Lord, I thank you for the great sacrifice you made on my behalf. I thank you for loving me before I was even born. Thank you for the great Mediator, our one and only way back to you . . . Jesus Christ. Amen.
March 7
The Lord Is Near!
The Lord is near. Don't be anxious about anything; rather bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks. Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.
—Philippians 4:5-7
Do you remember a moment in your childhood, perhaps when there was a big thunder and lightning storm, and your daddy wasn't yet home? You may have cuddled up by your mom, just wishing your dad would return because somehow things would be okay then.
Since then, you've weathered a lot of the storms of life and you haven't always had someone by your side to hold you and help you through. Yet, we're reminded in this Scripture that the Lord is near. Because he's near, we don't have to worry. He'll calm the storms and lead the way. He'll bring us safely back to himself and he only asks us to do one thing.
Pray. Put everything that weighs on your heart into words. Without any concern for how those words get to him, simply tell him your story. Talk to him about your life, what you feel concerned about, what you think is missing. He will hear you because the Lord is near. He's always near. It's a new day. Draw near to the Lord and he will most assuredly draw near to you.
In the Flow
Lord, thank you for being with me today. I believe that you have my life in your hands and that you know all the things that bring me stress or cause me to worry. I ask you to stand by me again and bring me your gift of peace. Amen.
March 8
Come Into the Light
Hence, I will also appoint you as light to the nations so that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.
—Isaiah 49:6
One frequent theme of the Bible is the effect of light and what it does to illuminate truth. God spoke the light into being, making it possible for us to see his world in the backdrop of the darkness. He made it possible for us to see him and to feel the light of his face upon us. Light then serves as an intentional metaphor for guidance and the gift of his presence.
So what happens when we slip into the shadows? Sometimes we step aside from the path, take the lead away from God and walk alone. We stubbornly hold independence as a valuable asset, perhaps the best asset we have. It is valuable, but it isn't everything, especially when we cease to be dependent on God, our source of light. We can only shine for him as we stand in his presence.
You've been given the flame. You are the light. In fact, you may be the only light of God's love that some people will ever see. Your work on this planet is to shine and to help others come into God's presence for themselves. It's a great day to turn on your high beams.
In the Flow
Lord, I know that I sometimes hide the light you've given me. Help me shine in ways that please you and help others see you in a new way. Amen.
March 9
Getting the Best Treatment
Therefore, you should treat people in the same way that you want people to treat you; this is the Law and the Prophets.
—Matthew 7:12
You teach people how to treat you! Your behavior causes a similar behavior in people around you. In other words, your presence, your posture, your smile make a big difference in how any encounter you have with someone will go. When you offer your best self, show your best light, it returns to you in like manner . . . usually.
Matthew is reminding us that we need to always be aware of the other guy. We need to take responsibility for the way our relationships turn out because we play a big part in their construction. If we want kindness from someone else, we need to bring kindness to the table. If we want friendship to evolve, we need to offer the steady hand of friendship.
Most of us want to be treated kindly and well. We want others to value our efforts and see us as good. We want to win their respect and create trust. These are the things that make relationships possible and valuable. The best way to treat any other person in your life is to simply remember the way you like to be treated. Look at the way God is treating you.
In the Flow
Lord, I know that I can do more to create stronger and more loving relationships with some of the people in my life. Help me be kind and giving, in the same way that you are to me. Amen.
March 1 0
Getting to One More Birthday
So you must carefully do exactly what the LORD your God commands you. Don't deviate even a bit! You must walk the precise path that the LORD your God indicates for you so that you will live, and so that things will go well for you, and so you will extend your time on the land that you will possess.
—Deuteronomy 5:32-33
We enjoy celebrating birthdays, especially if they are someone else's. We love the sweetness of traditions filled with ice cream and cake and little birthday songs. We can celebrate and bring the wishes, but only God can actually affect the length of days we get to participate in this dance of life.
How do we know the precise path, the one that will give us the opportunity to live fully and well? Perhaps your Bible doesn't feel exactly like a road map or even a guide sometimes, but it is. It is because it was written specifically with you in mind, all with the aim of keeping you on the path. Even more, God provided a ready interpreter in the form of the Holy Spirit. He is available all the time to take requests, to help you recall Scriptures that will guide your choices, to lead you to others that will bring you closer to where you're meant to be.
If you're feeling somewhat thrown off the track today, get back to the One who will lead you any time you ask for direction.
In the Flow
Lord, I do get off the track and I'm pretty sure I don't follow your plan precisely. Please help me ask for direction for any step I take so I can live according to your plans for my life. Amen.
March 11
How Not to Please God!
There are six things that the LORD hates, seven things detestable to him: snobbish eyes, a lying tongue, hands that spill innocent blood, a heart set on wicked plans, feet that run quickly to evil, a false witness who breathes lies, and one who causes conflicts among relatives.
—Proverbs 6:16-19
You probably prefer to please God in the manner by which you address life and the people you know. Well, this Proverb directs your attention to show what you can do to NOT please God. Of course, none of these apply to you, but let's look again at one and see if you note any shades of similarity.
It may not occur to you that you could be snobbish in any way, but anything that separates us from having compassion for another human being may well hit this chord. Like Jesus' disciples who argued over who could sit next to him when he came into his kingdom, you may unconsciously elevate yourself in ways that bring snobbish eyes into play.
We are all apt to NOT please God on any given