Racquel Williams

Finessed a Dope Boy's Heart

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Grady baby.”

      The rest of the night, we continued talking about everything from jobs to personal life. I found out he was a detective at the Stone Mountain Police Station. He was recently divorced and the father of two. That should’ve been my cue to get to stepping, but my ass was feeling him. His conversation was very interesting, and he was a charmer. The rest of the night, we laughed and talked like we’d been knowing each other for years. When the party was over, we exchanged numbers.

      It was hard to ignore that we were definitely feeling each other. One date turned into two dates, and on the third date, he invited me to his house. He was an officer, so I let my guard down and decided to go inside.

      After about an hour of drinking and flirting, next thing you know, I was lying in his king-size bed, legs spread wide apart, and his head buried deep into my pussy. I screamed and moaned as he devoured me. He wasn’t shy and made sure pussy juice was all over his face. He pinned me down to the bed and punished my pussy, exploring every inch of my petite body.

      “Oh my God, I can’t take it! Stop, please,” I begged as my legs trembled, and I exploded back-to-back.

      As if he were just getting started, he lifted my legs in the air and sank his big, black, shiny rod all the way up in me. I wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go. My head was touching the back of the bed, and he had my legs on his shoulders. He thrust in and out of me while he grinded. He looked me in my eyes as he made love to my pussy. This man knew exactly what he was doing. Not only was he fucking my pussy, but he was also fucking my soul too.

      Growing up, I’d always dreamed of having a big house, the sexy-ass husband, and live a good life. I knew for me to get that, I had to work hard, and I did just that up to my mid-thirties. By the time I met Rasheem, my husband, I had a few dollars in the bank and was at the height of my career. Meeting him was like putting the icing on the cake. He was a well-established detective in the homicide division and a prominent member of his community.

      After dating for about a year, he popped the question to me, and I quickly accepted. A few days later, I found out I was pregnant with our daughter Ky’Imani. It was a blessing because, for years, I had problems conceiving. I always call her my miracle child.

      After giving birth to Ky’Imani, we had a huge wedding. To be honest, I wanted a small one with only our families and close friends. But not Rasheem Blake. He wanted a big wedding so he could show off. So, that’s what we had. The chief of police, lawyers, and other officers were all present. I kind of felt like he did it to earn bragging rights. But I didn’t have to pay a dollar, so why was I complaining?

      I wish I could’ve seen the fucking future, ’cause I wouldn’t be here in this bed right now. Everything started off good. We both rented out our houses and bought a six-bedroom house in Snellville. I was excited to be a mom, now I had the husband, and everything was going to be good.

      Wrong! I realized this nigga was a fraud, and this was how I got here....

      Chapter One


      Three Days Earlier

      Friday Morning

      “Inmate Greene, to R&D. Inmate Greene to R&D,” the bitch hollered over the intercom.

      I grabbed my things and ran out of the unit. I was well on my way through the compound when a few of my niggas stopped me to wish me well and tell me to make sure I didn’t forget about them.

      “A’ight, homie. Make sure you fuck plenty’a bitches and send me them videos, bra,” my nigga Rell said as we exchanged dap.

      “Last call for Inmate Greene. Jakeel Greene, report to R&D.”

      I grabbed my two manila envelopes, along with the shower bag that contained the few pieces of clothes that I owned. Then I started jogging until I got to the building.

      “What were you doing? You must not want to go home,” the old CO, Miss Betty, said as she shot me a dirty look.

      I wanted to tell that bitch to suck my dick, but instead, I just looked at her and shook my head. FCI Beckley had been my home for the last seven years. The Feds knocked me off with a burner and a few ounces of crack. The bullshit lawyer I had told me it was better for me to cop out instead of going to trial against the Feds. My dumb ass thought I was getting about three to five years. Instead, the judge gave me seven fucking years. I could’ve walked a year and a half ago, but I caught a few shots that pushed my time back.

      I tried to get into the drug program, but because of my previous gun charge, I wasn’t eligible. So I manned up and played the hand that I was dealt.

      “Here go your bus ticket and a stipend of $200. You’re to check in with your probation officer in the Atlanta office at 9:00, Monday morning. Good luck out there.”

      “A’ight,” I said, keeping it short and sweet. I wasn’t tryin’a stay in this bitch no longer than I had already. And I damned sure wasn’t tryin’a give they asses no reason to put me back in that damn cage. I ain’t even chuck her ass the deuces. The way these muthafuckas was, they would accuse a nigga of throwing up some kinda gang sign.

      I followed the dude outside to the car. He was taking three other niggas and me to the bus station. The air was crisp, clear, and the sky was blue. I stopped for a moment just to get a whiff of the fresh air. This seemed unreal. It felt good but strange at the same time. I turned around and took one last look at the high barbed wired building. Fuck these crackers. I ain’t coming back.

      This was what freedom felt like after years of being locked up. I paid attention to everything that we drove past. I was like a kid in a candy store. I was eager to reach the station so that I could be away from any and everything that was related to that damn place.

      Minutes later, my wish was granted as we pulled into the bus station. I looked to see if I spotted Shontelle. She told me she would be driving a black Dodge Charger.

      I got out of the car and looked around. I felt out of place like everyone was staring at me. I tried not to stare back. It was brick outside, so I decide to walk into the Greyhound Bus Station.

      “Keel, Keel,” I heard someone yell.

      I stopped and looked behind me to see who it was in case somebody I ain’t wanna see had caught wind that I was getting out today. I was relieved to know that it was Shontelle running toward me full speed. She ran straight into my arms.

      “What’s good, shorty?”

      She grabbed my head and started kissing me passionately. I hugged her tightly and cupped her ass, bringing her closer to me. It felt good to be able to be this close to a female. My dick started to get hard as she pressed up against it. Shit, we needed to get out of here.

      “Come on, shorty. Let’s get the fuck up outta here.”

      “Sorry. I’m just happy to see you, baby,” she said, smiling from ear to ear. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that she missed a nigga.

      “Same here, love.” I smiled down at her in return, happy that somebody out here gave a damn about me. We held hands while we walked over to the parking lot where she was parked.

      I couldn’t keep my eyes off Shontelle’s hips and the way they swung from side to side. See, Shontelle was my main bitch before I caught my case. She wasn’t the only bitch I was fucking but definitely the only bitch that I could say I loved. She’d gained some weight while I was gone, but it made her sexier. I couldn’t wait to get to the crib so that I could suck and beat the pussy up. Shit, more like punish the pussy.

      * * *

      “Oh shit, this pussy is so good, bae,” I panted as I tried to catch my breath while I fucked Shontelle doggie style.

      “Daddy, this your pussy,” she said in between moans.

      I grabbed her hips tighter as I thrust deeper into her guts. I was famished. It’d been years since I had a piece of ass. All I’d known was my palm