Allen OSB Ahearn

Collected Books: The Guide to Identification and Values

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copyright purposes. $1,500. New York, 1914. $200.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Children of the Sea. New York, 1897. First edition (published in England in 1898 as The Nigger of the “Narcissus.”) Mottled blue-gray cloth. $1,000. New York, 1898. Second issue. $600.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Joseph Conrad’s Letters to His Wife. London, 1927. Limp imitation leather. Issued without dust jacket. One of 220 copies signed by Jessie Conrad. $450.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Laughing Anne: A Play. London, 1923. Full vellum, gilt top. One of 200 signed copies. In folding box. $850.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Laughing Anne & One Day More. London, 1924. $200. Garden City, 1925. $125.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Lord Jim. Edinburgh and London, 1900. Gray-green cloth. $7,500. New York, 1900. Copyright 1900. $1,750. Copyright 1899 and 1900. $1,000. Limited Editions Club, New Haven, 1959. In slipcase. $200.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Mirror of the Sea: Memories and Impressions. London (1906). Light-green cloth. First edition, with 40 pages of ads dated August 1906. $500. Ads dated July. $400. New York, 1906. Blue cloth. $250.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Nigger of the “Narcissus.” London, 1898. First published English edition of The Children of the Sea. With “H” in “Heinemann” on spine 5.5 mm (the following letters 4 mm) 16-page catalogue. $1,000. Second issue, letters all 3 mm high. 16-page catalogue. $600. Third issue same as second but 32-page catalogue. Headed “Harold Frederick’s Illumination.” New York, 1914. Contains suppressed preface and adds new prefatory note. $350. Limited Editions Club, New York, 1965. In slipcase. $125. (See also title entry, anonymous.)

      CONRAD, Joseph. Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard. London: Harper, 1904. Bright-blue cloth. $2,000. London: Bell, 1904. $750. New York, 1904. $400. Limited Editions Club, New York, 1961. In slipcase. $60.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Notes by Joseph Conrad in a Set of His First Editions in the Possession of Richard Curle. London, 1925. Buckram, paper label. One of 100 copies signed by Curle. $450.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Notes on Life and Letters. Dent, London, 1921. Green cloth. Advance printing with “Privately printed” on copyright page. $2,500. London, 1921. First issue of trade edition with “S” and “a” missing from the word “Sea” in “Tales of the Sea” in eighth line of table of contents. $750. Second issue with letters written in. $500. Third issue, with corrected page on canceled leaf. $300.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Notes on My Books. London, 1921. Boards, parchment spine, paper labels. First English edition. One of 250 signed copies. In dust jacket. $850. Garden City, 1921. One of 250 signed copies. In dust jacket. $850.

      CONRAD, Joseph. One Day More: A Play in One Act. London, 1917. Blue wraps. One of 25 copies signed by Clement Shorter, who had it printed privately. $2,500. London: Beaumont Press (1919). Boards. First published edition. One of 24 on vellum. $3,500. One of 250 copies. $350. Garden City, 1920. One of 377 signed copies. $500.

      CONRAD, Joseph. An Outcast of the Islands. London, 1896. $1,500. New York, 1896. First American edition. Wraps. $750. Green cloth. $600. Deluxe edition in three-quarter roan and marbled boards. $1,000. Limited Editions Club, Avon, 1975. In slipcase. $75.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Point of Honor: A Military Tale. New York, 1908. Decorated cloth. With “McClure” at base of spine. $375. With “Doubleday/Page & Co.” at base of spine. $150.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows. Garden City, 1920. Dark-blue cloth. In dust jacket. Priced “Net $1.90.” $1,000. In dust jacket. With “Net $2.00” overprinted. $600. London, 1920. Flexible red wraps (text differing from other editions). One of 40 privately printed advance copies. $2,000. London, 1920. Green cloth. In dust jacket. $450.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Rover. Garden City, 1923. Boards. First American edition. One of 377 signed copies. Slipcase. $1,500. Trade edition. $500. London (1923). Green cloth. $600.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Secret Agent: A Drama in Three Acts. London, 1923. Portrait frontispiece. Boards and parchment. One of 1,000 signed copies. In dust jacket. $750. One of 52 copies in white laid wraps printed in black in gray paper box with white label. $2,500.

