Dedication Page
I dedicate this book to my children, Nikki and Josh, for giving me the strength and perseverance toward advancement. They helped me realize that "you are never so near the top as when you hit rock bottom." Stay steady in your desire, persevere, have faith and gratitude...success is waiting for you!!
THIS book contains not only helpful information to the reader, but my life's passion. I have been inspired to pursue my present career and write this book by many people who I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge.
My educators; Steve Jones, who provides encouragement to his students to pursue their dream. He passionately presents the necessary tools to assist you in reaching success. I received multiple certifications from him and want to personally say ‘thanks’ for believing in your student’s capabilities.
Apart from the above, in the course of my studies and while writing this book, I have met numerous people who have inspired me with their vision and understanding of higher education. There are several professional acquaintances who work from a creative mind and not a competitive one. They shared their knowledge and guidance with no expectations: Diane Chew, Editor and Owner/Founder of “Simply Successful Coaching and Consulting;” who has helped me with editing, FP, and encouraged me to complete an audio workbook. Jack Perry, “Perry Design Studio” (Designed my first book, “My Freedom Flight”); Bill Quain, who has provided outstanding marketing tips and assisted me with FP; Ali Saif, ([email protected]) Designer of this book. Mike Litman, #1 Best-Selling Author, “Conversations With Millionaires,” who wrote a testimonial for my book; and his brother, Brian Litman. Thank both of you for your continued support toward my success.
A very special thanks to Bob Proctor (#1 International Best Selling Author, "You Were Born Rich"), who wrote the foreword for my book and provided equivalent in my audio program. I would also like to acknowledge him for his wonderful programs and for continually reinforcing Napoleon Hill’s success principles. His work is a replica of the messages that Hill wanted to convey. Hill was the founder of the Master Mind principles and Bob continually teaches the importance of that alliance. He has provided me the strength to continue, in spite of negative influences, and personally transformed my life. His teachings reinforce my inner strength and provide the faith to persevere (especially when I came face-to-face with the ‘terror barrier’). Bob is known throughout the world in business consulting and personal development, but the kindness he extends is a direct reflection of the principles he teaches.
To my mother, Mary Ellen Bolitiski for always being there for me. My children, Nicole and Joshua who continually make me proud. And of course, my grandson, Jordan who is the light of my life - a true inspiration.
It’s a real pleasure for me to be working with Peggy Caruso. Peggy has spent years studying human personality…studying why we do what we do and why we don’t do many of the things we want to do. We’ve got deep reservoirs of talent and ability within us. “Revolutionize Your Life” enables you to set aside some of those things you’re just so tired of doing, so tired of putting up with, to let the genius flow to the surface and manifest in results in your life. I want to congratulate you for making a wise decision of getting involved in Peggy’s program. “Revolutionize Your Life” will definitely do exactly what it says. Begin to live as you like by no longer living as you dislike. Peggy is a wise leader. She’s a great career and personal development coach, so sit back, relax, and listen very carefully. But understand one thing; listening to something is one thing, acting on it is another. It’s through repetition…listening over and over again that you begin to alter that conditioning that’s rest deep in the treasury of your subconscious. You’ll begin acting on it and that’s when your life will truly be revolutionized. This is Bob Proctor; now sit back and get involved.
Bob Proctor
#1 International Best Seller, "You Were Born Rich"
From the movie, "The Secret"
Open up your mind and get excited!! I’m sure you’re seeking self-improvement or you wouldn’t have purchased this book. Well…before we begin you need to discover the inner power within you.
What is your true life's desire?
Are your present surroundings discouraging you from your real potential?
Do you feel if you had the ability to change your current situation that success would be easier for you to attain?
Just assume that your real environment is within you and all the factors of success or failure are in your inner world. I’ve experienced numerous failures within my own life; however, I have reached the realization that you can’t fail as long as you are willing to begin again. Rebuild your empire without seeking permission from others. Your belief is your power to attain anything you desire. Remain congruent with your confidence and the universe will return what you are asking for in greater abundance.
Make this your first and most important step, embrace what is inside of you, meet every obstacle with resolution and it will surely be yours. It’s been written time and time again…
"It is only through your conscious mind that you can reach the subconscious. Your conscious mind is the porter at the door, the watchman at the gate. It is to the conscious mind that the subconscious looks for all its impressions."
- Robert Collier
All the great men of success refused to give up…they believed in who they are and what their true potential is!! Their discoveries and inventions resulted from their internal belief that there is no limit to possibilities. Edison refused to admit defeat 10,000 times, but persevered in his discovery and revealed that he discovered 10,000 ways a light bulb won't work. The only failure of mind comes from worry, doubt, fear, discord and desertion.
In today's society everyone is looking for answers…so many have slammed on the brakes. Searching for that answer....the happiness and success.
Personally researching for years…the steps to alter the subconscious mind and apply the law of attraction, I have found that so many authors, coaches and mentors provide partial answers or steps to take, but they weren’t clearly defined. Most everything I’ve read has provided steps relative to one or several areas, but neglect to comprise every detailed step from beginning to end.
The law of attraction provides steps from visualizing, desire, autosuggestion, creative imagination, faith, planning, persistence and gratitude that correlate with the power of your subconscious mind. However, you are unable to envision your desire or encompass creative imagination without full comprehension of your subconscious mind and changing your paradigm. Once you learn the strategies toward a positive change within your subconscious mind, faith will surely guarantee to deliver. With certifications in relaxation therapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) it is evident to me that the tools and techniques of the two combined will provide assistance in that area.
The extended knowledge of the aforementioned, would have been comprised of three or four books and would not contain adequate knowledge to advance you in the right direction. Educating myself through entrepreneurship and coaching with top professionals, has led me to the understanding that you must implement a strategic plan of action to correlate with everything I have previously mentioned. The most amazing people, who have inspired me, relative to the power of positive thinking, are Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins and so many more. However, essential to my own detriment, I realized the importance of attaining the combined knowledge of creating multiple sources of income, associate with affiliate programs, comprehend the essentials of network marketing and educate myself to be able to define and develop my skill sets. You must also be aware that you need to solve a specific problem in order to offer a service.