Daryl Carrigan

Survival Pressures

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      Survival Pressures

      Daryl Carrigan

      Copyright © 2012 Daryl Carrigan

      Unfortunately we live in a world of sue happy idiots and paid destructive groups, corrupt politicians and privately owned media, so I have to legally tell you: “This book is based only on my opinions and views. It is up to you, to make up your own mind and it is only educational. The Author.”

      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the publisher.

      The Publisher makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any commercial damages.



      In Honor Of

      “This book is for all those who didn’t make it, to those who would be

       saved and the puzzle that still lies ahead.”


      I want to dedicate this book to my mother Isabel. She has stood by me through thick and thin.

      To my dear friends Normand and so many others in the background that helped inspire, give me vision and encouraged me.

      This book is for those who are honest value creators and people of good-will everywhere.


      Hi: my name is Normand Desmarais.

      I have known Daryl Carrigan for a very long time. We had talked about him writing a book since his imagination is so vivid, along with the fact that he loves to help people in any way he can. So finally he has.

      He allowed me to read most of the passages in this book which I found very interesting and informative. I was so impressed with what I read, that I just had to ask him if I could write a forward. I am sure that you (the reader) will find this book a very good read.

      You will be swept away, as you delve into the fascinating and often turbulent but very productive life of Olivia Turlo. I hope that Daryl comes out with a sequel for this book, he tells me that he just might do that. He is such an integrated person.

      Enjoy the read sincerly, Normand Desmarais author of “The Ripple Effect-Countdown to Freedom” and many more books.

      Doctor Turlo in the Making

      This story starts in what could be one of a million small towns in America. Our hero’s name is Olivia Turlo, a medical practitioner from her home town.

      Olivia was somewhat the tomboy, where she enjoyed running outside with her friends and would regularly beat the boys at baseball, running or any other sport she put her mind to. Playing with frogs, birds, dogs, cats and any other creature made her immensely happy. When there was an injured animal, Olivia would see if she could help heal it and find a good home for it.

      Olivia’s uncle, who was in alternative medicine, would regularly listen to Olivia’s description of people’s health issues. After her uncle listened to the problem, he mentioned what the problem might be, and mentioned alternative cures and possible solutions. Olivia became very proactive and had a keen sense on the cause of people’s health issues and would regularly prescribe the best line of attack. On more than one occasion, this brought a smile on the face of the old doctor.

      Olivia was a very friendly, kind, and helpful person, but only had a few friends due to her working really hard at her studies, performing well at school, being extremely competitive and successful at sports and the all around general drive that she had. There was nothing wrong with this, but some people felt threatened by this powerfully different person.

      Olivia’s father loved seeing his daughter follow what she loved and would go out of the way to buy books, videos, scientific equipment or anything else that would help her out. Olivia loved her father for what he did.

      On Olivia’s seventeenth birthday, she decided to find out for herself if she’d be good in medicine, and after a signed-note from her parents, she joined the Peace Corps for two years to assist doctors and nurses serving the sick and suffering in third world countries.

      During this period, Olivia regularly wrote friends and family discussing how patients were brought in and how the doctors would diagnose a problem or problems, and that many patients recovered in little or no time. With great enthusiasm, she described that in her mind, she acquired the ability to watch people enter the clinic, describe their infirmity and be able to prescribe the solution that doctor would regularly give.

      She further elaborated that it had been as though a special door had been opened deep within her and that she was supposed to enter it. Furthermore, Olivia said, “This is my passion, and I receive great happiness from the service I provide. I want to cure diseases and make the world a better place.” Olivia now envisioned her dream of becoming a doctor.

      Upon arriving home from overseas, Olivia regularly applied herself to improving her GPA(Grade Point Average) in high-school in order to be eligible to enter a prestigious medical university.

      Every chance Olivia had, she would study the internet in the evening to find out about new medical procedures and how they would heal the sick and suffering. She would then envision going to medical school, and creating cures for diseases that were out there.

      All of a sudden, it seemed as though where ever Olivia turned and looked, there was information that would assist her in her quest. She would see articles on TV that would further teach her about medicine, or on the internet she would type in various phrases in search engines and the desired results would show up. It was as though she were becoming a magnet to what she desired.

      Upon entering the final year of high-school Olivia envisioned that she would perform well in her courses along with her SAT’s. Along with that she did everything that she felt was necessary in order to succeed.

      In Olivia’s last semester at high school, she applied for a number of prestigious medical universities and felt confident about acceptance. She wrote her SAT’s and received one of the highest marks. Her heart then was set on attending the most recognized medical universities in the country, where the opportunity to study and cure deadly diseases were abundant.

      Early June, Olivia started receiving acceptance letters from the various universities that she applied to. She opened each of the letters, where some accepted her request to enter, and others tactfully refused her application.

      The one and only letter that she was looked for but was not in the pile was missing. She started questioning herself: “Was my application lost?”, “Was my application rejected and they don’t even want to respond? “What’s wrong?” Regardless, strong minded Olivia envisioned her dream of attending her dream university. Still, she shed a tear, wiped it away, and quietly walked home from the mail.

      The very next day, Olivia went to the mail and opened the mail box and her letter was there. Now, the moment she dreaded, “Do I open this letter only to have my dreams shattered, or leave it closed?” Not being able to bear the suspense any longer, Olivia opened the letter. The response then stated:

      “Dear Ms. Turlo,

      The admissions office of our university has had the difficult duty of having to shift through the numerous admissions into our prestigious university; otherwise, we would have contacted you earlier.

      Going through several hundred extremely promising prospects you were put on a short-list of the final twenty applicants, where only five were to be selected for our fall semester. We have the distinct privilege inform