      CONRAD, Joseph. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale. London (1907). Red cloth. First edition, with 40 pages of ads at end dated September. $3,500. New York, 1907. $500.

      CONRAD, Joseph. A Set of Six. London (1908). First issue, with ads dated February 1908, and with the list of Conrad’s works including “The Secret Agent” (with Ford M. Hueffer). $1,250. Second issue, with ads dated February 1908, with Hueffer’s name between “The Secret Agent” and “The Inheritors.” $600. Third issue with ads dated June 1908. $500. With ads dated August 1908. $300. New York, 1915. $200.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Simple Cooking Precepts for a Little House. No place, publisher or date [1921]. One of 100 signed copies, in stapled wraps. (The introduction to A Handbook of Cookery for a Small House by Jessie Conrad.)

      CONRAD, Joseph. Suspense. Garden City, 1925. One of 377. In plain blue dust jacket. In slipcase. $600. Trade edition. $350. London, 1925. Dark-red cloth. $500.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Tales of Unrest. New York, 1898. $500. London, 1898. Dark-green cloth. First issue with top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. $750. Plain top edge, other edges rough-trimmed. $500.

      CONRAD, Joseph. ‘Twixt Land and Sea Tales. London, 1912. Olive-green cloth. First issue, with “Secret” instead of “Seven” on front cover. $2,750. Second issue, with “Seven” stamped over erased word “Secret.” $400. Third issue with cover corrected. $200. New York (1912). First edition not stated (nor is Doran colophon present on copyright page). $300.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Typhoon. New York, 1902. First issue in dark-green cloth with 4 pages of ads. $1,000. Second issue in maroon cloth (ghost?). $500. London, 1903. Dark-gray cloth. First English edition, first issue, with windmill device and without “Reserved for the Colonies only” on verso of half title, front and bottom edges untrimmed. $850. Second issue all edges trimmed. $600.

      CONRAD, Joseph. Within the Tides: Tales. London, 1915. Sage-green cloth. $200. New York, 1916. $100.

      CONRAD Joseph. Youth: A Narrative and Two Other Stories. Edinburgh, 1902. Light-green cloth. With ads dated “10/02” at end. $4,000. With “11/02.” $2,500. Without ads. $1,000. New York, 1903. $400. Kentfield, 1959. One of 140 copies. $1,250.

      CONRAD, Joseph, and HUEFFER, Ford M. The Inheritors: An Extravagant Story. New York, 1901. Advance copies in beige pictorial cloth with sky in gold and with the dedication leaf reading “To Boys and Christina.” Only a few copies known. $5,000. First published edition, with corrected dedication on a stub: “To Borys and Christina” and sky in gold. $1,000. Second issue with sky in cover cloth color. $500. London, 1901. Yellow cloth. First issue, without dedication leaf (most copies including later issues). With 32 pages of ads and publisher’s device on spine with initials. Top edge untrimmed. $1,250. Without catalogue. Top edge trimmed. $1,000. Without initials in publisher’s device. $750. Also, remaindered in smooth yellow nonpictorial cloth. $300.

      CONRAD, Joseph, and HUEFFER, Ford M. Romance: A Novel. London, 1903. Bright blue cloth. $750. Red cloth. $600. Red wraps. $500. New York, 1904. $225.

      CONROY, Jack. The Disinherited. (New York, 1933.) Author’s first book. Pictorial dust jacket. $400. Printed dust jacket. $250. London (1934). $225.

      CONROY, Pat. The Boo. Verona (1970). Author’s first book. First edition stated. $3,500. New York, 1981. Wraps. New introduction. $150. Atlanta, 1988. One of 250 copies signed, issued without dust jacket. In slipcase. $500. One of 20 signed copies with original page or manuscript. $1,500. Trade. In dust jacket. $75.

      CONROY, Pat. The Water Is Wide. Boston, 1972. $1,250.

      CONSIDERANT, Victor. European Colonization in Texas. New York, 1855. First edition in English. 38 pages, wraps. $2,500.

      CONSIDERATIONS on Some Recent Social Theories. Boston, 1853. (By Charles Eliot Norton.) Author’s first book. $400.

      CONSTABLE, Henry. Poems and Sonnets. London, 1897. Woodcut border, ornamental woodcut