paper label; text attached to inside of front cover. First issue, with “longitude West from Greenwich” at top of map. $7,500.

      COLTON, James. Lost on Twilight Road. Fresno (1964). (By Joseph Hansen.) Author’s first book. Wraps. $175.

      COLTON, Walter. Three Years in California. New York, 1850. Map, 6 portraits, 6 plates, folding facsimile. $500.

      COLUMBUS, Christopher. The Voyages of Christopher Columbus; Being the Journals . . . London: Argonaut Press, 1930. Translated by Cecil Jane. 5 maps. One of 1,050 copies. $200.

      COLWIN, Laurie. Passion and Affect. New York (1974). $200.

      COMBE, William. See Syntax, Doctor. See also The Dance of Life; The English Dance of Death; A History of Madeira; Journal of Sentimental Travels, etc.; The History of Johnny Quae Genus.

      COMBS, Leslie. Narrative of the Life of Gen. Leslie Combs. (Cover title.) (New York, 1852.) 23 pages, plus errata leaf, wraps. $1,500. (Washington) 1852. 20 pages, printed wraps. $1,000.