Daryl Carrigan

Survival Pressures

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      If you are still interested………………….”

      The suspense and tension for Olivia was simply too much, and she crumpled the letter and broke down crying. After a few minutes, she gathered herself together and let her friends and family know that she was accepted into the university of her choice.

      Olivia was now finally leaving her friends, family and her home town in pursuit of the education she dreamed of to become a doctor. Olivia and her friends went out to dinner where she had her favorite meal of pasta. There were some tearful farewells but the one person that she’ll miss the most was her father.

      Olivia had fond memories that, when small, her dad would take her to the amusement park, put her on his shoulders to make her seem so tall, took her on the merry-go-round, bought her candy apples, took her for nature walks, taught her how to ride a bicycle, and cleaned and kissed her knee when she scraped it. Her favorite memory was to roast marsh mellows with her father while they went camping together during summer.

      Unfortunately, Olivia really didn’t know her mother since she divorced her father Frank when she was 5 years old.

      To look at Olivia’s father Frank, at the age of 50 years, you’d not expect anything other than him being an average working father. Little would you know.

      When Frank was young he was the designer of low price car that cost almost nothing to fuel, and had no emissions. He would have changed the world except that sinister forces in the oil industry, and the federal government destroyed his plans. Without tax revenues from fuel sold the government couldn’t afford its bogus bureaucracy, and if there were no pollution from vehicles then the bureaucracy of the EPA wouldn’t be needed. The oil companies wanted to keep their virtual income monopoly on the transportation market. Both parties wanted their unearned money and power.

      As Frank found out the hard-way, under the premise of a Green company, the EPA and the oil companies had Frank sign a contract with them for exclusive rights to promote his product. With the contract in hand, they pulled out all funding to his project and gave a dire warning for him to keep quiet about his technological advancements. He was warned that if any of his research were to ever come out that his entire family would simply disappear. Frank would have to keep quiet to protect his family!

      When Frank lost his opportunity to create such great values for the world, he quietly died inside and announced to his family that funding had been cut on his project, and his business was closing. This affected his relationship with his wife and eventually led to their divorce.

      After Frank’s divorce, he never talked about his creation again and got into the construction industry. Olivia never knew the reason why her daddy lost his business, got divorced, and seemed to have a sad expression on his face and eyes. The only thing that made Frank smile was to see Olivia safe and happy.

      Olivia’s first day at university was wonderful, and knew it would take some time to orient herself. She knew that it was frosh week and she would be expected to engage in the silly rituals but wanted to keep it to a minimum.

      In Olivia’s dorm, she had a nice next door neighbor named Wendy that enjoyed parties, dancing, drinking, meeting guys with no particular interests other than that. Many of the other people in the dorm were similar to Wendy.

      Numerous evenings, Wendy would knock on Olivia’s door asking her if she wanted to go to a party, drink and meet guys. Olivia was kind in her response, but said no due to her having to complete an important assignment for class. Obviously, Olivia also didn’t want to waste time on areas that were of no value to her.

      During many evenings Olivia would simply go to the on-campus library or study in her room. She loved to delve into her medical books and understand the break-down of the human body, or how certain diseases occur and mutate from nature.

      Most of the women on campus were relatively good looking, but Olivia was exceptionally beautiful and intelligent. She was 5’ 10”, slim, long slender legs, with beautiful moccha skin, long black hair, with gorgeous green eyes. Most of the women were either extremely jealous or felt threatened by her, while the men saw and wanted this very beautiful woman.

      As the semesters blended together, Olivia’s knowledge, ability and passion in medicine started to grow. In one of Olivia’s favorite lectures, Professor McNewman took a liking to Olivia as he listened intently to her intelligent questions and the exceptional quality of lab assignments.

      After one class, he met Olivia in the hall and said, “Hello. I’m the professor for your third period on human physiology.” Olivia responded, “I know who you are, and I enjoy your lectures immensely.” “Oh, thank-you” responded professor McNewman, “I just wanted to let you know, by the quality of your questions and work that you’ll go far in medicine. Please keep up with your passion and hard-work. I know you’ll help make the world a better place.”

      Olivia finally met up with someone from the university that she admires, and respects from the values they produce. She reflected and thought, “those people are few and far between.”

      Olivia wanted to get to know someone who thought and lived just like her.

      Mr. McNewman wasn’t always a polished professor, but came from the south side of Chicago. John as his friends would call him, came from a broken family where his father abandoned his mother and him at 3 years old.

      In a constant fight for survival, his mother Louise would take jobs in cleaning different businesses and in styling ladies hair on the side. Every Thursday evening, his mom would go to night school to follow on one of her passion of becoming a beautician. She excelled at what she loved doing.

      Louise would not be at home most of the time as her day would start early in the morning and end late in the evening. Nevertheless, John always had breakfast and dinner in the fridge waiting him every day. Also, mom made sure to put a note in his lunch to let him know how much she loved and was proud of him.

      Louise loved John very much and would do anything to spur his interest in whatever his interests were.

      John loved his schooling and worked very hard at every subject he was involved in, and was considered a real achiever. When he did well in a subject, his mother would take him out to McDonald’s for dinner.

      After many months of night school, Louise was cleaning one of her many businesses as part of her daily routine. When cleaning near one of the windows, she looked out and noticed that there was an abandoned business that had gone bankrupt. Also after reflecting on it, she noticed that the business was in a central area of the city where there were many highly-paid women managers that could easily walk there during lunch. There also was ample available free parking outside, and the business was close to major bus routes.

      With further examination, she realized that the probable reason that the building hadn’t been sold or leased is due to it being too small for most businesses or restaurants, but would be the perfect size for a beauty salon. At that point, she wrote down the number for the leasing company that was boarded on the side of the building.

      That evening, when she arrived home she started collecting the necessary paperwork and information in order to create a loan application. The next day, she called the leasing company and found out all the information for renting the building, and went to the bank and attained all the forms needed for a loan application.

      On top of all her normal work, she rifled through all the little details necessary to create a loan application for a viable business. After looking at all the details, she realized that she might have to work cleaning part-time till her business took off, but she was determined.

      A few weeks later, with all the hard-work and planning done, Louise went to the bank with all the paperwork and reports filled-out. After a half hour meeting with the bank manager she was approved for the loan.

      That evening, John’s mom was home when he arrived home from school and gave him the good news. She had a glow on her face, and said, “Son, if you have something that is a passion to you then follow it with all your heart.”

      John’s beautiful mother showed him