“I am successful…”
“I am wealthy…”
“I am healthy…”
“There is enough money….”
"Money is good..."
“I love myself….”
As adults we encounter negative comments on a daily basis; therefore, the task of change is extremely difficult. The most challenging scenario for me to comprehend is encountering a frustrating situation and prohibiting it from ruining your day. There are hundreds of examples; however, just to name a few…
Upon waking in the morning you stub your toe;
You notice your car has a flat tire just as you are ready to leave for work;
You wake up with an interruption in your electric;
You encounter a driver that creates road rage, etc.…
It is very complicated to redirect frustration from your mind, but utilizing the skills in NLP and relaxation therapy produce significant results. The combination of their therapeutic value provides education to acquire the ability toward tranquility. Mastering the tools and techniques for relaxation allows you to apply the necessary steps toward autosuggestion. The attempt to calm your body and mind opens the channels toward redirection. I created an internal motivation for the application of the process by realizing the importance of change. It is normal to internally challenge the validity for a positive outcome; however, reinstating the wonderful qualities you will possess will assist you in your endeavor to master the elimination of anger, negative behavioral patterns, undesirable conversation and unnecessary influence.
Trust me….it is factual.
So, how do we incorporate the relaxation techniques with redirection of our thoughts and actions? I previously mentioned hindering factors to support negativity, but you need to provide displacement for it. Therefore, when the negativity appears you must immediately recognize it.
An example of a relaxation technique:
Now, you must relax…
Inhale very slowly through your nose,
Hold it as long as you can,
Then exhale through your mouth very slowly,
If you are in a relaxed setting, close your eyes and feel your body unwinding…from your head to your toes,
Repeat the breathing exercise 3 times concurrently,
Continue to talk to yourself to soothe the tense parts of your body,
Reaching the tranquil state, start accentuating positive thoughts and dialog,
Repetitively verbalizing positive words and phrases to counter the negative,
Once you complete the relaxation process, affix a pleasurable moment in your mind. Think of a time in your life where you encountered a pleasant experience…one that made you very happy and produced a positive, happy feeling….then capture it. Repetitively replay that scenario and when the time comes that you start experiencing negativity, fear or anxiety, replicate the entire process again. Repetition is immensely important! You can implant positive suggestions throughout the day to begin the dominance of encouragement. For instance, if you are seeking abundance, you should continually repeat the words ‘wealth’ and ‘success’.
An important note: common sense is realizing if you are driving a car or in a setting where you are unable to engage in the relaxation exercise, you can nevertheless perform the breathing exercise and reinstatement of positive conversation. That is why we recommend the relaxation technique to be done while at home and in a relaxed atmosphere. You can never attempt to engage in any type of relaxation in a dangerous setting (e.g. driving, work, public setting, etc.). You should also take the time to purchase a hypnosis cd or download for MP3 and listen to it upon retiring to bed. Even if you fall asleep, the subconscious mind will continue to receive the suggestions.
Let’s discuss indecision, doubt and fear, which are the origin of most everyone’s problems. Indecision is the seedling of fear; indecision crystallizes into doubt; and the two blended together become fear…fear being the most crippling. There are six basic fears. The fear of…
Ill health
Loss of love of someone
Old age
There are also seven major negative emotions (to be avoided at all costs). The emotion of….
Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time; therefore, one must dominate. It is your responsibility to have the positive emotions be the dominant. There are also seven major positive emotions. The emotion of...
Allow me to give an example to calm anger in the event that you encounter road rage. Now, in an office setting we use NLP where relaxation methods are utilized and incorporated with anchors and dissociation techniques. However, as previously stated, they are inapplicable in social settings or while driving a motorized vehicle. So, a QUICK solution would be to divert your attention to a positive thought. Think of the numerous aspects in which you are grateful for at that moment. Faced with anger you may question what you have to be grateful for at that particular time:
Well, you have the physical and mental health to be able to drive,
You have a vehicle to drive;
You have an anticipated point of arrival;
And then…take a look around…is there someone with you in the car you can be thankful for?
I could go on with examples. We can all find ways to be grateful. Stop and really contemplate that the next time you are upset or angry. Look around…
What and who do you have in your life to be thankful for at that moment?
How beautiful is the day?
Think about how much worse your life could be at that very moment,
Then think about why you are angered….is it really worth it?
Will the display of anger correct the situation?
Will it eliminate your frustration?
Fear, worry and doubt are the most crippling and they are linked to all aspects of failure. They linger in your subconscious mind to create the ‘domino effect’ and they are most commonly associated with poverty. Certain fears are associated with multiple scenarios.
You will hear it explained as
Try to think of it as something beneficial…something you need. Don’t think of fear