Karen Moore


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available, and completely trustworthy. That describes only one being in this world and the next . . . Jesus. You have a foundation of trust in him that you can have in no other.

      You're anchored to the Source of all life, and he will keep you safe. Yes, hardships will come, days will bring tumult and chaos, but nothing can shake the foundation of someone who trusts the rock of Heaven. Trust him. He'll give you the peace that passes all understanding right now.

      In the Flow

       Lord, it is so crazy in my life sometimes that I don't know where to turn. Of course, that's when I need you the most and when I need to trust you the most. Please help me stand firmly on the foundation of your love and trust you for all I need. Amen.

      February 27

      Testing . . . 1, 2, 3!

       All the ways of people are pure in their eyes, but the LORD tests the motives. Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.

      —Proverbs 16:2-3

      When you set out to accomplish something new, do you ask yourself the questions, "Why am I doing this and who am I doing it for?" Most of us have a lot of sound reasons for the things we do. We are motivated by a desire to get ahead, to create more opportunities for ourselves and those around us. We're motivated by a passion for our work or a commitment to our families.

      Proverbs 16 reminds us that commitment to ourselves and our families is important, but it's the commitment we make to the Lord that will offer us the biggest chance for success. Committing to him first makes great sense. After all, we want to do his work effectively and well and we want to make a difference.

      You're right to make plans and you're right to go after fresh opportunities and promotions and those things that build a fruitful foundation for your family, but you have to check in now and then, actually daily, with the Lord. You have to commit your work to him so that your motivations are pure and sound.

      God wants you to succeed. He wants your work to be blessed. He gave you the gifts you have to accomplish great things.

      In the Flow

       Lord, I'm off and running again, but before I go, remind me that I am working for you first and foremost. Inspire me and keep me motivated in ways that are healthy and that will serve you and my family well. Amen.

      February 28

      The Place Where You Stand

       Moses said, "I'm here." Then the LORD said, "Don't come any closer! Take off your sandals, because you are standing on holy ground."

      —Exodus 3:4-5

      How do we come into God's presence? How often do we recognize the place where we stand—when we talk to him, when we say our prayers, when we express our faith and our belief—as a holy space?

      God's request was simple, yet it required one thing of Moses. It meant that he had to listen and obey. It meant that he had to understand that this was indeed an important moment in their relationship, for God was inviting Moses into his inner circle. It connected Moses most directly to the earth and perhaps gave him a way to feel God's presence even more.

      We're not always inclined to remember God's holiness on a conscious level. We may not think of our conversations with him as taking place on holy ground, and yet that is where we stand every time we approach him with a humble heart, with a desire to get closer to him, with an understanding of our own humanity. God is holy.

      In the Flow

       Lord, I thank you for loving me so much that you're willing to let me share your friendship and be part of your inner circle. Help me be worthy of your love today and be mindful of those places that are holy and set apart unto you. Amen.

      February 29

      Being Truly Happy

       The one whose wrongdoing is forgiven, whose sin is covered over, is truly happy! The one the Lord doesn't consider guilty—in whose spirit there is no dishonesty—that one is truly happy!

      —Psalm 32:1-2

      Perhaps it is a good way to leave the month of February, the month where we at least give a passing thought to love and what it means to us, the month where we're reminded more fully of our connection to others, to look at what makes us truly happy.

      The truth is we can only be truly happy when our hearts are right with God. We make them right by offering ourselves to him and to his service. He helps us get it right by forgiving our many blunders and unfortunate choices. God loves us, and that is truly reason to be light-hearted.

      Today, we have a clean slate of options. We have a chance once again to come to our Father and ask him to show us the way to forgiveness. We can lay our burdens down, for his way leads to truth and light. Filled with his incredible light, our hearts become bigger. We're like the Grinch at Christmas while our hearts swell up five times beyond what they were. That's what makes us happy!

      In the Flow

       Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to be happy in you. Thank you for changing my blunders into chances to draw closer to you. Thanks for giving me a peaceful spirit and a light heart. Amen.


      The LORD bless you and keep you.

      The LORD make his face shine on you. . . .

      The LORD lift up his face to you

      and grant you peace.

       Numbers 6:24-26

      March 1

      It's a Great Day to Shine!

       From the rising of the sun to where it sets, God, the Lord God, speaks, calling out to the earth. From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines brightly.

      Psalm 50:1-2

      Augustine of Hippo said, "Ask the earth and the sea, the plains and the mountains, the sky and the clouds, the stars and the sun, the fish and animals, and all of them will say, 'We are beautiful because God made us.' This beauty is their testimony to God."

      What is our testimony to God? Do we see the beauty that he has so graciously bestowed on us in the landscapes that surround us and the skies that cover us? Do we see the beauty in others, within ourselves, and in God himself?

      The psalmist reminds us that God is perfect in beauty and shines brightly. Perhaps today we can open our eyes to his gifts of beauty. Let's start by thanking God for doting on us like beloved children, making sure we have an environment where we can thrive, giving us everything we need to be nourished and strong. Thank him also for the beauty found in relationships that bless our homes and hearts.

      God gave us life for one purpose, so we could share in a glorious relationship with him. Let's show him what we can do. Let's be his testimony!

      In the Flow

       Lord, thank you for loving me so much that you allow me to be a light for you. Shine on me so that I can reflect you in all that I do. Amen.

      March 2

      We're Still in Training