Carolyn Slaughter

Transformation Journal

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Like Job, during times of testing you may feel distant from God. According to Job 23:1-12, what helped Job stay faithful and confident? How can these same things help you in times of testing?


       To What Extent Will God Go In "Testing" Followers Like Me?

      Abraham, a follower of God, faced every extreme test and trial placed before him with the kind of faith that kept his eyes on God and God's trustworthiness. Even with the life of his child at stake, Abraham's faith was not blind and unreasoned; it was based in Abraham's confidence in the character of God and God's good intentions toward him.

       Hebrews 11:8-19 and Genesis 22:1-19

      • According to Hebrews 11, in what three ways did God "test" Abraham? In what way did God provide for Abraham in Genesis 22?

      • Think of a time when, like Abraham, your faith has been tested. How did God provide?


      How Does God Want Tests And Trials To Affect My Willingness To Trust?

      It seems like it would have been easy for the Israelites to trust God, given their miraculous release out of Egypt and God's provision for them in the desert. Instead they followed the human tendency to take God's blessings for granted, demonstrate ingratitude, and even grumble against God. God's purpose in allowing them challenges and trials was to humble them and help them learn to trust.

       Exodus 15:22–16:35

      • Choose five words from this passage that you think describe the relationship between the Israelites and God. Why did you choose those words?

      • What five words would describe your relationship with God? Is God working to humble you and teach you greater trust, as God did with the Israelites?


       Does God Use Other People To "Test" Me At Times?

      After the conquest of the Promised Land under Joshua and following his death, the Israelites began a disappointing cyclical pattern of sin, judgment, and repentance, which they repeated many times. God finally allowed the Israelites to face "testing" of their faith through attacks by enemy nations. God's desire is always to see a response of faith and obedience.

       Judges 2:6–3:6

      • As described in Judges 2:20–3:4, how did God allow the people of Israel to be "tested"? What results did God hope to see?

      • Can you identify a time when God tested you like God tested the Israelites? Who did God use, and how are you different as a result?


       In What Other Ways Does God Sometimes "Test" Me?

      God may test you by prompting you to ask difficult and challenging questions about your priorities. As you come to grips with what God's priorities really are, you have the opportunity to remove what may be blocking you from a vital relationship with God. What feels impossible to overcome is possible with God!

       Luke 18:18-30

      • Why did Jesus ask the rich young ruler to sell all his possessions? Why do you think Jesus' request was a "test" for the ruler?

      • What challenging question of priorities has God used to "test" your faithfulness? How did the question present itself?


       How Is Waiting On God Connected With "Testing" My Faith?

      You may feel like God is testing you by being slow to act in a given situation. But it may actually be God's means of revealing Jesus in a great way (John 11:4). For example, Jesus dearly loved his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, yet was purposely slow in responding to them. The depth of Jesus' love for them was not in question; Jesus used his timing in a difficult situation so others would come to know him.

       John 11:1-45

      • What were the different responses of Mary and Martha when Jesus finally arrived?

      • For what answer from Jesus are you currently waiting? What does today's Scripture teach you about the importance of staying faithful in times of waiting on God?


       Do Blessings Always Follow "Testing"?

      After times of trial, testing, questioning, and suffering, God restores. Recognition of God's activity in your life may come slowly. God's outcome for you may be different than you expected. Just like silver is refined in the process of making fine jewelry, God refines your character, renews your faith, and enables you to see the abundance of great things God is doing and creating in your life.

       Psalm 66

      • What "tests" had the psalmist endured? What blessings from God does the psalmist name?

      • Make a list of the blessings from God you have received, and write a prayer thanking God for providing so abundantly.

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