Urantia Foundation The Urantia Book Скачать книгу 4. The Local Universe Circuits 377 5. The Ministry of the Spirit 379 6. The Spirit in Man 380 7. The Spirit and the Flesh 382 35. The Local Universe Sons of God 384 1. The Father Melchizedek 384 2. The Melchizedek Sons 385 3. The Melchizedek Worlds 387 4. Special Work of the Melchizedeks 388 5. The Vorondadek Sons 389 6. The Constellation Fathers 390 7. The Vorondadek Worlds 391 8. The Lanonandek Sons 392 9. The Lanonandek Rulers 393 10. The Lanonandek Worlds 394 36. The Life Carriers 396 1. Origin and Nature of Life Carriers 396 2. The Life Carrier Worlds 397 3. Life Transplantation 399 4. Melchizedek Life Carriers 400 5. The Seven Adjutant Mind-Spirits 401 6. Living Forces 403 37. Personalities of the Local Universe 406 1. The Universe Aids 406 2. The Brilliant Evening Stars 407 3. The Archangels 408 4. Most High Assistants 409 5. High Commissioners 410 6. Celestial Overseers 412 7. Mansion World Teachers 413 8. Higher Spirit Orders of Assignment 413 9. Permanent Citizens of the Local Universe 414 10. Other Local Universe Groups 416 38. Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe 418 1. Origin of Seraphim 418 2. Angelic Natures 419 3. Unrevealed Angels 420 4. The Seraphic Worlds 420 5. Seraphic Training Скачать книгу В начало<12131415161718192021>В конец