long days and evenings studying and working hard were finally taking a toll on her health and it started to show.
After one of her labs in Mr. McNabb’s class he spoke to her and let her know that he thought of her as a excellent student, but noticed that the quality of her work had slightly declined. John said, “Olivia, I’m offering a small group of students an opportunity to receive tutoring in areas that are of trouble to them in my course. If you are interested, please see me and the others after class at 3pm, Wednesday.” Olivia nodded.
The days went by and Olivia looked forward to a Wednesday, and she could ask questions to her favorite teacher.
Finally, Wednesday arrived and Olivia went to her 3 PM tutoring session. During the question and answer session, Olivia could see the life and vibrancy in Mr. McNabb’s face. Olivia knew this was a man on a mission to teach young adults about the operation of the human mind. She knew that he was on the up and up.
After the session was over, Mr. McNabb went over to Olivia and asked her if the tutoring session was of assistance. Olivia responded, “yes, it was of extreme value to me in that I understand the details of what you brought up during the lectures.” Professor McNabb stood back, thought, and said, “Thank you. I’m privileged that I could be of assistance.” At that point, Mr. McNabb’s face went blank and there was a pause. The next thing that he said was, “Olivia, would you like to go out for a coffee.” With no hesitation, Olivia replied, “Yes.” Professor McNabb then asked, “Would you please call me John as that’s the name I want my friends to call me.” Olivia shook her head affirmatively.
At the coffee shop, John and Olivia sat down at a window seat and John proceeded to say, “Olivia I don’t regularly socialize with my students, especially a student that is as young and beautiful as you.” Olivia immediately blushed and smiled. John then continued to say, “But I’m going to make a exception for you. Olivia, your entire life is ahead of you. You are following your passion, which is the one thing that you love. Many people go throughout their entire lives without finding that.”
John then added, “Many people get into a career because there’s a lot of money in it, or because their mother, father, friends, family, guidance counselors, tradition, a minister, the State, the government, a television ad or something or someone else told them to do it. You are the one person that can say, with a completely guilt free conscience, I’m following my passion and I am my own leader.”
John took a brief pause and then proceeded to say, “Many of those parties may mean well but they have no way of telling what your passion is, also some of them have agenda’s that are not in your best interest, and as a matter of fact some of them would like nothing more than to sacrifice you to their personal higher-causes.
The most important fact is that you are the only person that can find your passion and thus rightfully earn happiness in life. I find that, after interacting with many of my students, that they are in their field for the wrong reason. Olivia, you are the person on the hill because of what you have done and I’m so very proud of you.”
When John was finished speaking, Olivia sat back in her chair, contemplated, trying to formulate an answer. Olivia then took a breath and said, “I’ve never heard anyone speak to me the way you do.” John then replied, “I thought this was of immense value to you in that you would use what I’ve said.” Further adding, “I hope that I wasn’t too forward or preachy in what I’ve said to you?” Olivia smiled and said, “Not at all and I sincerely thank-you for your guidance and kindness.” There was a moment of gentle quietness and respect as they both knew that they were now good friends.
Olivia didn’t say anything, but she now had a secret crush on this wise and kind man.
“Olivia”, John said, “It’s now getting late and I better safely escort you back to the front of your dorm.” She quietly nodded and they conversed all the way back to her residence.
Olivia started her classes with a renewed zeal. She focused and integrated the information during the lectures, labs and studies. During the question portion of the class she would ask the professors questions that would clearly stimulate and challenge them. At times, the faculty would be intimidated by her integrated questions, but then they would realize they had a person who had found their inward passion.
Occasionally, Olivia and John would get together for coffee. Olivia yearned to spend time with her special new friend. For hours they would discuss some of the newest medical procedures that would make the world a better place. Unfortunately, during their discussions, John had to bring up that some doctors were no more than glorified pharmacists.
John added, “Instead of doctors healing the cause of the problem, they are only dealing with the symptoms. On top of that, many thousands of innocent people, if not more, die every year from taking the prescribed amount of medicine. I just don’t know how the big pharmaceutical companies, doctors and the government can get away with it. If an individual were to take a piece of wood and hit someone, thus causing their death, then they would rightfully charged with murder. In contrast, if a pharmaceutical company were to create a dangerous product, have a doctor prescribed it, and were to lead to so many premature deaths, then they are free and clear.”
Olivia calmly reflected, thought about it and then said, “You are right, it’s as though the whole world were upside down and evil was called good and good was called evil.” John then interjected and said, “There is also a whole alternative field of medicine that has been rejected by the medical community. It’s called holistic, homeopathy along with self-tapping medicine. Many of those ‘alternative’ medicines have been rejected not due to their healing properties, but because they usually do heal. You see, many pharmaceutical companies, the FDA and many doctors want to hold down advancing technologies so they can hold onto unearned money, power and a false sense of importance.
If there were super-advancing medical breakthroughs, then there would be little or no need for the FDA, the big pharmaceutical companies or doctors. The proof in what I’m saying is incontrovertible. If there were voluntary trial groups for all of these holistic and alternative medicines, they would stand or fall on the basis of the Scientific method. Their dishonesty and shame are rightfully exposed when these groups threaten to or use force or use force, through agenda laws, to stop the Scientific method.”
John kept talking, “There are some other tactics these sinister forces use to destroy the innocent from making the world a better place. One of them is to create bogus lawsuits against individuals and groups through agenda law, and then to use Ego justice to destroy them in court. Sometimes, brutal thugs use the heavy handed tactic of ‘visiting’ people in the middle of the night. Another sinister tactic is to use out of context ‘facts’ to attack someone in the form of a vendetta. These tactics can sometimes be done anonymously and are always despicable, cruel and hypocritical. They are regularly used, one way or another, by dishonest members of the press, lawyers, judges, government bureaucrats and lawyers. Usually, the only way to stop these attacks is to give in to the demands of the belligerent, or to commit suicide. Governments that perpetuate or allow these types of atrocities completely ignore the Constitution and the laws of the country; thus are rightfully no better than the NAZI’s. Honest value creators can do without parasites”, exclaimed John, “but parasites can’t exist without honest value creators.”
John continuing and said, “Parasites can’t totally stop all medical and technological advances, because if they did then they wouldn’t have anyone to pay for their unearned living.”
After a pause he added, “You had might as well get used to me saying this.”
John then added, “In University I took a double major and my second major was, believe it or not in history. May God show mercy for the many millions of innocent people killed, and the numberless lives cut short and destroyed by the parasitic elite.”
Olivia then thought and said, “How do you come to all of these observations.”
John then said, “Olivia I simply look at all of the pieces of information that are involved in a subject and deal with it honesty and with integrity, and then