Vanessa Martir

Woman's Cry

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don’t want to cause any friction between you and your man, boo, but I have to be real. I’m just not diggin’ him like that. His whole vibe bothers me. It’s hateful and vicious. I came because I want you. I need to feel you.” She drew me close. “I want to please you in a way you can’t imagine. He can watch if he wants but that’s it.” She wrapped her tongue around mine and made me forget about Fabian. Neither of us saw him approach.

      “Can I have some of that?” Fabian grabbed both our asses roughly. Anais cringed and tried to hide her repugnance but the quickness of her withdrawal gave it away. Fabian looked at her perplexed but before he could say anything, I planted a wet kiss on his open mouth.

      “Wanna play, pa?” I asked, caressing his crotch.

      We went upstairs together with me walking deliberately in between Fabian and Anais. When we entered the apartment, I lit candles, put Sade’s Greatest Hits on the surround sound, and served us all tall glasses of Grey Goose and cranberry. I excused myself and went into the bathroom where I prepared a bath of jasmine essence and rose petals in the Jacuzzi.

      I could feel the tension in the living room when I reentered. I heard Anais’s pleasant raspy voice singing along to Sade’s Smooth Operator and looked over to see Fabian rolling a huge L of ‘dro. Anais and Fabian sat on opposite sides of the butter leather coach, not looking at or speaking to one another. We puffed the blunt while Sade’s silky voice sang in the background.

      When we finished puffing, I led them both to the bathroom. I pecked Anais and sat her down on the edge of the hot tub. “I’ll be with you in a moment,” I said with a flirtatious smile. Before I could turn around, I heard Fabian swiftly unzip his pants, rip off his shirt, popping buttons in his haste, and splash into the hot tub.

      Damn, talk about thirsty! ¡Que lambón! I thought unamused, arching my eyebrows at his annoying over-eagerness. I looked over at Anais. Her expression revealed that she was thinking the exact same thing.

      Fabian looked at us both with a huge grin, shrugged and asked, “Y’all joining me or what?”

      “Now you gotta wait for us,” I responded.

      Anais and I slowly began to undress one another in between kisses to the lips, neck and breasts. Fabian bit his bottom lip as he watched. We stepped into the tub. To Fabian’s surprise, I placed myself in between him and Anais. I remembered what Anais had said to me and could tell from her body language that Anais was serious about not getting down with Fabian. I hurriedly kissed Fabian and jerked him off trying to distract him while with my other hand, I discreetly stimulated Anais’s clitoris. Anais grabbed the loofah, poured some Victoria’s Secret Forbidden Fantasy body wash on it and began to gently scrub my shoulders and back.

      Fabian stood up and rammed his rock hard penis into my mouth. I gagged and tried to pull back but he grabbed me by the nape of my neck and wouldn’t let go. My eyes watered but I let him manhandle me. I knew that if I tried to stop him, he’d go into a rampage and would kick Anais out or worse, get violent with us both. I sucked him off until he came, which wasn’t long because despite his constant bragging, the truth was he was a three minute man.

      Fabian clenched my hair, forcing me to keep his eight inches deep in my throat until the last drop of cum spewed from his dick. When he was done, he carelessly got out of the tub. “I’ll wait for y’all in the bedroom,” he muttered without even a glance back. I hadn’t noticed that Anais had stopped bathing me and was staring open mouthed in shock.

      “What the fuck was that?” Her voice held a mixture of anger and sadness.

      “That was nothing, ma.” I tried to hide the sorrow. “Now he’ll leave us alone for a while.”

      Anais looked at me forlornly and cradled me in her arms. We bathed one another and kissed for what seemed like forever. By the time we went to the bedroom, Fabian had fallen asleep on the chaise longue opposite the California king size bed. We were both relieved but neither said anything.

      We fell onto the silk sheets into each other’s arms. Anais grabbed me by the wrists and held them over my head rendering me motionless. She bit me gently but firmly on the lips and neck.

      “There’s velvet rope in the top drawer,” I whispered, coyly motioning towards the night table. Anais slipped the smooth cord around my wrists and in between the brass headboard, making it a point to leave them loose enough so she wouldn’t have trouble changing my position. She then proceeded to slowly and methodically lick and nibble me from head to toe.

      I whimpered as Anais worked her way down my torso. She left no inch of my body untouched. When she reached my pussy, she licked my Brazilian waxed bikini line and stroked my clitoris but mischievously proceeded to kiss and bite around my crotch and on my inner thigh, not stopping until she reached the point of each toe. She then turned me around and did the same to my back.

      I quivered and moaned uncontrollably when Anais reached the small of my back. This was one of my weak spots. I gasped in delight as she began to lick my ass and finger me from behind. Several times I felt like I was about to cum but just when I was about to reach the height, Anais withdrew and began to lick another spot and stimulate another area. I glanced at her, dizzy with rapture, and saw my juices dripping down her chin.

      “Release me, please,” I whispered desperately in between each pant of breath. “I wanna touch you, taste you. Let me go.”

      “No, bella,” Anais tormented lovingly. “You’re in trouble now.” She flipped me over and began to eat my pussy in a way no one ever had, flitting my clitoris rapidly with her tongue while thrusting her middle finger into my pussy. I wriggled uncontrollably. All at once I wanted to pull away and push Anais further into my crotch. Anais tongued my clitoris and fingered me with increasing vigor until I squirted milky white cum. She licked it up and continued to enthusiastically stimulate my clit and g-spot while I shuddered wildly with orgasmic spasms. She made me cum another two times before finally relenting. She then ran her fingertips lightly over my torso and breasts while I, sweating and wheezing in excitement, caught my breath.

      Anais pulled herself up towards my face. She loosened the rope while she kissed me intensely. I tried to mount her but she stopped me. “No, it’s okay, bella. This wasn’t about me. It was about you.”

      “But I want to please you,” I pouted with disappointment.

      “Oh you did. I came twice just watching you shake.” She licked my lips. “You are exquisite, mami, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

      We held one another, so caught up in the moment that neither noticed that Fabian had awoken and had been filming us.


      I opened my eyes sleepily and squinted trying to force my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight shining through the bay windows. I smiled, remembering the night, and extended my arm, expecting to feel Anais’s soft skin. I groped the silk sheets but came up empty. I opened my eyes fully and looked around the room. Anais was nowhere to be found. Her clothes that had been lying on the red divan across the room were gone as well. I looked over at the chaise longue and saw that bare as well.

      “Where is everyone?” I wondered.

      I got up slowly and walked lazily to the bathroom. My pussy burned as I urinated; it felt like I had rug burn in my crotch.

      “Ooooh,” I winced loudly. “That bitch tore my pussy up,” I said laughing. “Put this ass to sleep.”

      I ran the shower and let the warm water cascade over my body. I touched my clit and shuddered, reminiscing about my encounter with Anais. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my side.

      “Did you enjoy yourself, you fucking whore?!” asked Fabian furiously. He jabbed me in the ribs again and grabbed me by my hair. I struggled to break free. Before I could scream, Fabian punched me in the stomach and ribs, sending ripples of pain throughout my small frame and trapping my shriek in my throat. I collapsed into a heap. He pulled me to my knees by my hair and spat in my face. “What happened?