happens then the world truly becomes a better place.
As I ponder the idea of a better world, where people ask themselves and others better questions, I am excited that that world could be full of people who are:
•more creative
•more empowered
•more open-minded
•more compassionate
•more connected
•more solution-focused
•more action oriented
•more confident
•more valued
•more responsible
•more accountable
•more aware
•more empathetic
•better listeners
•more reflective
•more engaged
•more in control
All of this means that in the world there would be:
•less blame
•less conflict
•less judgment
•less command and control
•less compliance
•less reliance on the status quo
•less focus on problems
•less frustration
•less anxiety
•less restriction
In bringing you this book, I trust that you will be one of the special people who help to achieve these outcomes and that you will spread the word about how simple it is to make the world a better place by asking yourself and others better questions.
You are about to be taught an amazingly powerful life skill that has the power to transform lives – enjoy the journey!
The following questions will help you to evaluate your readiness to get the most out of this book!
Are you ready for the journey?
Questions? Big deal!
The power to question is the basis of all human progress.
Imira Ghandi
I truly believe that asking better questions is the answer to solving most of our problems. I am passionate about asking people questions and I know that by asking better questions people’s lives can dramatically change for the better. Yet in my experience, few people are conscious of how powerful the skill of questioning can be.
Socrates said, “I cannot teach you anything I can only make you stop and think”. Unfortunately, we seem to have developed a society of ‘tellers’ who are ready to advise us and tell us what to do, often without being asked! We have lost the art of questioning, which has resulted in the world being full of people who, rather than asking questions, are intent on ‘teaching’ or ‘telling’ others what they should or shouldn’t do.
Each of us can be guilty of being a routine or lazy thinker. As soon as we encounter an issue or problem we immediately seek advice and input from others with a naïve willingness that potentially affords them ‘guru status’; we assume they know better than we do. This combination of ‘tellers’ and lazy thinkers creates a dangerous situation where we miss out on the opportunity of finding better answers.
My intention in writing this book is to raise people’s awareness for asking better questions and for readers to see that this is an easily-learnt skill that will have profound results on people’s lives. I was not taught the skill of asking better questions at school or in any of my post-graduate studies and yet I have come to learn from experience that this is one of the greatest gifts I can bring to the table in conversations with people.
In this book, you will come to understand why questions are so powerful. You will learn how to ask yourself and others better questions and you will become excited as you develop a skill that you can use in your life every day. The skill can be used in many ways – with your family, friends and work colleagues, for example – there are no limits to the conversations in which you can use the skill.
If I can get you to become excited about the skill of asking questions, my hope is that you will share it with others and that we can create a ripple effect around the globe. Just imagine a world where people tap into their own wisdom and innate knowledge and are less reliant upon others for answers. A world where all people feel more confident about themselves and their ideas.
Let me share an inspiring true story to get us started on the journey.
“I know what I really need, but what I want is impos-sible!” These are the exact words stated by my client who was talking to me about trying to manage his time more effectively. He was a senior doctor in a major hospital and was experiencing frustration because he didn’t feel that there was enough time to do his job properly. As well as being a practising doctor at the hospital, he was also responsible for managing some of the junior doctors and for undertaking research on behalf of the hospital. In addition, he was doing some part-time study and was involved with many hospital committees and groups. He had a young family that he loved dearly and so ‘work-life balance’ was something that was important to him. No wonder he was having a problem with his time,