directive is clear—we all are to welcome the stranger.
James 2:14-26 and 1 John 3:16-24
• According to today's Scriptures, how does faith go beyond lip service to action?
• John's definition of love is found in 1 John 3:16-18. Rewrite it in your own words. How does it differ from the world's "definition" of love?
What Do My Christian Faith And Self-Discipline Have To Do With Each Other?
Even though you are saved from your sin through the free gift of grace from Jesus Christ, you are called to take active steps in learning to live a self-controlled life. Although difficult at times, the call to disciplined living helps you learn victory over your old sinful nature that continues to war against you and your relationship with God. Just like an accomplished athlete or skilled musician, you, too, must train daily if you wish to become the person God desires you to be.
1 Thessalonians 5:4-11 and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
• What kind of behavior represents people of the light or day, versus people of darkness or night?
• Have you ever trained for something? Relate that experience with training yourself to run the Christian race. What must you do to succeed?
How Is It Possible To Fight Against My Own Sinful Desires— And Win?
Before you were a Christian you were powerless against your sinful desires. However, because you have received new life in Christ Jesus, you can succeed in defeating those desires! Since Christ now reigns in your heart, sin no longer will rule you as long as you commit daily to live in God's will and power, not your own.
Romans 6:1-18 and 13:12-14
• Romans 6 refers to slavery and freedom. What are the characteristics of each?
• List several ways that God can use you to be an "instrument of righteousness" this week.
How Can The Holy Spirit Help Me With My Self- Discipline?
Jesus not only came to save you from your sinful self but also sent the Holy Spirit to give you the power to overcome ongoing temptations. Without the Holy Spirit's help, you could never rise above those powerful pulls of selfishness and pride. But through the Spirit, you can gain the victory and radiate the characteristics of God such as love and joy.
2 Timothy 1:7 and Galatians 5:1, 13-26
• List the differences between the acts of the sinful nature and the fruit of the Spirit.
• The Holy Spirit brings into your life power, love, and self-control. Which of these characteristics needs to be revealed through your life more?
How Does Practicing Faithful Self- Discipline Affect My Relationship With God?
All through history God has called God's people to a disciplined, obedient life of faith. Even when catastrophe strikes, God is close to those who have trained themselves to honor God in all ways. Disobedient behavior separates you from God's companionship, but a disciplined walk of faith deepens your relationship with God.
Titus 2:11-14 and Psalm 34:1-22
• Psalm 34:12-14 describes characteristics of a self-disciplined lifestyle that honors God. According to this psalm, how does God bless those who practice them?
• According to Titus, what is God's goal for you as a self-controlled, godly person?
What Role Does My Mind Play In Learning Daily Discipline?
According to the Scriptures, every day you are called to set not only your mind but also your heart on "things above"—all that represents God's best for you and for God's world. Paul's letter to the Colossians is specific in its description of what it means to take off your "old self" and put on the new. When you practice this discipline daily, you actually allow God to bring God's love, joy, and peace through your life to others.
Colossians 3:1-17
• Make a list of the "old life" practices versus "new life" actions listed in this passage. Which ones do you still struggle to take off? Put on?
• How can you better keep your mind and heart focused on God?
What Are The Results Of A Faithful, Self- Disciplined Life?
Trusting in God's design for life produces motivation for spiritual growth. Daniel and his friends kept God's priorities even while in captivity, and God blessed their commitment to personal training and discipline. Their lives have become a testimony even to believers today as a result of their self-disciplined, faith-filled choices.
Daniel 1:1-21 and Matthew 6:33
• List the different ways God blessed Daniel's faithfulness and self-discipline. What hard choices did Daniel have to make?
• What are the top priorities in your Christian life? What self-disciplined choices might you need to make to keep them true priorities?
How Can I Keep Others From Discouraging Or Distracting Me?
The Scriptures are clear: the best way to avoid the negative influence of those who pull you away from following Christ is to steer clear of their company. Friends who struggle to stay obedient to their own faith may also drag you down. Instead, connect yourself with other selfdisciplined believers who will encourage you to stay the course.
Psalm 1:1-6
• What does Psalm 1 identify as the result of staying focused and self-disciplined toward God's word?
• What "fruit" has your practice of self-discipline yielded so far?
What Is God Trying To Accomplish Through "Testing" Times In My Life?
When life is comfortable and convenient, you may not have a sense of need for God. But when the blessings of God are taken away, the true character of a person comes to light. Job (a man of God described in the Old Testament) as well as first- century Jesus followers described in the New Testament provide examples of what happens in seasons of testing—and what the results can be.