Jonas Lie

The Jonas Lie MEGAPACK ®

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and therefore all who come down here below are asked by the bishop if they can tell him that name.

      At this Eilert felt very queer indeed, and he felt queerer still when he began reflecting and found, to his horror, that he also had forgotten that name.

      While he stood there in thought, the girl looked at him so anxiously. It was almost as if she wanted to help him to find it and couldn’t, and with that she all at once grew deadly pale.

      The Draug’s house, to which they now came, was built of boat’s keels and large pieces of wreckage, in the interstices of which grew all sorts of sea-grass and slimy green stuff. Three monstrously heavy green posts, covered with shell-fish, formed the entrance, and the door consisted of planks which had sunk to the bottom and were full of clincher-nails. In the middle of it, like a knocker, was a heavy rusty iron mooring-ring, with the worn-away stump of a ship’s hawser hanging to it. When they came up to it, a large black arm stretched out and opened the door.

      They were now in a vaulted chamber, with fine shell-sand on the floor. In the corners lay all sorts of ropes, yarn, and boating-gear, and among them casks and barrels and various ship’s inventories. On a heap of yarn, covered by an old red-patched sail, Eilert saw the Draug, a broad-shouldered, strongly built fellow, with a glazed hat shoved back on to the top of his head, with dark-red tangled hair and beard, small tearful dog-fish eyes, and a broad mouth, round which there lay for the moment a good-natured seaman’s grin. The shape of his head reminded one somewhat of the big sort of seal which is called Klakkekal—his skin about the neck looked dark and shaggy, and the tops of his fingers grew together. He sat there with turned-down sea-boots on, and his thick grey woollen stockings reached right up to his thigh. He wore besides, plain freize clothes with bright glass buttons on his waistcoat. His spacious skin jacket was open, and round his neck he had a cheap red woollen scarf.

      When Eilert came up, he made as if he would rise, and said good naturedly, “Good day, Eilert—you’ve certainly had a hard time of it today! Now you can sit down, if you like, and take a little grub. You want it, I’m sure;” and with that he squirted out a jet of tobacco juice like the spouting of a whale. With one foot, which for that special purpose all at once grew extraordinarily long, he fished out of a corner, in true Nordland style, the skull of a whale to serve as a chair for Eilert, and shoved forward with his hand a long ship’s drawer full of first-rate fare. There was boiled groats with sirup, cured fish, oatcakes with butter, a large stack of flatcakes, and a multitude of the best hotel dishes besides.

      The Merman bade him fall to and eat his fill, and ordered his daughter to bring out the last keg of Thronhjem aqua vitæ. “Of that sort the last is always the best,” said he. When she came with it, Eilert thought he knew it again: it was his father’s, and he himself, only a couple of days before, had bought the brandy from the wholesale dealer at Kvæford; but he didn’t say anything about that now. The quid of tobacco, too, which the Draug turned somewhat impatiently in his mouth before he drank, also seemed to him wonderfully like the lead on his own line. At first it seemed to him as if he didn’t quite know how to manage with the keg—his mouth was so sore; but afterwards things went along smoothly enough.

      So they sat for some time pretty silently, and drank glass after glass, till Eilert began to think that they had had quite enough. So, when it came to his turn again, he said no, he would rather not; whereupon the Merman put the keg to his own mouth and drained it to the very dregs. Then he stretched his long arm up to the shelf, and took down another. He was now in a better humour, and began to talk of all sorts of things. But every time he laughed, Eilert felt queer, for the Draug’s mouth gaped ominously wide, and showed a greenish pointed row of teeth, with a long interval between each tooth, so that they resembled a row of boat stakes.

      The Merman drained keg after keg, and with every keg he grew more communicative. With an air as if he were thinking in his own mind of something very funny, he looked at Eilert for a while and blinked his eyes. Eilert didn’t like his expression at all, for it seemed to him to say: “Now, my lad, whom I have fished up so nicely, look out for a change!” But instead of that he said, “You had a rough time of it last night, Eilert, my boy, but it wouldn’t have gone so hard with you if you hadn’t streaked the lines with corpse-mould, and refused to take my daughter to church”—here he suddenly broke off, as if he had said too much, and to prevent himself from completing the sentence, he put the brandy-keg to his mouth once more. But the same instant Eilert caught his glance, and it was so full of deadly hatred that it sent a shiver right down his back.

      When, after a long, long draught, he again took the keg from his mouth, the Merman was again in a good humour, and told tale after tale. He stretched himself more and more heavily out on the sail, and laughed and grinned complacently at his own narrations, the humour of which was always a wreck or a drowning. From time to time Eilert felt the breath of his laughter, and it was like a cold blast. If folks would only give up their boats, he said, he had no very great desire for the crews. It was driftwood and ship-timber that he was after, and he really couldn’t get on without them. When his stock ran out, boat or ship he must have, and surely nobody could blame him for it either.

      With that he put the keg down empty, and became somewhat more gloomy again. He began to talk about what bad times they were for him and her. It was not as it used to be, he said. He stared blankly before him for a time, as if buried in deep thought. Then he stretched himself out backwards at full length, with feet extending right across the floor, and gasped so dreadfully that his upper and lower jaws resembled two boats’ keels facing each other. Then he dozed right off with his neck turned towards the sail.

      Then the girl again stood by Eilert’s side, and bade him follow her.

      They now went the same way back, and again ascended up to the skerry. Then she confided to him that the reason why her father had been so bitter against him was because he had mocked her with the taunt about church-cleansing when she had wanted to go to church—the name the folks down below wanted to know might, the Merman thought, be treasured up in Eilert’s memory; but during their conversation on their way down to her father, she had perceived that he also had forgotten it. And now he must look to his life.

      It would be a good deal later on in the day before the old fellow would begin inquiring about him. Till then he, Eilert, must sleep so as to have sufficient strength for his flight—she would watch over him.

      The girl flung her long dark hair about him like a curtain, and it seemed to him that he knew those eyes so well. He felt as if his cheek were resting against the breast of a white sea-bird, it was so warm and sleep-giving—a single reddish feather in the middle of it recalled a dark memory. Gradually he sank off into a doze, and heard her singing a lullaby, which reminded him of the swell of the billows when it ripples up and down along the beach on a fine sunny day. It was all about how they had once been playmates together, and how later on he would have nothing to say to her. Of all she sang, however, he could only recollect the last words, which were these—

      “Oh, thousands of times have we played on the shore,

      And caught little fishes—dost mind it no more?

      We raced with the surf as it rolled at our feet,

      And the lurking old Merman we always did cheat.

      “Yes, much shalt thou think of at my lullaby,

      Whilst the billows do rock and the breezes do sigh.

      Who sits now and weeps o’er thy cheeks? It is she

      Who gave thee her soul, and whose soul lived in thee.

      “But once as an eider-duck homeward I came

      Thou didst lie ’neath a rock, with thy rifle didst aim;

      In my breast thou didst strike me; the blood thou dost see

      Is the mark that I bear, oh! beloved one, of thee.”

      Then it seemed to Eilert as if she sat and wept over him, and that, from time to time, a drop like a splash of sea-water fell upon his cheek. He felt now that he loved her so dearly.

      The next moment he again became uneasy. He fancied that right up to the skerry came a whale, which said